Pull Me Closer

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"Ok, come on in. The bath is all ready for you," I say as I walk out of the bathroom. I walk towards my dresser and grab some baggy clothes, "here is a shirt and some shorts. You can use till I get your clothes washed and dried." She nods her head, "thank you, Juneau." I look at her from the bathroom and give a small smile, "don't mention it, princess. I leave you to it then." I walk out of the bathroom closing the door and walk back to the couch to finish the paperwork.

"Ugh, I hate Anya sometimes. She keeps sending more paperwork for me to fill out. When will this fucking end," I say to myself as I open a new email from Anya. Sometimes I wonder why I even put her in charge of the paperwork for new projects. I just finished the first hundred-page document Anya sent me just to get a thousand more.

She must really hate that I don't fill it all out when it arrives. I'm an organized person for certain things but when it comes to paperwork, forget it. I won't do shit; I hate sitting for so long in one place. I need to move around otherwise I get sidetrack. I finished up the blueprint for the new cabins and extension to the packhouse for this mating season and next year. The new documents Anya sent me are ones for the new wolves coming in. It may seem like the documents I did are the same as the ones I just got but believe me, they are not the same.

Filling out paperwork for new wolves coming in is more annoying than the blueprints for cabins. The paperwork for new wolves takes days to fill out, however, I've seen my dad do it so many times it's easy for me to do it within 5 hours.

I lost track of time and forgot that the girl was in the bathroom. I walk in and I quickly look away, "oh my god, I'm sorry. I forgot you were in here." I walk in on the girl getting out of the tub, "I'm sorry, I'll just go and leave you to it." I was shocked she was still in there. I swear she was already in bed sleeping. As I was about to close the door, I feel her grab my shirt and say, "thank you. For everything, also you can look. I don't mind."

I slowly turn around and my eyes can't help but look from the bottom up. My wolf and I are admiring every inch and curve of her beauty. We eventually took her in the eyes and once again, being polite say, "sorry." She laughs a little and says "it's ok. I don't mind at all," as she turns away and walks towards the vanity. I can't get over the view, she is gorgeous. My wolf agreed that she was beautiful, and I never thought I would do what I am about to do.

As she faces the mirror, I sneak my hands around her abdomen. Her skin is so soft, and I can feel her shiver under my touch. I look in the mirror and met her eyes, asking again for confirmation I can continue. She nods her head and I continue softly grazing her skin. I put my head into the crook of her neck and I can smell her wonderful scent. She smells like lavender and the sea; my wolf and I are in heaven with this girl.

As I move up her neck, I start placing light kisses on her neck. I can tell she enjoys it, as I can hear her let out small sighs from her mouth. She leans her head back against my shoulder giving me more access to her neck. I lay a kiss on one spot and I can hear her let out a small moan, letting me know I found her sweet spot. Smirking and making eye contact as I do it, I tease that one area making a nice red mark.

As I continue kissing her neck, I let my hands roam one goes down, the other goes up. As I move my hand down, I can feel how wet she already is. She dried her body a while ago, so I know it isn't from the bath. I smirk getting an idea in my head, "wet already for me, princess?" She now is struggling to stand up and nods her head. "Y-yes, Juneau," she lets out shaky, as she tries to contain her moans. Me being the teaser I am, I stop and remove my hands and walk out the door.

I get near the bed when I feel myself get spun around and pushed onto the bed. She climbs on top of me and starts kissing me roughly, wanting to show her dominance. It was cute at how she was trying but it won't win over me. I flip us over so her back is on the bed and I am hovering over her, "Nice try princess, but you should know I always win with my dominance," I say with a smirk on my face. She pulls my face closer to hers and says, "I want you, Juneau. Here and now." I was shocked at first and backed away a little, "I don't know princess, I don't want to bite you." She moves over to me and grabs my face, "I will let you know if you hurt me. Now, finish what you started in the bathroom."

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