•26• Chapter

111 7 6

"I'm going to die." I cried and held onto Jungkook's life jacket tighter for my dear life. "I'm too young."

I heard Jungkook laugh as he hit the shark fin in the deep dark water. "Stop laughing. We're going to die." I whined.

We were a bit far away from the beach so the others didn't pay attention to us even though I shouted my lungs out.

"Help. There's a shark here." I waved my hand violently but I got stopped by Jungkook.

"SeonMi, stop it or else we'll fall from the canoe." Jungkook shouted and hit the fin again. I stopped moving but I didn't stop shouting.

Suddenly a huge splash was made from the shark and both of us were caught off guard. I was sure I was gonna die.

The canoe flipped and soon enough we were in the waters. With the shark. I screamed and the shark swam to us.

Jungkook hit it again. The water was very blue so we couldn't quite see the whole body of the shark so he only kept hitting his fin.

To Jungkook and my surprise, it wasn't a shark at all. It was Jimin. He rubbed his face with his hand and started to laugh.

Jungkook hit him on the arm and I could hear the sound of it. It sounded painful.

"Ouch." Jimin rubbed the part of his arm where he was hit. "You've gotten strong kookie." He laughed again.

"It was a joke?" I asked. I knew it was but I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Yea, I got you guys." He said chuckling and flipped the canoe back to normal. "You really hit me hard with that paddling bat, Jungkook." He said.

"Good." Jungkook said rolling his eyes making Jimin chuckle once again. "It's not funny."

"It is funny." Jimin said. Jungkook swam and jumped up on him, they fought just like how Taehyung and Jimin fought earlier but under water.

They splashed too much water on my face and I had enough of it.

I swam down and pulled them both by their arm. It was hard but the strength I have when I'm angry helped me.

"Will you two quit it? " I shouted. "Let's go."

"Wow, she's angry." Jimin said mockingly and made almost an 'O' shape with his mouth. I glared at him.

You'd be angry if someone played that trick on you mister.

I was freaking out, I thought I was going to die again.

"Yea, she even cried." Jungkook chuckled along with him and I swat his chest.

It was hard.

He acted as if he was injured or something. I rolled my eyes and started to swim to the shore.

The boys ended up bringing the canoe back to the shore just by themselves. They deserved it. Sucked for them for pranking and making fun of me.

We took pictures at the beach. I had brought my Polaroid camera and took multiple pictures of my new friends and I.

Yoongi was somewhat like Jungkook- he never really smiled as much either. I managed to get one Polaroid picture with him even though I had to beg him. A lot.

I got one with the whole group except Jungkook. He was being himself as usual.

"You should ask Jungkook to take pictures with us." I suggested to JangMi.

Maybe she could change his mind?

"I guess I could." She looked at Jungkook by the waters. "I'm not sure though." She said shrugging her shoulders.

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