9 .Flustered

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Warning̣̣(s): none

 - Camilo swears his heart skipped a beat the first time he lay eyes on you. Your eyes sparkled in the moonlight, and your grin was so radiant he thought he was staring at the sun. He knows you're Mirabel's best friend, but he has no idea what you look like from such a short distance.

- Camilo has been your biggest simp since that moment. He'd make the best of any opportunity to get closer to you. You're having trouble with your chores? Oh, look at that, the great Camilo Madrigal is here, how lucky are you? When you're just taking a break, he'll walk by and chat to you for a bit, or maybe bring you some food to share, man, how touching is that?

 - After a while of being friends, he'll drop a pickup line here and there. At first, it sounds really sweet :

"You know, I hate the thought that people would praise flowers so much"

 "Huh? why?"

 "They said that flowers are the most beautiful creation God made, but here I am, looking at you"

- You and him continue being good friend for a good amount of time. And when he was sure that you're comfortable enough, the pick up line will get more- hardcore :

 "I couldn't see the future like Tio Bruno, but I could see us together from time to time"

 "Oh, would you look at that! Is that an angel standing there? Hello (Y/n)!"

  - Dolores really needs some earplugs for her next birthday; she doesn't want to hear a single pickup line practice from Camilo in the middle of the night anymore; please help her.

- You are the reason he would spend so much time practicing his flirting skills. Your reaction is so nonchalant! It's as if it had no effect on you! When he tries to flirt with you, you act as if it's nothing.

"Bonita, you look lovely today, did you find some way to get trapped in my eyes, I can't seem to get you out of them"

 " Oh, sorry, I'll leave if you want-"

 "No! Wait a minute (Y/n), that's not what I meant-"

 "Yea I know, anyway, about the chores-"

 - Every day, this poor boy tries to figure out how to make you blush. It's almost as if it's his purpose now to make you flush at one of his sweet words.

- So, while Camilo is still fumbling with his lines next to you at one of your usual lunch breaks. You giggled before gently cupping his cheeks and smiling at him:

"You're really adorable, you know that right?"


 "You're really cute when you trying to impress me, pretty boy."

 - Congratulations! You broke the poor guy; he is in shocked and will take some time to recover from that single line. Camilo was silent during your lunch break for the first time in a few weeks, and what followed next startled you even more.

 - Cover his flushed face with one of his hands, while the other gently pushed your hand away. Before you could continue, he whispered something you could barely hear:

"No-what...I'm- stoppp"

- He's flustered, and his sudden reaction causes your heart to race. Oh my my, he's so cute, but that's not going to stop you from praising him even more.

"Aww, but I'm telling the truth Cami, you're really adorable, especially now"

- You chuckled at the whine he let out under his breath, and you thought that those phrases had tortured him enough, so you stood up and gave him a brief wave before smiling at him:

"See you tomorrow Cami, I'm looking forwards to seeing you"

 - Camilo hasn't had a chance to say goodbye since he's still too busy burying his face in his ruana. But what he doesn't realize is that every time he turns away from (Y/n) on their way home, the tip of their ears light up red.

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