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  I rolled over, before opening my eyes. When I did, I saw Brody still passed out like a baby. His arm was securely around my waist, and I was close to him. I gently put my hand to his cheek, stroking his skin. It felt so soft under my touch, as I watched him sleep. I kissed him lips, slowly trying to get away from his grasp to shower.  It when I tried, he just gripped me tighter.

  "Don't go." He whispered in a raspy voice. I chuckled, kissing his head.

  "I'm going to shower. I'll be back." I whispered. He nodded, letting me go. I climbed out, getting in the shower. Once I was clean and dressed, I went back to his room, where he was now awake and on his phone.

  "There you are." He smiled. I nodded, getting on him. I sat on his lap, resting my back on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my stomach, nuzzling his head in my neck.

  "I love you." He whispered. I smiled, putting my hand on his head.

  "I love you too." I said. We laid there silently for a while. Eventually, we decided to get up and get breakfast. I had some cereal and so did Brody. Afterwards, I got dressed intone real clothes for the day, before he drove me home.

When I walked in, everyone was gone.

"Hello?" I called. No answer. I shrugged, heading to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle, then went to the living room. Still no one seemed to be home. The house was left like it was before the party last night, as if no one touched it. I decided to call my mom, getting a little concerned.

"Hello?" She asked when she answered.

"Hey mom. I just got home and no ones here. Where are y'all?" I asked. She was silent as I waited for a response.

"Zoey. Sweetie." She started. I got straighter in my seat, hearing the slight pain in her voice.

"We has to take Nona to the hospital because she fell last night when you left. We didn't tell you because we didn't want to ruin your night. She got checked out and found she was not injured, but they did find that Nona has Alzheimers." My mom explained. I was now frozen. That would explain everything from last night. Her forgetting Brody, about Nate, about everything. I felt tears well in my eyes, as I slowly nodded. I realized she couldn't see me, and I was able to muster a few words.

"O-Okay. I'll be there soon." I muttered. I got up, feeling my legs wobble, as I grabbed my purse.

"Okay baby. See you soon." My mom said. I hung up, walking to my car. I climbed in, tears falling from my eyes. I backed out, and began driving. I drove to the hospital they were at and walked in. The young lady smiled at me.

"Zoey!" My mom exclaimed. I turned to her, as she ran to me open arms. I collapsed into them, crying. She stroked my back, calming me. She led me to Nona's room, as I saw her lay in her bed. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Oh Zoey! Hello!" She smiled. I have her a weak smile, trying to hide my pain. I went it her , sitting down.

"Hi Nona." I muttered.

"I can't believe your going to be eighteen! My baby is growing up!" She exclaimed. This broke my heart, my own grandmother forgot I turned eighteen yesterday. I glanced at my mom and she nodded.

"Nona. I'm already eighteen. My birthday was yesterday." I muttered. She was shocked to hear my news.

"It was!" She exclaimed. "Well how silly of me. Happy late birthday baby girl!" She grinned, oblivious to her condition. I smiled slightly, leaving her side. I walked out, and fell into a seat. I pulled out my phone, texting Baley and Maria. The responded quickly, saying they are so sorry. I decided to call Brody.

"Hey cutie." He said when he picked up.

"Hey." I muttered. "I need you." I blurted, tears filling my eyes once again.

"Where are you?" He asked. I told him and he hung up. A few minutes later, he walked in. I found me, and ran to me. Tears spilled down my cheeks, staining my face. He wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me close to him.

"What happened?" He asked, pulling away.

"Nona. Fell. Okay. Alzheimers." I sobbed. He frowned, clutching me to his chest. He sat down, putting me on top of him. I cried into his shirt, as he stroked my hair.

"Shhhh. It'll be okay. It'll be fine. I'm here. Relax. Shhh." He repeated in my ear. Eventually, I calmed down, and was able to speak. I explained everything, Brody never letting me go.

Okay. Let me explain. This chapter is short because I wrote a 4500 word chapter last chapter. And I thought I would keep it cohort and sweet. Anyways, don't kill me and bye!✌🏻

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