•54• Chapter

79 8 1

The gentle sound of waves crashing on rocks woke me up. I opened my eyes to find Jungkook's face so close that I could feel his breath on my cheek.

We must've moved around so that our legs were tangled and his arms were around me like I was a burrito.

I gently pushed his arm to his side causing my head to duck. His lips touched my forehead as if he was kissing my forehead.

I touched my hand over my head and without realising a small smile stretched across my face.

I sat straight on the boat and looked around. We were on a weird island with a huge mountain in the centre with a lot of tress everywhere.

I looked back at Jungkook. He snored softly like a baby. He looks extremely peaceful and cute might I add. I pushed a small strand of hair behind his fac-

"What are you doing?" He asked, his eyes still shut. I panicked, not wanting him to know that I was just watching him. "What are you admiring my fa-"

Without a second to rethink, I slapped his forehead, harder than I wanted. He opened his eyes as if he had seen a ghost in his dream. "Ouch." He said rubbing on spot I hit him.

"Um, ah... M-Mosquito." I laughed nervously and dipped my hand in water as if to clean the dead mosquito in my hand which there wasn't.
"S-Stupid... mosquito."

He gave me a weird look but shrugged it off. I sighed a relief as he sat up straight and looked around. "How do we get home now?" I asked.

"Let's get off first so we can find something to eat." He said and stood up. He jumped off the boat and led out a hand for me but I didn't take it and simply jumped off the boat myself.

I couldn't rely on him when he had a girlfriend back home, that would just be wrong.

Before I could even look around he started to walk ahead. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"To find something. Stay near the boat." He told me and I nodded. All I could do was follow his instructions because I had no frickin' idea where we were.

After 30 long minutes, Jungkook came back with some vines and wood. "No food?"

"I didn't go far." He simply replied. He took his jacket off the stick thing he made last night and gave it a bit of a shake to clean the dust off. "Wear this for now." He told me.

I took the jacket and wore it around my waist. I took of my life jacket as did Jungkook and we both put in on the small wooden boat. He tied the boat down with the rope that was on the boat while I walked around until I spotted something.

"Jungkook come here." I told him and after a minute, he came. "There are coconuts there."

"That's great." He said. "I'll climb up to get them."

"I'll try to look around for a while and write help." I told him and he nodded. He started to climb the tree but slipped. "Are you okay?" I held onto him.

"It's a bit slippery." He said. I held onto the tree and pushed myself forward alternating until I reached the top.

I tried to jiggle the coconut and to my surprise, it worked. The coconuts feel on the ground and Jungkook caught some.

I carefully and slowly tried to climb down but slipped at the last edge. I closed my eyes, expecting a hard fall on the rocky sand but nothing of some sort happened.

I opened my left eye and then my right. "You're a good climber." Jungkook said as I saw his arm under my back and one under my leg. He was carrying me bridal style.

"Thanks." I said hoping he would drop me. Anytime would work, Jungkook. And by anytime, I mean now. "Y-You can d-drop me now."

He looked at me nervously and blinked, confused as if he didn't even know he was carrying me. He nodded and gently placed me down on my feet. "I learned this back in London at camp. I guess it turned out to be handy."

"Yea, it did." He said and picked up the coconuts. "Let's write help now."

I licked my dry lips and nodded as I knew he and I could both feel the awkwardness getting thicker in the air.

We found a really big area with not a lot of rocks. I got some sticks and wrote a big help on the sand. It looked spottable.

Jungkook and I both searched around closer areas in order to not get lost. We had put the coconuts next to the 'Help' sign as we went on finding more food and wood for a fire.

Minutes turned to hour and hour turned to hours of hunting and searching for food. We decided to part our ways and the more deeper I went, the more I panicked unti-

I screamed when something hit my back in the wet forest. "It's just me." I heard Jungkook say and I immediately shut up.

"Why the hell are you creeping on me like that." I scolded and turned my head to walk ahead not looking down or up.

Instead of speaking, Jungkook pulled me to his chest as I just stared at him completely confused by the sudden gesture.

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