Chapter 50 | crumbling down

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That was the oversight in Lights plan. Misa.

By the time you and L figured out all the rules that came with the death note, it became super clear what Light had done.

He deliberately gave up the book and make Misa give hers up too so they'd appear innocent. Then he'd get them back and kill L. That wouldn't happen though since you just so happened to touch that paper and see Ryuk, you stopped that from happening. And then, there's Misa.

She fell for Light because he's Kira, but when she lost the memories all she knew was that she loved light. She didn't know why, she didn't even remember how they met. She just knew that Light was her 'boyfriend' and that's it. If she hadn't lost her memory, then she'd be willing to do anything for Light. She was the one who gave herself over to him. But after the memory loss all of that was gone from both of their memories, as far as they knew they just kinda started 'dating' one day.

Light himself told L it was one sided, that he didn't like her.

Misa was so blinded by the fact she had a boyfriend who supposedly loved her she was wearing rose tinted glasses about the whole relationship.

You and L, you met as children. Fell in love, grew up together and ended up married and considering kids. If anyone knew what true love was it was you and L, the childhood sweethearts that met in your fathers graveyard.

Lights master plan was actually the reason for his upcoming downfall. He hug himself a hole he can't get out of, Misa being the oversight he made. And he didn't even know it.

So there you stood, hand linked with your husbands, two shinigami behind you. As you watched everything crumble around Light.

"You... never actually loved me didn't you?" Misa said, a sad twinge in her voice.


"You... why would you kiss me if you didn't have feelings for me? You took advantage of me!"

There it was, the rose tinted glasses shattered on the floor and Misa finally saw her relationship was nothing but lies.

"Misa of course I love-" Light began, trying ti save his ass.

"LIAR! You never took me on any dates! You kissed me ONCE! You never said 'good morning beautiful' or 'have I good day at work sweetheart'... you just... used me as arm candy. You knew I was emotionally vulnerable, I poured my heart out to you and you just threw it away!" Misa exclaimed, tears starting to stream down her cheeks.

Light didn't know what to do, his own father was standing right behind him along with the taskforce. Two shinigami and his biggest rivals stood off to the side too. This wasn't the best place to get into a situation like this.

"Misa" L spoke up.

Misa looked over her shoulder at L, her mascara beginning to run.

"I know this will hurt but... we have footage of him seeing other girls before you two were taken into custody"

Misas sad look turned to a furious one, and she snapped her head back to Light and for a moment struggled to find words.

You and L knew that back when they had Kira memory, they probably planned that to seem less suspicious. But now they lost those memories it looked like Light had cheated. Which, he had in a way even if Misa begrudgingly let him.

"You... you cheated on me?" She asked.

Light couldn't say anything. He remembered going on those dates with various classmates, in his mind it wasn't cheating since he never liked Misa anyway, but to everyone else, especially Misa it was.

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