24: Forget

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Warning(s): Angst, pain, death, self-sabotage   (prepare tissues guys-)

 Camilo first believes the reason is that the magic is failing, and your figure appears to be the only one he cannot change into. He feels it began when his prima didn't receive a gift, therefore the candle may be unreliable. That's why he dismisses it, since he doesn't think it's necessary anyhow, since you're constantly at his side.

 The way your grin would beam at him every morning when he greeted you, the way your (e/c)'s eyes would sparkle through the night when he snuck you away for a date, the way your features had already been engraved in his mind...He thought that he didn't need to transform into the person who had guaranteed to always stay in his embrace.And once the magic was mended, he could show you how beautiful you clearly are in his perspective.

 He, however, forgot that a promise may be broken.

 That day still haunts him like a plague he'll never be able to overcome. You told him to keep safe when he went home the day Casita fell apart, but you can't stop worrying about him. So, after only a few seconds of watching him depart, you instructed the villagers to run home and then rush after him. And how you wished you had believed him would stay safe.

 (Y/n) was able to get up to him, only to be met by the scene of Casita crumbling. Camilo ran across the corridor, changing constantly, trying to get to the candle and his prima. Of course, you do your best to assist as well. You were the one who led Dolores and her parents outside, but you swiftly returned when you noticed Mirabel almost slipping down.

 And your lover was at a loss as to who to blame at the time, was it you? Or is it Casita's fault that no longer has power over the crumbling walls? Or was it his fault that he didn't realize you were there?So, once everything had crumbled to wreckage and he knew his family was safe, Camilo began looking everywhere for what might be recovered or not under the debris. What he didn't expect to see was the matching bracelet he gave you a while back, bloodied next to your cold body.

 It was like going into a nightmare from which he couldn't awaken; Camilo's scream still hurts everyone when they recollect the incident. Pepa dashed up to where her baby boy was sitting, his arm tightly clutching the person who had still smiled at him that morning, now laying peacefully on his lap.Felix was urging with Camilo to hand the teen's body over, but the boy's eyes were still covered with tears, denial, and disbelief. He uttered something to plead his Tia, telling her that she could help him heal his partner and that this was not the end.

 But everyone knows what's going on with the miracle, or how even Julietta can't bring death back. So the day ended with another miracle, however, left a boy who was crushed and dejected in his own mind and grief.

 Now, our lovely shapeshifter sat alone in his bedroom, his hand tightly clutching his lover's old bracelet. His gaze fixed on the mirror in front of him, his reflection on numerous mirrors in the room revealing how twisted up he has become in previous months.His hair, which he normally spends hours doing in the morning, is now tangled and left undone, exactly like his clothing.He no longer sees the sense in dressing up; what's the point if you're not even there?

 But you know what really broke him?

 The magic was still worthless. He still can't transform into you. Camilo tries so hard, he pushes t past every limit in his body, he begs every drop of magic that runs through his veins to observe your movements, even if it means risking his own gift, even his own life. Why is it that he can't change into you? Why did the miracle finally put an end to him? Is it because he played pranks on other people in town? Or it's because he turned into other members in the family so he could seconds?

 He pleaded for days and nights, hoping that this was only a nightmare brought on by his behavior. He would gladly starve himself so you could come back, or he could change into you in the middle of a gorgeous morning. But you're not coming back, and the miracle is still preventing him from seeing you again.

 Camilo is getting overwhelmed with how many characteristics he has that he's starting to forget about you. Was there a small curl at the end of your hair? Or didn't it? Was it feasible to see your freckles on your cheeks? What was it like to be in your embrace? What was it like to see your grin again?

 The Madrigals are becoming more concerned about their chameleon. Pepá can't handle her emotions very well, even with Felix at her side, and therefore it rained most of the day. Dolores was usually seen wandering around with earbuds in her ears; she couldn't stand the agonising wailing that her brothers let out in the middle of the night. Antonio and Mirabel are constantly seen trying to lure Camilo out of the room, but it never works. Julietta prepares all of Camilo's favourite foods every day so that he may stroll down and enjoy a meal with them; unfortunately, Isabela and Luisa are the ones who give him meals at the end of the day. Bruno tried to glimpse into his dear nephew's future, but all he could see before painfully wiping away the sand was the vision of the broken-hearted boy sitting alone in his room, embracing some bits of clothing you had left over.

 Abuela sees so much of herself in Camilo, but she could only stare at her nieto slowly one night when he slipped out for some food, and whispers cautiously, regardless of how terrified and messy the youngster is:

"You're the only one who could help yourself get things up again...Camilo"

He is aware. And it burns him so much because he realizes he'll be able to be happy again without you along his side. He'll be able to dance at parties as if you weren't there one day. One day, with tenderness and memory, he could look at the bracelet that wasn't his agin, still stained in dry blood. And he knows that one day, like a pleasant breeze, the memories of you will escape from his memory, horrifying him so much that his throat will burn from the scream he lets out, and his eyes will sting from the tears that continue to flow down his already reddened eyes:

One day, he'd forget about you.

And he despises it so much that he's not sure if the future still lies ahead of him.

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