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The entire battle was set at the USJ. (I know I'm out of order. Hush, and go with it.😭) What Bakugou and Midoriya weren't expecting was to see their classmates there.

Before stepping into the portal, Izuku asked Bakugou one last time if he was sure about going through with this. It could ruin his entire hero career being seen working with villains.

"I know what I'm doing," Bakugou assured him.

Stepping out of that portal, the shock and betrayal on their classmates' faces showed there was no going back. Bakugou didn't even react.

Unlike how they wanted, All Might wasn't where he was said to be. It was just class 1A and some teachers. 

Kirishima shouted, "The hell are you doing, Midoriya?"

A part of Izuku was relieved to see All Might absent. Then, Shigaraki suggested they kill some students to get him out there. Kuroguri sent students around the USJ to separate them. Shigaraki wanted Izuku and Katsuki by his side, using them as All Might's weakness. They could hear their classmates around the building, their quirks firing off, and their yelps for help. 

Izuku leaned close to Bakugou and whispered, "What happened to you wanting to be a hero?"

"Do you trust me?"

Midoriya stared Bakugou in the eye. He was serious and stern. Midoryia's alpha wanted him to be his so badly, but that look silenced the instinct. The green-haired boy slowly nodded.

Shigaraki noticed the two whispering. "What are you two being so secretive about?"

Bakugou crossed his arms. "Nothing, just brushing off more attention from a hormonal alpha."

The blond stepped away from Izuku, leaving the alpha's jaw on the floor. The sudden snap threw him off. Shigaraki stood in between the pair. In the older man's mind, he believed Bakugou picked him since he was the leader of the league. Izuku was a threat to him. 

The battle was getting intense, especially when the Nomu entered the battlefield. Aizawa was flicking off villains like bugs, but this mutant was more than he could handle. He had the teacher down in an instant. 

Adrenaline spiked in Izuku's chest as Shigaraki started sauntering over to them, his hand outstretched to the side. 

"You are literally the coolest person I've met," The villain marveled. He then raised his hand. "Too bad you're on the losing side." 

Izuku felt the instinct to leap and rescue his teacher. Suddenly an explosion set off, launching Shigaraki to the ground. It stunned the Nomu enough for Aizawa to escape and retreat. Izuku saw Bakugou with his arm outstretched. A smile graced the alpha's lips. 

"You had me worried for a moment." 

Bakugou ticked his tongue. "As if I'd ever work with a pathetic league!"

That was pure Bakugou. Not an omega or a villain, the hero-in-training -- "Lord Explosion Murder" -- Katsuki Bakugou. Another explosion went off, but this time, it wasn't Bakugou's doing. All Might finally arrived to fight head-to-head with the Nomu. 

Bakugou went after Shigaraki again. Kuroguri managed to block the explosion and get Shigaraki to safety, but the initiative Bakugou had made Izuku stand in awe. 


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