Chapter 15 | first case funeral

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You'd been to many funerals in your life. Of course you would have when your father was an undertaker. But you'd never been to one in Japan.

After the second Kira incident that left you with the loss of a taskforce member, you were invited as work colleagues to Ukita's funeral. So yet again you found yourself standing in a graveyard surrounded by crying people you didn't know in all black. You'd become numb to funerals, growing up seeing them every other day you had no tears left to cry at funerals. Unless it was a family member or lover, you wouldn't shed a tear. L was relatively the same.

He'd cry for you, he's cry for his wammys house family but he never really cried outside that.

The last time you saw him cry was when your childhood cat you shared died of old age. Little mittens the black cat meant a lot to the both of you, that was the cat he chased into your fathers graveyard that lead him to meeting you after all.

L's emotions were reserved for you, his successors and Watari only.

So you and L stood there off to the side of the group completely unfazed. Of course you both felt bad that you'd lost a taskforce member to Kira. But you were just so used to funerals, you weren't fazed.

Not to mention you didn't really know many people there. Mainly just the taskforce, who understandably all seemed pretty upset.

"This is awkward..." you whispered to L.

"At least being the only ones not crying back at your dads place was somewhat normal since you were just a worker..." L replied.

"I can't even count how many funerals I've been too. Or how many open caskets I've been to..."

"I literally see murder victims every day, and yet open caskets still creep me out. I don't know how you do it"

"You get used to it"

Watching as the grave was covered by the workers, and family and friends mourned. You couldn't help but feel a bit out of place. This wasn't your fathers graveyard, it was all the way in Japan. Not to mention you didn't know that many people.

Of course, you'd offered your remorse to the family. You were taught to do that at a young age, and it was just engraved into your brain to do so any time you saw mourners at this point.

You also couldn't help but notice architectural differences. The headstones in Winchester looked quite different from in Japan, instead of churches near by it was shrines. Your father had some funerals for all kind of beliefs before, so you did know a bit about the typical Japanese funeral, but it was interesting to see it happen in person.

"I feel kind of bad. Like I'm intruding" L sighed.

"Oh you too? Yeah so do I. Maybe it's just because it's a whole other country and we don't know that many people" you replied.

When the funeral wrapped up, some decided to stay for a little longer to mourn or pray etc. and you took that time to wander around the graveyard with L. You'd done this a lot in your life, it was kind of a tradition of yours to explore every graveyard you find.

"Hope the taskforce are ok after that..." you said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna give them time off for a week or so. They won't get work done when they're like this. I'll go over the tapes and have thin gas ready for when they come back" L replied.

"Week to ourselves huh? Once you're done with the tapes looks like we'll have time to kill"

"Time for dates?"

"Time for dates. This case is interesting but I do miss spending time with you" you said.

"Me too, I feel like we haven't sat down and just been a married couple in months" L replied.

Taking his hand and intertwining your fingers with his, you walked among the headstones hand in hand.

"I also feel kind of guilty I didn't catch this Kira is different sooner, maybe I could have stopped him going down there..." L sighed.

"Don't blame yourself. Kira did this, not you" you replied.

"Yeah, I know. He was my taskforce member though, that unsettles me a bit. We barely have any members as it is and then one dies under my watch..."

"It's ok sweetheart, again it's Kira not you. There's no way of predicting what would happen next and we had no idea a second Kira was even possible until we saw it..."

He knew you were right, but deep down he always felt guilty when someone working under him is killed in the process. In order to get his mind off it, you changed the subject.

"Look at you, wearing something other than blue jeans and white shirts" You said.

"Well black at funerals is customary. I'm surprised I even fit into this" L replied.

Lacking any black on his suitcase, he opted to steal something of yours. He's known for stealing your coats when it's cold, so this definitely wasn't new.

"You always look great in my clothes. I should dress you up more often" you said.

"As long as it's not those tight fitting pants or anything with a million straps, I can live with that"'

"You and your loose clothes"

"Tight clothes ick me"

Walking around the graveyard made you think. You have these tapes now... would there possibly be something you could use to prove shinigami exist in there maybe? Considering a tape would be addressed to the actual Kira under a false narrative so the TV station wouldn't be suspicious. The sooner you had something to prove it, the sooner you could tell L.  

Because quite frankly not being able to say anything about Ryuk was bugging you. And you could have sworn you saw him spying on you the other day. You knew he wasn't out to kill you, he made it clear he wasn't doing the killing and Light was. But having a death god potentially spying on you is a bit unsettling.

"Mon Cher?" You spoke.

"Hm?" L replied.

"I get the feeling I'll be able to tell you something important soon... if things keep going the way they're going..."

"Oh? It's that so? I look forward to this little secret you've been keeping"

"I feel bad-"

"Don't be. I trust you (y/n), I know you're just weary of evidence. So am I" he cut off

You smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You're the best husband a girl could ask for. Two skeletons in a crypt we are" you said.

Stopping on the path between the graves it was silent as no one was around this area of the yard, L took your hands and kissed the back of them.

"It's comments like that that remind me how lucky I am to have married you" he replied, followed by a kiss being placed on your lips.

Accepting the kiss, you stood arms wrapped around each other surrounded by graves living in the moment of the gentle kiss.

To anyone else it would seem strange, but to you and L graveyard kisses were the best kind, reminiscent of your first.

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