•48• Chapter

91 7 6

I almost fell flat on my face until I felt a hand on my waist, pulling me back. I looked to my right and saw Jungkook holding onto me.

He took his hands off my waist once I stood up properly but put it at the small of my back while the teachers took who knows how many photos.

"You can let go of me." I said while smiling at the camera.

"What if you fall?" Jungkook said mockingly and I sneakingly took my hand at the back to jerk his hand off but instead he grabbed my hand, holding it tight.

"Let go of my hand, Jungkook." I said.

"Do you wanna fall again?" He held my hand tightly behind my back as I stood quietly. We smiled for the camera one last time.

I harshly pulled my hand away so no one could see us holding hands. W-We were holding h-hands?! I didn't realise.

I walked ahead but I could still hear Jungkook and Yuki's conversation at the back even if I tried not to.

"-I like you-" I heard Yuki say as I walked upstairs. I almost stopped of my step to listen but instead, I walked slowly.

"What?" Jungkook said as I tried to hear what he would say next.

"Yea, I like you oppa and you like me, don't you?" Yuki asked.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Jungkook asked not answering her question. I sat down on the bench while the two sat behind, far from all of our friends.

It was easier for me to hear now that I was just two empty seats in front of them and there weren't a lot of noise to disturb me from

Yes, I eavesdropped. It's normal, okay? Everyone does it at least once or tried to at least.

"I didn't know how to tell you any sooner. So is that a yes?" Yuki asked and Jungkook went silent.

No! Say N.O. Simple No! Nah! No way! Eww no, also works. I thought and chuckled at my ridiculousness but regained back to reality when I heard Yuki say my name.

"What are you doing, SeonMi?" Yuki asked and I turned around, looking up as the seats at the back led upwards and the lower seats were leading downwards like stairs.

"N-Nothing." I said and saw Jungkook trying to keep a serious face.

I admit, it was nice to see him smile but that didn't mean I wasn't hurt by him saying he didn't mean what he said in the janitor's office.

Yuki raised her thin eyebrows upwards and I rubbed the back of my head nervously. "What are you laughing about now?"

"Nothing. J-Just the race." I said laughing nervously at the end. "Y'know I think JangMi is calling me."

I made up the lamest excuse but that's all I could think under pressure, okay?

I jumped up from my seat and walked forward to JangMi and hugged her. "Congrats." I said in English.

"Congratulations." Taehyung also said in English with his cute Korean accent.

"Thank you." JangMi said to both of us and hugged me back. Seokjin being the mom of the group brought a lot of snacks for us to eat after the sports day.

I wished I hadn't chuckled so loudly, then I could've heard what Jungkook told Yuki. There was no way I could hear them now.

Yuki furrowed her eyebrows but it didn't look like she experienced rejection.

Maybe Jungkook said yes to her. Maybe they're dating now.

I threw my thoughts out the window when the teachers began to speak again. "Students, we all think you did amazing this year. For all the students who won medals, congratulations and for who didn't, don't worry they're is always next year. Thank you to all the helpers helping us to maintain everything. You kids are really great and kind.

"The principal has made a huge decision. In the singing competition last month, you guys did amazing. Especially the senior students who the principals think did wonderful and won many awards. She thinks to celebrate, all the helpers and the winners in the competition will get to go on a ship to spend time and learn new things.

"Now kids, don't feel bad if you didn't win anything or helped and can't go because there will always be something new next year. You will stay in the ship for 3 days and 2 nights. We will hand out notices for your parents later on. You may leave the stadium now if you choose. Thank you." Mr Kang said through the microphone.

The students cheered loudly as they danced a lot. The boys did a body roll twice and danced like crazy.

"Foods on me. Let's go." I said feeling a bit crazy for some reason. The boys cheered even louder as we left the stadium and went to a little Korean restaurant.

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