The Alphas Child

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Megan's POV

I look at Rain with suspicion, "Why are we in here again Rain?" I say and she looks at me with concern. "Alpha Holt wants my help in bringing Juneau back. He wants me to pretend I am in danger cause he figured out Juneau is protective towards me." Rain says getting teary-eyed. I put my arm on her shoulders and rub her back.

"You know where she is don't you," I ask and she nods her head "How far into the woods is she?" She looks at me and says "we are about another mile or so from her. Why?" Rain asks and I reply with, "How about I distract the gamma's and you go in the direction she is in," I see her face light up with joy. "really? I can go?" she says and I nod my head but only for an hour. Don't want to be suspicious."

She starts walking away with a smile on her face. I think to my wolf, "Do you think they are mates Snow?" I named my wolf snow since my fur is pure white. "It is possible. Have you ever seen Juneau so protective over someone, especially a human?" Snow says and I nod my head fair point. I turn around and look at the two gammas who caused trouble a few days ago.

"Hey boys, fan out and start seeing if you can smell Juneau." I say and the one boy asks, "where is the girl?" I look at them, "She is walking farther in to see if she can find her walking." I say and they nod their heads. I look away for a minute then before I know it I'm knocked out cold. Before I close my eyes I let Juneau know what is happening. "J-Juneau. The two gammas are after Rain. They might hurt her. Find her and kill them. I can't move." With that I blackout.

Juneau's POV

I was laying in bed when I feel a pain in my head I open the links and I hear Megan. "The two boys are after Rain?" I ask myself who is Rain, then it hits me...Princess! My wolf start growling, "they are probably going to bite her. That is our job. We are her mate. We have to stop them before they do." I nod my head and that's when I jump out the treehouse. That is my mate, I don't want to admit it cause everyone I love dies. If anything happens to her I will kill anyone who thinks about her or anyone who thinks about touching her.

I start running in the direction I smell wolves. I use my training to stay undetected until I know what they are doing and that's when I hear something that sets me off. "Get off of me please! Let me go, I'm not ready to be bitten!," I know that voice anywhere. Princess, hold on I'm coming. Fight, please fight.

I come around a tree and I can see the two boys who called out to her and her mother a few days ago. My blood starts to hum and since it is getting dark, so I climb up a tree so they won't see me so easily. "What are you two young pups doing to the poor girl?" I say in my low very angry tone. "You know it is against the law to bite a human without their consent and your alphas permission." I can see that they are afraid of the voice. "We don't care. We want her and there is nothing you can do," they say. While one looks in every direction the other gets closer to her neck and that's when I snap.

I jump down from the tree and onto the one boy. Holding his throat in my hands, making sure I have a good grip. "I said not to touch her. Didn't you get that the day I growled at you," I say as I look over and see her terrified. "Close your eyes princess and I don't want you to see this side of me. You won't like it." I say but she shakes her head, "NO! I don't know why I have this feeling towards you, but I love you Juneau. Please don't let them bite me. I'm not ready." I smile at her and ask, "Then ask me princess, or shold I say Rain?" she looks at me and smiles, "Alpha, save me now."

I smirk and I throw the boy I was holding into a tree with little effort. I walk towards the other with my blood boiling at this point. I grab the other one just in time; he was about to bite our mate but thankfully he just grazed her neck with his teeth. I hold him in the air since he is much shorter than me and that's due to him not being more than 16 years old. "I warned you," I say as I throw him into his friend. I look at my mate to make sure she is ok and like she knew what I was thinking she nods her head and says, "kill," my wolf smirks and nods her head. We turn back and looked at the two gammas, my eyes glowing and that's when I shift into my fur. We look our mate in the eyes one more time, after I can see she is ok I run after the two boys who ran off.

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