Bullshit, Bullshit, and Bullshit!!

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*Anya's POV*

I am about to meet up with the girl I met with a few weeks ago. I never got her name but hopefully this time around I will know her name. I made the potion for her to give to Juneau, all she has to do is find a way to give it to her. She mentioned something about a race this week but never said when. If it's racing, Juneau would be wearing something more country. Juneau is a country girl who hides her southern drawl, very few people have ever heard it and it usually comes out when she is really happy and is letting loose to have fun.

I love when she uses her southern drawl, it's her I don't know why she hides it. I was making some food when I heard the front door open, and I see Juneau walk in. She looks in the direction of the kitchen where I am and smiles, "hey darlin', your making food and coffee?" she says with her southern drawl I love so much. I nod my head, "yes I am, and I see your happy," I say. She looks at me confused a bit, "your southern accent comes out when you're really happy," she looks down and smiles. "Yeah, I guess I am happy," she says as she starts to walk to her room, "hey we are going racing tomorrow. What should I wear?" I hear her ask.

I finish cooking and turn to face her, "where what you would wear if you were riding your horse or your ATV," I turn to her and see her nodding her head. I smack the top of her head and she looks at me with a confused look, "what the fuck was that for???!! I heard you," she says rubbing her head. I roll my eyes and say, "well wear that. It's a pair a of jeans and a shirt with your hat and some boots," I say as she nods her head. "I guess I could wear that. I haven't gone riding in so long," I hear her say as she gets quiet.

"Why don't you take the day and go up to the ranch?" I say and she looks at me with hope in her eyes, "really? You don't mind looking after the pack for the rest of the day so I can go up there?" I look at her with a really you asked that look. "Really? your going to ask me that after you disappeared on me for TWO WHOLE FUCKING WEEKS?!?" I say. She smiles and continues eating. I don't think I have ever seen her face light up as much as it did right now. She finishes eating and goes upstairs to get changed, when she comes down, she has her normal attire. Jeans and t-shirt with her boots, as well as her hat. She looks hot and the jeans make her look like she has an ass. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice her walking in my direction and before I could think she was right behind me, "try keeping your thoughts to yourself Anya," she says.

I look at her in pure shock and horror, "w-what are you talking about? I wasn't thinking anything at all," I say trying to cover it up. She shakes her head and smirks, "I like when you wear shorts, makes you look like you have an ass as well, although for me it's, what did you say??...oh jeans." I look away and get flustered, "shut up and get going. You will hit traffic if you don't leave now," I say as I push her out the front door. She gets into her pickup that no one else drives and heads back to get Megan. Those two I swear are sister with different mothers.

They both have the same truck and same fashion sense, and the cherry on top is that they both are jocks. I hear my phone go off, when I check it is the girl. She is asking when she can meet up with me to get the potion I made. I sent her a message back saying I would be there in a few hours and to meet me back at the diner we were at last time we met. I go get dressed and I hop in my car and get ready to fight the traffic.

I reach the diner in about two hours and when I walk in I see the girl waving me over at a table. "Hey sorry I am late. Traffic was a nightmare," I say as I sit down. The girl smiles and shakes her head, "no worries, I had a hard time getting away from my sister. Luckily I was able to come up with a reason that she believed. I just got here myself not to long ago." I nod my head and give her the bag with the potion, "in the bag is a small vile. Put the entire thing in a drink and hand it to Juneau. It should take affect after about 5 mins or less to take effect." She nods her head and grabs my hands, "thank you so much. I don't know how to repay you. Please if you need anything link me and I'll see what I can do."

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