Chapter 51 | plea

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While Light was being scolded by his father in the other room, and the taskforce came to the realisation he wasn't the person they thought the was, L had locked up the death note and headed into the kitchen where you and Misa sat on the counter. Rem hovering over you watching.

With an ice pack held to her cheek, Misa sobbed onto your shoulder. You didn't mind her black makeup getting all over your clothes, they were black anyway. You looked up at L, who looked up at you. He was never really good at comforting people, expect you of course. But he just witnessed domestic abuse at its finest, something he couldn't stand. So he felt the need to at least do something.

Although you'd get the ball rolling for him, since you know... he's a bit socially awkward when it came to emotions.

"Hey, don't go blaming yourself ok? You said it yourself he knew you were fragile and took advantage of that. Don't feel like any of the relationship is your fault" you said.

"What if I was Kira? What if he did make me kill someone? Doesn't that mean I'll be sentenced to death or something?" She sobbed.

You may never know the truth about what happened when they had their memories. But it was very likely that given the second kira tapes incident she killed on her own will to prove her loyalty to light. Any kills after that though, well they could be her doing or lights doing, there was no real way to tell if he manipulated her or not without their memories.

And giving them those memories back was way too dangerous.

"Listen Misa, you will be sentenced but not to death. You can't get out of a sentencing but it won't be as harsh as lights" you explained.

"I don't care what happens to him anymore, I just... he ruined me. He hurt me over and over and I just let it happen. I feel so stupid, I know I can't get out of a sentencing, you have my fingerprints after all... but I don't want him to hurt me again by... being the reason I get sentenced to death or something"

Clearly she was distraught. Having just been told her ex cheated on her and never loved her, he slapped her in front of everyone, had a massive argument, and come to realise that even if she didn't remember it, she was the second Kira. In her mind with her lack of memory, she didn't do anything. It was scary ti think she'd be going to prison for something she didn't think she did right after being hit by her ex.

"You know, you did help the case by getting Higuchi to confess he was the yotsuba Kira. He even admitted himself that he told you. And you do have the grounds to accuse Light of manipulating you. On top of that if you testify what you remember against him, then... I can offer you a plea deal" L spoke up.

She looked up, her face a mess of smudged makeup and red eyes from tears.

"Like what?" She asked.

"You've already cooperated to the case so if you continue to do so by testifying against Light, and then plead guilty you can get a lesser sentence. You can't escape a sentencing, but if you cooperate you could lessen it from life in prison to a certain number of years with parole. You do have the chance to get out after serving time, you're in a very interesting position where you definitely did commit the crime, but you were stuck under an abuser and mentally unstable at the time. Therefore, you gave the ability to serve and end up on parole" L explained.

She thought for a moment, she'd never been in a case before now so she was unaware that all these different sentences existed. She always thought any Kira would be sentenced to death or something. She'd seen miscarriage of justice with her parents case, so she didn't have much faith in the justice system. But if L was involved, no judge would dare make a lazy sentence.

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