Chapter 19 | whos that girl?

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A/n: a little shorter than usual, just a bit of a fluffy chapter for you.

L couldn't help but look over his shoulder a lot more recently. After founding out Ryuk exists and even touching his head, he was a little paranoid. Very interested in the existence of shinigami of course but still a bit off put.

He'd find himself asking you if Ryuk was around, getting paranoid when he got the feeling of being watched.

You assured him that Ryuk was only around when Light was, even if you could swear you saw him spying on you sometimes, you weren't sure.

Today seemed to be a more chill day though, as he was too invested in working in trying to trace the fingerprints and other evidence from the Kira tapes. Hunched over his laptop looking through databases to try and find a match to the fingerprints. You were still invested in trying to figure out what could he in Ryuk little belt pocket. You were sure it must be the weapon, but all the legends you've been reading about them have conflicting answers. Some say sythes, some say katanas, some say magic scrolls, some say potions.

You had no clue what could be in that little pocket, it seemed to be as big as an A4 piece of paper. Maybe it was a small weapon like a dagger? Maybe it was a wand? Or a book of shadows? You were pretty lost. Every lead you had hit a dead end. It was getting frustrating but you knew Ryuk wasn't just going to tell you what it was.

"Hang on..."

Looking up from your computer over at L, your interest was peaked. Has he found something?

"The makeup particles found in the tape of the envelope is a match to the cosme Misa brand" L said.

"Misas makeup? What kind?" You asked, looking over his shoulder at the documents.

"Eyeshadow. If we can tell what pallet it's from we can try and trace owners of the pallet that match the fingerprints. It's a long shot but it could work"

"Hang on, I'll look up the ingredients of her pallets"

Opening a new tab, you pulled up Misas website and looked for the health warnings and ingredients list section. Reading through all the ingredients and comparing it to the evidence documents, you couldn't find a match.

"Huh... it's a black shimmer pigment but none of the pallets have a black shimmer. Only a matte one..." you said.

"Maybe it's an unreleased pigment from a new pallet? The formula matches her brand for sure but if there's no matching pigment..." L theorised.

"Maybe, could you try contact the factory that makes them? If it's an unreleased pallet the only people who'd have access to it are the factory workers and Misa herself"

Suddenly a lightbulb went off over L's head, dots connected.

"Oh no, told tell me these fingerprints match Misas..."

"Misa? Would she really be the second kira?

"I mean I can't know for sure until I can match her fingerprints, and have proof she'd met Light at some point but god I hope it's not"

It was no secret L was a bit of a fan of her music, and he'd probably be quite disappointed if it did end up being Misa. But if it was he couldn't just ignore it for the sake of being a fan.

"Send a request to the forensics team for more examination, even if it's not her we can't pass up the possibility it could be. We know it's likely a girl anyway so that's at least one thing that could match up" you said.

"Yeah I'll have them look into it. God I hope it's not her, she's got such good potential as an artist it'd be sad for her to throw that away for some god complex crazed killer" L sighed.

"It would be rather sad yes. Hopefully it's just a coincidence and it's actually someone who works at her company" you replied.

"You got anything on the whole shinigami thing?"

You swapped back to your original tab, L giving it a quick scan.

"Not much. I know it's small but I don't know what the weapon could possibly be with all these options" you said.

"Hmm... not sure myself honestly..." he replied.

"I'll have to keep looking"

It felt like an endless loop of no answers, but you'd be lying if your spooky self wasn't fascinated by all the things you were learning about shinigami. L's spooky self was rather fascinated too despite being a bit scared knowing Ryuk could be ANYWHERE and he can't see him. He could still feel the sensation of an invisible force ruffling his hair and it sent shivers down his spine.

"Darling?" You said.

"Yes, corpse bride?"

"Don't stress yourself out ok?"

"Stress is bad for you, I've been through enough stress in my life and I don't intent to have any more stress. I'll be alright, I appreciate your concern" he replied.

"Promise? I don't like seeing you stressed. It stresses me out as well" you said.


Looking at each other with your wavelength seeming synced up, you both spoke.

"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye"

Snickering at your unison on pulling out the old childhood saying, you smiled at each other.

"Jinx. You owe me a smoothie" you said.

"Damnit I was gonna say that" he replied.

You may be adults, but when you're childhood sweethearts, some things like that stick with you. Whenever that promise is pulled out you know it's super serious. He placed a kiss on your cheek, he smiled.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too"

While you and L we're having one of your loving married couple moment, there was a much more sinister one going on in more suburban neighbourhood area of the city.

A notebook was being held out to the freshly graduated high school boy by a girl dressed in all black.

"Please let me help you!" Was what she told him.

Maybe your second Kira theory would turn out to be correct after all...

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