8. Galaxy

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Warning(s): None! Fluff only!

It's something you've done since you were kids, even before Camilo acquired his gift. Camilo takes your hand in his and runs across town to your secret hideout, where you can just relax and stare at the stars overhead.

And now that you're a teenager, nothing has changed around you two. You're his moon, the only one Camilo can disclose all his innermost secrets to, while he's your sun, the one and only person that brightens your life the moment he walks past. Encanto is aware that the two of you are deeply in love with one other, but all of your memories and time spent together make you fear that your friendship would end if the other rejects you.

So there you are,just like in the past, keep holding hands and smiling as you go through the woods, getting ready for the star's performance.

Every time the world became silent and all you could hear was Camilo's breath beside you, his hand still on yours, the stars overhead would start a performance, and you two would be their only guests. As the other lights and stars began to adorn for the blue veil around them, the moon looked to be the lead performer.

Even if you know every motion on the stage by heart, your eyes will still glitter at the way the entire galaxy shines in front of you. But you aren't the only one who is looking at a work of art.

Camilo's focus at the sky was broken when he sensed your relaxation, and he turned to face you. The moon is nothing compared to you right now, the stunning (e/c) eyes shining in the starlights make you appear like a goddess for whom he'd gladly worship. Your hair was flowing softly in the breeze, so exquisite and magnificent. Camilo swears his heart skipped a beat when he saw you turn toward him, with the sweet smile as soft as the cloud beside the moon, the one he's always wanted to see whenever you're with him:

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

He chuckles, the grip on your hand tighten, and you hear him softly whisper back to you:

"Can their beauty beat yours, though?"

Your breath is caught in your chest, and you are painfully aware of your feelings for him. You've always adored his warm grin when you're feeling under the weather, and his loud laugh when he's pulling a trick on you. When you sneak out, his hand would securely hold you to his chest while you were hiding from his mother. And even now, with your hand in his ,he gleamed so vividly that you wonder if it's fair to have the source of light for the entire Encanto here with you alone.

"You know (Y/n), the sky has always been so wonderful to me..."

Camilo looks at you, his grin never leaving his face, yet you can tell how serious he is right now as he speaks:

"But when I was sad and came here by myself, it felt...like the sky was nothing."

You frowned slightly, knowing that Camilo will have some challenges, especially when coming from the Madrigal. The Madrigals are not bad people, but what others expect of them because they have unique gifts wears them out. Camilo was also affected, but he decided to talk to you and let it all out while you were alone. As if he knows what you're thinking, the words come out of his mouth to shift your focus away from your thought:

"Then I understood it wasn't the sky or how sad I was; it was you (Y/n). I could live without the starry night, and I could live without my gift as well. But without you, I'm nothing."

Your heartbeat quickened, and before your brain could grasp what was going on, his smile glowed beneath the sky once more, effectively claiming the spotlight:

"I love you (Y/n), and just as the sun cannot move without the moon taking over, my world will be incomplete without you."

Your eyes overflowed with tears, and your head dropped for a split second before you could look up at him again. Camilo panicked when he saw the tears streaming down your cheeks:

"Hey, hey, it's alright if you don't like me—oh, don't cry—"

"Camilo, just as the moon cannot light up without the sun at its side, I will not be myself if you are not around..."

And you could see it in his eyes, the way they lighted up, as brilliant as ever as you replied:

" I love you Camilo, I always have been"

He didn't waste any time, and as his hand softly caressed your cheeks, the two of you had a quick, but mesmerizing kiss beneath the stars. This time, the moon serves as a light for your performance, while the stars surround you on your own stage.

You will always be his moon, and he will always be your sun. You guys shine together in this galaxy, and nothing can change that.

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