Chapter 32 | mopey

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L hadn't quite been himself recently. After the setback of releasing Light and Misa he'd been rather gloomy. Well... gloomier than usual. While doom and gloom was something you and L found beauty in, sometimes it wasn't a nice thing. And this was one of those times it wasn't a very nice thing. It was making L mope around and unmotivated, second guess himself and overall made him rather insufferable to the taskforce. You felt bad for him, he was taking the setback hard.

You on the other hand were just plain annoyed. Knowing Light and Misa were the Kira duo was one thing, but being able to SEE Ryuk and KNOW that the book was the reason for this boy not able to prove it to the others was the most frustrating thing you'd ever experienced.

How on earth would you prove this? You needed to get your hands on a shinigami book, but how?

Over the security cameras you watched as L third wheeled a rather lame date of Light and Misas. You said you'd be up there to make it a double date in a moment, as you were interrupted by your phone ringing.

"You really didn't have to go to all this trouble dad" you said.

"Nonsense, I know you baby bat you get obsessed with things and don't stop obsessing until you've become an expert" he replied on the other end of the phone.

"It's like midnight back in England you should be asleep"

"Don't you wanna know what I found?"


You'd gotten a surprise call from your dad, who had more information on shinigami legends. After your last call with him, he kept your questions in mind and decided that if he found out anything else he'd tell you.

"So recently we had a Japanese family come in to arrange a funeral and they'd asked for some traditional things on the grave. You know incense and offerings and such. From there we ended up on the topic of shinigami somehow and they mentioned a legend about these death books" he explained.

Now that, that peaked your interest.

"Death books?" You questioned.

"Apparently there's some lesser known legends about shinigami coming to humans with books, and when you write someone's death in it it will happen. Of course they're just legends that have been found in old texts over the years, but it is rather similar to the whole Kira thing going on huh? Mystery deaths and seemingly no killer around because it's all being done via book. But you know, all just folktales. There's probably some more scientific reason for the killings. But it is an interesting legend, I looked more into it and it's definitely a lesser known one because only few records of it have been found over the years in personal journals" your dad explained.

He unintentionally just gave you a missing piece to this puzzle, unbeknownst to him shinigami did exist and did have books. You just didn't know what the books did... until now.

"That... that is rather interesting. Thanks for telling me dad. So that legend is a rarer one because it's only found in very few records?" You asked.

"Most of the sources I found say they only really know up in people's personal journals from ancient times and historians seem to think it was more a superstition than a full blown legend back in the day. Funny thing is there are similar accounts of this all over the world but Japan seems to have documented it the most. Maybe the superstition spread via trade routes but never gained major popularity due to other places in the world already having their own death god legends?"

"Huh... interesting. I'll look more into it. I'd love to talk more but I have to go save L from an awkward double date with the suspects. I'll call you back later on ok?" You said.

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