Chapter 33 | leads

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A/n: I'm giving a warning to the innocent readers that next chapter is SPICY. (Let's hope wattpad doesn't nuke it). So prepare your asses or feel free to skip it broskis.

Well, that was an interesting occurrence...

You always knew that L and Light hated each other behind the mask of being friends but you weren't expecting a full on fight. At least your man got out with only a bruise and no serious damage. You wanted to castrate Light for even daring to lay a finger on L, but you weren't trying to catch an abuse case here.

L's mope wasn't quite over yet, even with your promise of something special later tonight. It didn't change the fact there weren't any new leads yet and he was getting rather upset about it. Back down in the main room, you'd chained Light to the desk so he could work but not leave the room and you were watching him like a hawk after his little stunt. Even if you did put him in his place you didn't forgive him.

You and L sat across the room from everyone as they worked, L moping with his head in your lap as you sat with your feet up on the coffee table trying to think of a way to get some kind of evidence with the whole Kira thing. And after your dad told you about the books shinigami had, you were wondering how you could get you hands on one. A familiar wheezy laugh that used to make you jump could be heard behind you. By now you'd gotten used to it.

"Hey Ryuk" you greeted, keeping your voice down.

"Tell that stupid shinigami that he's made those case a mess" L sighed, words muffled by your thighs as he lay face down in them.

He'd turned into a sad rag doll flopped over the sofa and half hanging off it using your lap a pillow.

"You know the drill, I can't do anything about any of this. It was all just chance" Ryuk snickered.

"You're annoying you know that? No amount of dude vibes will fix that" you replied.

Ryuk seemed to be self aware he was annoying and no help at times, but the reactions he got only fuelled his mischievousness more.

"Lights right there, why aren't you hanging around him again?" You asked.

"He still has no memory remember? I'm watching him but he can't see me so there's no point in talking to him" Ryuk replied, looking over at his previous human completely unaware of the shinigamis presence.

"Anyone would think you've fallen in love with me and L given how much you follow us"

"Pfft- please. Humans and their whole love thing is pathetic. I just think your morbid nature is fascinating, like I said I've never seen humans quite like you two"

Sure Ryuk whatever you need to tell yourself. Gently stroking L's hair like he was a cat or something, you wondered what to do about him. L's known for being a bit of a nuisance when he mopes, it's impossible to get anything done with him constantly saying he's bored and sad. You wanted to cheer him up somehow. Tonight's little gift was one thing but you needed something case wise as well.


"Hm?" He hummed.

"My dad called to tell me he'd talked to a Japanese family he was arranging a funeral for and they talked about death legends from Japan" you began.

"That sounds like something your family would be into"

"He mentioned one about shinigami books..."

That got the attention of both L and Ryuk. You glanced over at the taskforce, making sure they weren't hearing any of this before turning back to L.

"Yeah, apparently if you write a persons death in the book they'll die. You can write any person, any type of death and it'll happen... is that right Ryuk?"

Turning to look at him, he seemed a little shocked you'd actually managed to find out. Of course that was a very bare bones basic version of the death notes, but it was right.

"Wow, you actually managed to figure it out. I'm impressed. Don't go thinking I'll tell you more though, you have to figure that out yourself" he replied.

"Well, seems I've cracked the code then. Kira has a book, he's writing criminals for die I'd heart attacks and it happens. That's how he can control actions and times of death too, by writing in the details of the death"

L sat up, suddenly intrigued and dots between Kira and this legends starting to connect in his head.

"Hang on he said yes? The shinigami I can't see or hear actually confirmed that's true?" L said.

"Correct. He said he's not telling us anything else though. But if he go off the assumption that this book is like a dairy or notebook or something then we can make some guesses. There's probably rules and lore to it we can't figure out without seeing it in person. And I know Ryuk won't let me touch his one on his belt, but we can make guesses based off kiras crimes" you explained.

Suddenly pulled from his mope into a whirlwind of new information that could potentially help the case, L was wide awake and in detective mode again.

"Darling you are the best person on this planet you may have just found the ticket to solving all this" he praised.

"I do what I can" you replied.

When L leaned in to give you a thank you kiss, you heard Ryuk cringe behind you. What was it with him and his aversion to love? Clearly shinigami can feel it since you'd been able to determine Misas shinigami had some deal of affection for her from Ryuks hints. So what was up with Ryuk being like a toddler who thinks cooties are a thing? Was he scared of getting 'girl germs' or something?

When that kiss broke, you could see the fire in L's eyes ready to start solving the case again with this new lead. And who knows maybe in the time he'd been laying around someone on the taskforce had found a connection to somet-

"Ryuzaki, I know you're moping but come look at this for a second-" Light called out.

Well, looks like someone did find something.

"Ugh I have to pretend to be friends again" L complained.

"Can't pass up a potential lead my dear. But I get the disgust... I'm watching him"

Getting up, L went to go check out Lights work. But before he left you grabbed the back of his shirt. Turning to face you, you gave him a sly grin.

"Don't get too carried away working darling... you'll need to be available tonight~" you teased.

"Like I'd miss that opportunity" he replied.

You let him go and continue working, keeping and eye on light making sure they didn't fight again. But you were glad to see him coming out of his mope and getting back into the thing he loved almost as much as he loved you, solving crimes.

"Alright wise guy what's the snickering for?" You said, addressing Ryuk behind you.

"I could make a dirty joke but I feel like it's too obvious" he replied.

"Shut up. And maybe stay away from our floor tonight, go spy on Light or something-"

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