Chapter 12 | cafe test

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"This is one of my favourite in the area, plus we're so out of the way here no one will give you a hard time about the way you sit"

You sat next to L, curled up as usual and across from Light. Light had suggested the cafe and you'd agreed to go for food. On the way you listened to the rather amusing conversation were L straight up told Light he was a suspect, and he denied it. Watching him deny while a shinigami was following him made you annoyed to no ends.

"I don't want to sit like this, I have to. If I sit normally my deductive abilities would drop by roughly 40%" L replied, seeing great a strange look from light.

You never questioned L's strange habits. They didn't hurt anyone and you knew full well the stuff he'd been through as a kid that shaped the way he is today.

"Don't question his habits. He's just like that" you snickered.

"You're one to talk, you have your habits" L replied.

"Yeah yeah, we're a strange duo"

You tried to listen in to the boys conversation, but when Ryuk is wandering around the cafe spying on people it's hard to keep your attention anywhere but on him. He was a strange creature that's for sure...

You had to act like you couldn't see him, but his constant moving was making it hard. You were really tossing up on when to tell L that you could see him. L knew something was bothering you, you'd been together so long that he knew everything about your and your body language. He trusted you, so he didn't ever push you to confess something since he knew it wouldn't be something that hurts him. But he was worried that whatever was bothering you that it was bad.

You wanted some kind of proof to show L that you were being serious. So you were holding out hope that a suspect would mention shinigami, or Ryuk would slip up and pick up an apple or something in front of people.

You felt bad not telling him, you never kept secrets form each other. But claiming to see a shinigami is quite the claim and something you wanted evidence of.


You snapped your daze away, eyes going from Ryuk wandering around the cafe to your husband.

"You're on another planet" he said.

"Sorry... tired. What'd I miss?" you replied.

"Nothing yet. Let's see if he can figure it out..."

Light was holding photo cards of the letters left by some of the victims. You remember L telling you about this challenge.

"Well... it'd be interesting to know Kira can potentially control a victims actions and made them write these. If you organise them like this... the first character of each like reads 'L do you know, gods of death love apples?" Light said.

Oh they did like apples alright. If watching Ryuks 'withdrawal' symptoms told you anything it was he was definitely addicted.

"Actually... there's print numbers on the back of those cards and if you've noticed. One is missing" L replied, pulling the last one out from his pocket.

This one was fake. You and L knew that. If Light was Kira so would he...

"It actually reads, L do you know gods of death who love apples, have red hands" L said.

"...but considering you only gave me three them I should be right?" Light replied, defensive.

"No, if you had figured out there were four then you'd be right"

Light seemed annoyed at L's trick, but didn't say anything about those feelings.

"You're right, I didn't think of that..." he caved.

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