Chapter 18 | confession

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Dragging him into the bedroom you closed and locked the door behind you, no one would hear you here.

"Woah, what's-" L began, a bit caught off guard.

"Ok, I've been waiting for one of the kiras to mention it so you know I'm telling the truth. But shinigami exist" you said.


"Well... ok long story but basically when I went into Light room to put the cameras up I must have touched something in there to do with the weapon he's using because later that day when we were watching him over the cameras, I could see a shinigami in there with him. That's why I freaked out because no one else could see it but me and definitely Light. That shinigami had been following Light the whole time, they talk to each other and everything. Whatever kiras power is, the shinigami gave it to him-" you began.

L gave you the most confused look. You sounded insane, but he'd just heard for himself the second Kira mention shinigami by name. So he knew you weren't lying, plus you'd never lie to him.

"-when you confronted Light at the entrance ceremony, I tried to talk to the shinigami and it worked. His name is Ryuk and he said he's not on anyone's side just watching, so he won't tell me what the weapon is and he won't tell Light I can see him. He's made that very clear and been adamant he's not taking sides. I don't know what I touched in Lights took that made me see Ryuk, but I know I touched something"

It was silent for a moment, L taking in that bomb that was just dropped on him.

"So... you're saying there's a shinigami in this building right now because Light is here? And no one but you and Light can see it?" He questioned.

"Yes, I know it sounds insane but you have to believe me! I could never see him before I went into Lights room. All my childhood, teen years and early adult years I've never seen any kind of hallucination, we're married we grew up together you know that. I walked into that room, put the cameras up, walked out and suddenly I could see Ryuk. And the second Kira mentioned shinigami in those tapes just then, daring the exist you hav-"

"Calm down I believe you, that's too elaborate and precise to be a lie or delusion. Plus, you'd never lie to me. I know that" L cut you off.

You sighed in relief. Thank god, he doesn't think you're insane and wants to file for divorce or something.

"That proves without any doubt Light is Kira. I mean a shinigami is following and talking to him? Do you have any idea what the weapon could be?" He asked.

"No clue. Ryuk has a little... bag thing hanging off his belt. I'm guessing he has one of whatever Light has in there but I can't touch him. If you try to touch him you go through him, plus he wouldn't let me get close enough to try and grab it" you explained.

"Did you touch anything weird in the room?"

"I don't know. Everything was completely normal, I have no idea what I touched to cause it. I did think it was strange he left his wallet behind but he was only at school so..."

L had gone into investigation mode, you'd get interrogated now. That was a detective habit he had.

"What was in it?"

"A couple yen, a bank card, his learners permit, a gift card, some paper and photo ID. I'm guessing he took his school ID and train card in his pockets to school" you replied.

"Paper... that's the only thing out if the ordinary. But it's paper, how can paper kill someone?"

"Exactly, I guessed it's in there as like a sticky note in case he needs to write something down like an IOU or whatever"

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