Chapter 54 | first to know

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You'd decided.

When you got back to England, you'd break the news to L. It seemed fitting to tell him back in your hometown, at the place you both grew up. And hopefully by the time the case ends which was looking to be soon, you'd just be starting to show. Once you started to show there was no hiding it, so if you wanted to surprise L you'd need to do it before then. Luckily, with the case wrapping up and only having trails to go, that could happen.

But there was one other person you wanted to tell right away, that was your dad.

So up on the rooftop away from the taskforce and any cameras you made the phone call back home.

"Hey baby bat! You all good over there?" Your father asked.

"Yeah I'm great actually. The case is almost over, we've got the weapon and the suspects detained and all we need is a trail" you replied.

"Oh finally! That's wonderful news. I had to burry a Kira victim a while ago and it made me wonder how much longer you'd be over there on the case"

"Don't worry, as long as this trail goes to plan we should be back by at least next month"

That was the goal. You fucking hoped that you'd be able to go home by then, for the sake of surprising L, homesickness and how done you were with this mess of a case.

"I'm guessing I can't know any details until the case is closed Huh?" Your dad asked.

"Yeah you'll have to wait sorry. I'll tell you everything as soon as we get back. But that's not why I called I have something else to tell you" you said.

"Oh? What is it?"

You could hear the intrigue in his voice and you smiled, you could already tell he'd be exited. You were his only child after all, your only child giving you your first grandchild was existing. Especially after being a single dad all your life.

"Don't tell L yet because it's a surprise for when we get back but... you're gonna have another baby bat around grandfather" You giggled I'm excitement.

"SHUT UP- Baby bat you're not joking are you?"

You snickered at the reaction heard from the other end of the phone, confirming your suspicions of him being very exited.

"I'm not joking, I'm actually pregnant. Only been a few weeks but three tests don't lie" you replied.

You couldn't help but smile bright enough to light up the night sky hearing your fathers exited laughing and cheering over the phone, only making you more exited to see him again when you got back to England.

"My little bat girl is going to be a mother! And tiny vampire boy a father too? And I'm going to be a grandfather! Honey that's amazing!" He congratulated.

"We had talked about it, but it wasn't exactly planned. We just kind of went 'if it happens it happens' and well... here we are. L's going to cry I can just see it now. I'm telling you first because I'll need your help with the surprise for L" you explained.

"What is it?"

"Remember that little bat onesie I had as a baby? You still have it right?"

Just the mention of it filled your father with memories of how you got your nickname of baby bat. Your favourite onesie as a baby was one with bat wings under the arms and a hood with bat ears, you'd cry when you couldn't wear it to bed and your dad would have to lull you too sleep with walls around the graveyard telling bedtime stories.

"Aw you loved that onesie so much. I couldn't bare to get rid of it, in fact I still have a box of a few of your baby things. Your ghost mobile and spiderweb blanket are in there too" your father said.

"Perfect! I'll need that stuff especially the onesie. All I'll have to do is hand it to L and he'll get the hint. You think you could make a coffin shaped cradle as well?" You asked.

"Absolutely, I'd offer you your old one but unfortunately it's long broken since you were a baby"

Coffin shaped cradles were definitely a thing in your family. Probably due to the family history of working in the death industry and being generally spooky people. You had one, your dad had one, your grandmother had one and now your baby will have one.

"Thanks dad, you're the best" you thanked.

"Anything for my baby bat and her future baby bat. Got any names yet?"

"Dad it's only been a few weeks, I don't even know the gender yet... or if they'll even grow up to identify as said gender. Names will come a bit later" you laughed.

"Make it spooky"

"Of course, it can't not be spooky have you seen me and L? We're spooky royalty"

After a few more minutes of conversation, it wrapped up and you ended the call. Almost as if on cue, as soon as you did you heard L open the rooftop doors coming to find you.

"There you are, I was wondering where you went" he said.

"I just called dad to check in, tell him the case is wrapping up soon" you replied.

"Is he good?"

"Yeah he's fine. Had a few funerals today as usual"

L and his father in law were on very good terms. They quite liked their long conversations about the deaths on L's cases and how their funerals would have played out. Morbid, but that was just the family. He even got quite the kick out of your father calling him by the childhood nickname tiny vampire. Even though he wasn't very tiny anymore. It just made him nostalgic for the fun childhood moments you two had.

"Man I can wait until this is all over. I want ti sit in the graveyard again. By the kitties flower bed as usual" L sighed.

"That makes two of us darling. But don't worry we'll be back before you know it, there's no wait Light can get out of this one. Although expect Ryuk to follow us home and hang around for a while, I get the feeling he will" you replied.

"Even when he goes back to the shinigami realm he'll still watch us, I'm sure of it"

You agreed with that sentiment, you and L had entranced Ryuk with your love after all. Enough for him to essentially betray light.

But alas, the stay back home and your break from cases would be a good one, especially with things you had on the way.

"L I promise you that you'll find the day we get back to England one to remember... I'm positive of it"

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