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*Rain's POV*

I can see that she is shutting down and I didn't want her to, but I want to know why she never said I was her mate. She made me believe that I wasn't only to find out she was, "Juneau answer me, please," I say making her loose her concentrate. I walk over to her, only for her to back away from me. "I will tell you Rain, but just know I would do anything for you, and I will always protective," Juneau says and now I am worried.

"Juneau just tell me," I say and what she tells me breaks me. "I didn't tell you because I wanted you to have a different mate. I didn't want you to have a broken mate who doesn't know how to love. You need someone who isn't afraid to mark their own mate... someone who isn't afraid to touch their mate, fearing they will be taken from them!," she finishes saying and I think she is linking someone.

"Juneau, no one will take me from you. I want you and you only. I should worry about someone taking you from me. You are amazing. Your already an alpha of an entire pack, your very hot. I don't want you to leave me for someone else cause I am not up there with you," I say looking at her, but she isn't looking at me. I miss her green eyes looking at me. "I can't risk it Rain. I am not risking losing you. I won't mark you. I'm sorry," Juneau says as she walks outside and down the ladder.

I see a wolf run up and it's Josh. He shifts back into his skin form and walks over to Juneau. I can see that they are talking but they are also linking each other. Josh walks over to me and asks me a question, "you love Juneau, right?" he asks I nod my head. "if she asked for space, would you give it to her, no matter how hard it might be due to the bond you have with her?" I look from Josh to Juneau. She isn't looking at me, so I walk over to her and I grab her face to make her look at me.

"Do you really want me to leave and not be around you? Do you love me Juneau?" I ask her and that question makes her eyes widen and look at me. "I do love you but, -" I cut her off by giving her a kiss. Her once tense body now relaxes, and she kisses me back. I can feel her hands pull my body closer to hers and her grip gets tighter. I pull away and look her in the eyes, "don't push me away Juneau. I am not going anywhere. No one is taking me from you and you from me. I love you Juneau. I have since the day we met, and you protected me from those two boys who made comments. You may not want to do it now, and that's fine. I don't need a mark to prove to everyone that you are mine. I can wait till you are ready. Just please, don't push me away, please Jun," I say with tears in my eyes.

She is looking at me now with tears in her eyes and without a warning she pulls me into a passionate kiss and holding my body close to her not wanting to let go. I wrap my arms around her neck, and I can feel her hands go on my legs, as a way to tell me to jump. Doing as I was told I jump up and wrap my legs around her waist. She walks towards a tree, now I feel my back against the tree. She pulls away and looks me in the eyes, "marking is a special thing mates do. The first time we had sex, I wanted to so badly put my mark on your neck but I knew you were still human and marking you was a bad idea, so I stopped myself. I don't know how you can love someone like me Rai, -" I cut her off. "Stop saying my name, alpha, it's princess. Not Rain." I say and I see her do a small smile. "ok, Princess. I don't know how you are able to love someone who is so broken. There are many other good-looking wolves who aren't broken and aren't afraid to bite you and mark you."

I look at her and I put my finger on her lips, "I don't want anyone else just you, Juneau. I want you and you only. I don't care if I have to wait a hundred years for you to mark me, I will wait till you are comfortable and ready. I won't push you into something you don't want to do," I tell her and buries her face into my neck.

"I love you, Precious."

*Juneau's POV*

I am holding her so close and tight, afraid if I let go someone will take her from me. She is the first person I have been afraid to lose in a long time. I can see Josh walking up to us and I feel my wolf coming forward and without thinking I growl at him a little, "Relax Juneau. I am not taking her from you. I was coming over to see if you wanted to go back inside the treehouse. It's going to start to rain soon." Josh says as he walks back into the treehouse.

I back away from the tree and I feel her try to go down but with a smile growl and she puts her legs back around my waist and holds on tight. My wolf calms down and smiles a little as we climb up the ladder and into our little house...wait, our house?? Is it like that or is it just mine and she stays over like a sleep over. I walk into the treehouse with my mate hugging me like a kola bear. I sit on the couch facing the kitchen and that's when she let's go and walks away.

My wolf reaches out to hers and she turns around and signals me to follow her. I follow her into the bathroom and see that she is taking her makeup off and her jewelry. "Can you help me unzip this dress babe?" she says, and I look at her in the mirror, "babe? Is that what I am to you?" I say looking at her as I unzip her dress. She blushes and looks down, "I thought I was cute but if you don't like it, I won't call you that anymore," she says as she stutters more and more. I smirk and lean forward close to her ear, "you can call me whatever you like princess. I am all yours."

I was about to walk out of the bathroom when she grabs my tux jacket. I turn to look at her and she is looking at me with her beautiful blue eyes. "What's the matter princess?" I ask and she looks down than back at me but this time she has a smirk on her face. "Help me undress please, Alpha," she says with her low sexy voice and I can't help but growl in approval. "As you wish, princess," I say as I walk over to her and I turn her around to face the mirror. I slowly start pulling down her dress straps and when they go past her boobs the dress falls to the floor.

"Naughty girl. Not wearing a bra with the dress, I see," I say as I glide my hands up her sides. She moves her head on to my chest allowing me to kiss her neck. Remembering where her sweet spot is, I quickly go there. I keep sucking on her sweet spot and when I pulled back, I saw a big red mark that I made. I look at her through the mirror and I can see she is in heaven. I spin her around and place her on the counter. I look into her eyes and before we could kiss there was a knock on the door. "Hurry up guys. Fuck each other later and when I can't smell it," I hear Josh say from on the other side of the door. I growl a little but stop when I feel a hand on my chest.

I open the door and walk over to my dresser picking out clothes for me and Rain to wear. I grab my sweatpants from my high school, and I grab my shirt she stole. I walk back into the bathroom and hand her my shirt. "Will I ever get that shirt back Princess?" I ask she smiles at me while buttoning it up and shakes her head, "no, it's my shirt now," she says as she walks over to me. She gives me a quick kiss on the lips before walking out of the bathroom. I pull up my sweatpants and walk out of the bathroom with just my sports bra and sweats on.

I walk into the kitchen and see Josh and Rain on the couch watching a movie. I start making some nachos, and I walk over to the chair and I see that they are watching a Disney movie. They put on my favorite Disney movie... The Lion King. I look at Rain who is singing along to the songs as they come on, and I just can't help but smile as she sings. She looks over at me and walks over and sits on my lap. I hold her close not wanting to let go, i put my face in her neck and in my head pray that no one will take her from me. As the movie goes one, I feel like we are being watched from outside.

I look towards the window and see nothing. I shake my head and continue watching the movie, but I make my hold on my mate tighter. Afraid that whoever was just there watching is going to take her from me.

I have to leave in the morning, so I am taking all the time in the world to hold her close to me. After the movie and before we go to sleep, I tell her, "princess, I have to head back to my pack to get some things. I should be back in a few days," I say, and she looks at me with such sad eyes. "Can I go with you? I don't want to be here all alone?" I smile and kiss her forehead, "no you have to stay with your parents. I will be back before you know it. If you want to talk just link me, I will answer."

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