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I sigh and roll over in my bed, "today is the day I have to leave to go to the one place I'd never thought I go back to, home." I can smell Anya coming up the stairs with coffee for me. She is worried for me, my wolf agrees on that, she walks in, "oh, your up?" I nod my head, "yeah, I guess so not too happy that I have to go home and see my dad. Other than that, I'm good." Anya looks at me with sadness, "You don't have to go, send one of your gamma's, I'm sure the others will understand that you couldn't take time way to go."

I shake my head, "I'll be fine, as long as no one but Megan knows who I am, I'll be fine." She still looks at me and tries to convince me to send Josh or one of the other gammas, but I need them all here. Once Anya leaves, I get up and get dressed in some comfy clothes. Megan and I decided to take a car and drive up there.

"Is that everything?" I say as I finish putting the rest of the bags into the trunk. "I believe so," Megan says as she hops into the passenger seat. I walk over to Anya, "I'll be back in a few days, I can't stay there too long." Anya nods her head and says, "Just stay safe and keep a low profile," I nod then get in the truck and start to drive.

We are nearly halfway to my dad's and we needed to stop and get some gas as well as food. I filled the car while Megan got food. "Did you buy the whole store? Geez, do they not feed you at the pack," Megan gets in the car rolls her eyes. "They do feed me, however unlike your lazy ass, I work out and train everyone, so I have a big ass appetite." I roll my eyes at her, "I train to you know, I don't lay in bed anymore," I say as she looks at me. "I am an alpha of a pack; I have responsibilities and work to do. To make sure everyone is safe and trained properly. To make sure pups are at school learning. I can't lay in bed all day anymore; I wish but I can't."

Megan stares blankly at me, she touches my forehead like to see if I had a fever, "are you really my Jun? Are you feeling ok? You don't sound like the Jun I know." I slap her away, and nod my head, "I am fine, I'm not sick, dumbass."

We are almost at my dad's and my wolf is getting unsettled. Megan can see that I'm getting uneasy, she touches my shoulder, "calm down, no one knows but me. You will be fine, if you feel like you have been compromised, link me and I'll help you." I look at her and nod my head, while we get a link through to each other.

A few hours pass by and I notice that we are pulling into my dad's pack territory. My wolf growls lowly but even still, it makes Megan shiver a bit. This is going to go so badly; I have a feeling something is going to happen.

When we get out of the car, I immediately get question by some gamma wolves asking where I came from and who I am. I hate when people get close so my defense is to growl and they all take a step back and apologize, "Sorry alpha.-"They pause not knowing who I am. "Storm, Alpha Storm of the Crystal Blood pack in Juneau, Alaska," I say as I walk with Megan towards the packhouse. As we are walking, I can feel someone, from a distance watching me. I tell Megan, "I'll meet you there I'm going for a run to let my wolf out before I go inside a box with people." She nods and says, "Ok, the meeting starts in 20 mins, so don't be late," I nod and take off in the direction I feel someone is watching me.

After I shift and far into the woods, I can see grey fur hiding behind a bush. She didn't know I was there, so I sneaked up on her then jumped on her. She got scared and immediately surrendered her neck and didn't look me in the eyes. I know those eyes anywhere, Winter, she is my best friends' younger sister. I shift back and say, "Winter? You can shift back now," the wolf looked at me then jumped back in shock. Once she was back in her skin form, I could tell she was older now, "Juneau? Y-you're alive?" I nod my head, "yes, Pooh Bear, I am. I have been for the past eighteen years."

She runs and jumps, wrapping her legs around my waist, I feel my heart race a bit but I quickly push the feelings aside, "I'm so happy your back home. Me and Kalina miss you so much," she says as she buries her face in my neck. I hold her tight, "I'm not staying kiddo, I'm only here for a meeting then heading back to my pack." She gets down and looks at me with her puppy dog eyes, "why not? Everyone thinks you're dead. I miss you, Kalina misses you."

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