The Lone Wolfs Diary

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I can feel her eyes on me, the girl from the woods, as I walk away from the scene. Megan stepped in front of me, but I walked around her. I start running and then I shift and when she is loose, she growls making the ground shake. We get halfway into the woods when she wants to stop and take a break, I shift back and sit against a tree. It's pretty dark outside, and I can hear Megan calling my name. I ignore her and get ready to shift when I hear a voice. It sounds like my mum calling my name.

"Juneau come here baby," it really sounds like my mum, but it can just be my hearing messing with me. I ignore and walk away from people calling my name and run. I find a good tree and when I look up, I see something I haven't seen in years, my old treehouse where I went with my siblings and my best friends. This was our getaway from bullshit in life, away from being the alpha's child, responsibilities and hang out. I mumble to myself, "I can't believe this old thing is still up," as I get in, "and pretty good condition too."

I still haven't been back home in a couple of days. I was able to go to the store near the pack and get some food and water to stock up on in the treehouse. I got some alcohol as well because I need it to calm down, even though wolves don't get drunk. I can't believe I got caught by my father and he had the nerve of calling me and trying to play the fucking victim. He is lucky I didn't tear into his ass and fight him.

I can hear Anya over the link asking me if I'm ok and when I'm coming back, but I have been ignoring her. I don't know when I want to be around people. I'm still pissed off and I don't think it's a good idea for me to be around anyone. I also can hear Megan, Josh, and Rin in the link I have with them. I got so annoyed I shut off the links with everyone, and I become a ghost.

*Rain's pov*

I can't find her. I've been looking for a whole week and I can't find her. I have never seen her so mad but then again that was so hot. I'm not going to lie; it was very hot, and her blood humming so loud it made me weak in my knees. I feel something towards her, but I don't know what it is.

I just know I want to be there for her when she needs someone to be by her side. I want to be the one who holds her hand. I want to be with her every day. I think I'm falling in love with her.

My dad knows that I like girls and want to marry one, but I know I can't choose who I want. I already have one waiting for me for when I shift. In the back of my mind, I want it to be Juneau, but I also have to be reasonable and not have so much hope. It's dark by now and I'm halfway through the woods and no luck. It's getting cold and I'm not a wolf, so I have no heat. Half of me thinks this is pointless, but the other half of me says she is close.

I left a note for my dad and mum saying I went to look for her. When I was far enough from the house, I could hear my parents screaming for me to come home, we can look in the morning. But I didn't want to wait that long, I wanted to find her. I need to find her.

As I was walking, I heard something running towards me and I needed to hide. I found a bush and hid behind that. I noticed that it was a wolf, and when it got closer, I knew who it was. It was Juneau, she was an all-black wolf, so she blended in with the darkness of the woods. I was trying my best to make sure she doesn't see me. I can still feel her blood humming and I can't help but feel turned on by that.

I forget sometimes that she is very stealthy and can easily sneak up on people. I got so lost in my own thoughts that she did just that. "What the fuck are you doing out here? Are you dumb? It's the middle of the night and freezing outside," Juneau said as she gets closer to me. I can feel her hot breath on my lips and I can feel her warmth from her body.

"I am not dumb, but you are," I can't believe I said that to her. She looks at me still annoyed, maybe more after I said that. "Excuse me?" She says getting my face now and I am not gonna lie her eyes are beautiful. I notice they change color depending on her moods, "I'm not the dumb human who decided to run away from home and go for a walk in the woods. Now am I?" I walk back into a tree, which is probably a thing now when it comes to me and her. I am shorter than her so she kind of towers over me.

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