27.Until we meet again(7th loops p2)

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"Happily ever after..."

You sigh grumpily, throw the fairytale book that you saw in the boxes you found away. Lazily took a glance around, you can do nothing but sighed in defeated.

Your room is a huge mess, pictures and books lying around, thousands of pages lied open on the floor. Isn't it ironic? People tended to found their other half just by looking through their phone, or walking outside to socialized with others. But there you are, trying your absolute best by looking through pages of fairytales.

Did god feel happy to tortured your heart like this? Did he enjoyed seeing his creation going crazy each day passed? If he really did, then seeing your state at the moment would humor him so much.

The day still haunted you like a damn plague that will never leave. How you try your best to touch him through the screen even though you knew that its all pointless, how the number 7 never once try to leave your mind or how his god damn voice so desperated and sweet against your ears. The TV remained the same since that day, you don't have the guts to watch it again, Camilo's face already gained a spot in your eyes. He never leaves. 

You saw him in the corner of the kitchen, jokingly smile at you for tripping over air, or how his curly hair bounces in your mind. You even felt his hand gently tugging your hand, enourage you to eat your food. At this state you're actually questioning yourself if you have gone insane. Though the tears are long gone, the sadness stay, and you are alone to engulfed it in your arm.

Its the 7 day since his statements, since Camilo Madrigal's words of confirmation about his undying love for you. Eventhough you feel like his words are just a fever dream you see, but the tears that left your eyes and the scream that left your throat are so real. Its as if your other half is reall gone, and your heart has been left alone to die by itself.

But you try to push your luck.

And there you are, trying your best to open the TV and put on your once favorite movie again. It hurt so much when you stare in the thing that stop you from touching your soulmare, but you want to try it. 

After a while thinking on the floor, you had come to a conclusion that this connection have something to do with the number 7. And you turn it on precisely at 7:45 am. But what greeted you isnt the picture of the small Mirabel with her grandma.

Its a doorknob.

Your breath hitched in your throat, so it did have something to do with the time and the number 7. But what catched your attention isnt just the colour of the golden doorknob shining in front of you. There is something engraved on it skillfully, and you walk closer to take a clear look. Your mind drifted to the last part of the movie, where Mirabel recived her own doorknob, a letter "M" engraved carefully on it. You expected it to be that doorknob, but its not.

Its not the letter "M". Its "C" . This doorknob will lead you directly to his room.

You reached your hand out, expected to be meet with the coolness of the screen. However, your fingertips slipped right through, and it touched the doorknob. Yo dont wait a single moment to jerk it right back to your side, looking at them in shock, but the feeling on your fingertips was so real. 

But there are voices on the other side, they are calling each others playfully. You can clearly heard Mirabel's laughter along side Isabella's, the sound of Luisa and Antonio happily walk together, while they talk about what the donkey complain about on the field. And you can hear his voice, the addicting laughs Camilo let out when Dolores tell him about Mariano's nose. His laugh is luring you, as you can hear how his voice faded away within the hallways, something clicked in you.

Your hand quickly extends towareds the doorknob once again, and this time, you brush off the weird feeling of your fingers slip through the screen, and turned it. The light from the other side of the door soon swarmed over you, and you quickly shield your eyes. When you opened them again, you were met with your tired self, thousands of them on the wall. Mirrors splatters around the room you are standing in. You nodded to yourself, knowing this is truly his room. At least you guessed it is, considering the chameleon pattern on the walls.

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