23. Cold

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Warning(s): None, only Fluff

- You are currently regretting a life decision.

- You should have listened to your parents, who screamed inside the house that the laundry could wait and that it was fine to leave it outside for another day because it was pouring so hard. But you wouldn't be able to do that! Your favorite outfits are there! Camilo also promised to take you out on a date the next day!

- So, like any normal person, you raced outside while the rain was still pouring heavily and brought all of the clothes inside. Now you're laying on your bed, coughing, as your parents lecture you lightly. You're not sad because you got ill; you're upset because your date had to be canceled because even Tia Julietta couldn't heal the cold, and it had to be treated the normal way.

- If you consider a specific shapeshifter climbing through your window at 9 a.m. to take care of you to be normal though.

- Your head is still throbbing, but as your handsome boyfriend's face appeared outside the window, your brow furrowed:

"What...are you doing here?"

"You're late for our date, mi Vida"

"I-can't exactly go at the moment Amor...maybe another day- "


- Camilo simply refused your offer before climbing inside and smiling at your puzzled expression:

" This date is okay too"

"...Camilo i can't do anything right now beside looking at you-"

"And that's all i want, now, do you have soup yet?"

- Camilo then spends the rest of the day looking after you. Do you want something to eat? Don't take that spoon, darling; it's my responsibility to feed you right now.Do you want something to drink? I've got you covered, mi vida. And if you have a fever? Boy would go back and forth, putting a cool towel on your forehead and always keeping an eye on you. I believe he'll get a lot of experience considering he enjoys Julietta's food and occasionally observes his Tia caring for the sick people.

- He'd literally do anything for you, except leave you alone. He will not leave if you want to puke or whatever. He'd be close by your side, patting your shoulder or holding your hair if it was long. Camilo will feel so terrible that he can't do anything but watch you suffer; he'd give anything to take it away from you right now, but he can't. So all he does is reassure you and attempt to make you feel as at ease as possible.

- Snuggles! If you ever wondered, this boy would give you a ton of cuddles. He doesn't mind if you have sweat on your face or whatever; you're unwell and you need him, and that's all he needs to know before climbing into your bed and warmly embracing your frame against his. As his kisses sprinkle your face, his calloused hands lovingly stoke your back while his scent slowly crept up your nose.You protest for a few minutes that you're smelling horrible or that you'll get a cold if he gets too close, but all of your attempts are ignored by how he snuggles closer and hums a gentle tune.

- Camilo sighed with relief when he heard your breathing had evened out. He heard from Dolores that you didn't get a wink of sleep last night because the fever got the best of you, and that scared him enough to sprint across the entire town to find you. His heart crushed as he saw your body curled up and shivering in your bed, and he promised himself that he would at least make you feel better after today.

- And there it was, when Mirabel entered your room after hearing you had a cold, she was greeted by the sight of her primo clutching you, as both of you fell into a deep slumber. The girl sighs slightly before pulling the blanket over both of you; perhaps Tia Pepa needs to know that her son won't be home tonight after all.

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