XI. Secret Admirer

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Chapter 11, Secret Admirer

" I don't know what's worse, your handwriting or Garrett's Math skills. "

~ Natalie James's POV ~

The car ride home I was silent, I was way too obsessed with the note but also way too nervous to open it.
Garrett noticed as he pulled up to Chick-fil-A, we got out the car and entered the restaurant.

"Would you read it already?"

Garrett asked impatiently as we sat down after ordering our usual lunch, I don't blame him, I was anxious too but I didn't want it to be mean.
I nodded slowly and began to open the note, the handwriting was beautiful.

It was neat, had correct punctuation and they didn't use big words I couldn't read nor understand.

The way your eyes shine make the stars jealous, your smile is definitely contagious.
I hope you come around more often, I'm anxious to see you once more.
Hope you have a great rest of your day, maybe stop by tomorrow?

Love, your secret admirer

"Sounds like a romantic, but secret admirer is so late 1990s."

I laughed at Garrett's remark and ate my fries, I thought it was super cute.
Dani would love this.


Garrett nearly choked on his lemonade when I had shouted, he looked at me like I was insane, choking every now and then.

"What about Dani?"

He asked me, Dani has an obsession with everything 80s and 90s theme.
This was now a perfect time to put it to use and that was something she would be happy to do as well.

"Dani loves everything 80s and 90s, maybe she can help me write back to him!"

I put my food and drink back into the bag along with Garrett's and grab his hand, I ran fast to the car.
Garrett unlocks the car and gets into the driver's seat.

"Drive grandma, drive!"

I rushed him to speed which he did, we arrived home.
I unlocked the door and ran straight upstairs with the food, I knocked on her door and waited for her response.

"Dani! Love problems!"

She sat up fast and ushered me over to her desk which I did, I gave her a chicken sandwich with a cookie and a soda.
She thanked me.

"Alright read the letter and tell me how I could make him melt with the sweet words that you'll help me write."

I said as I took out the letter and gave it to her, I was really impatient but I knew Dani could really snap if I pushed her so I just sat on her bed and distracted myself with Criminal Minds which was what was playing on her TV.
After about ten minutes she took a sip of her drink and turned to me, she had a big smile on her face.

"I know how to make him melt, grab some glitter pens, some stickers and my notebook loose leaf paper."

Dani ordered which I happily obeyed, Dani was the love genie.
Even though she's single and never had asked anyone out, she has amazing flirting skills.

I gave her the supplies and she grabbed my hand, pulling another swivel seat beside her.
I sat next to her and she looked up at me, I think she was scanning me.

"Match his vibe, start off with a cheesy line and then end off with the answer to what he said earlier, do you have any idea on who the mystery man is?"

My heart sank to my feet, I was so caught up in the letter that I totally forgot to lay out potential suspects that could've planted the letter.
I've been watching too much Criminal Minds.

"I've got a hint, we met at the gym."

Dani nodded, just then Garrett walks in and smiles.

"I want to be apart of this too, Garrett's life matters!"

He sat on the ground beside us and looked at us, we shrugged and nodded.
I wasn't about to tell Garrett his best friend sent me a love letter, I had to be calm and collected.

"Okay so let's see how many lines he wrote and write twice as much, the more he knows about us, the more he'll be interested."

Dani suggested, Garrett stood up and grabbed the letter.
He began to count out loud and looked at us smiling.

"Stop assuming pronouns, just use they until we know who it is or what they go by."

I said gently slowly getting annoyed with the assumption it could be a guy, I mean I'm straight but girls and nonbinary could have a crush on me too.
Garrett nodded slowly and Dani apologized softly.

"They wrote six lines, so ten like more?"

Me and Dani looked at each other and then looked back at Garrett, how does someone get ten?

"No, nine. Jesus you're in highschool and can't seem to do kindergarten math."

Dani said as she handed me a red glitter pen and a piece of loose leaf paper, I chuckled silently knowing Garrett would drag me through the mud.

My handwriting is definitely sloppy but maybe it wasn't that bad.

The way your voice sounds is soothing, you are so kind to me.
I'll be there tomorrow, hopfully I can see you there.
I am now also anxious to meet you, yu seem like a great person.
But shall we get to know each other?
It's required if you wanna continue talking to me.

Love, Secrete Admirer

I gave the letter to Dani, only for her to rip it up and look at me annoyed.

" I don't know what's worse, your handwriting or Garrett's Math skills. "

Dani scoffed and then grabbed the red glitter pen, Garrett was offended but didn't say anything.
After about twenty to thirty minutes, the letter to the secret admirer is finished.

"Read it and put it in one of my envelopes."

I nodded and grabbed an envelope from her drawer and then grabbed the letter, I was nervous about what she wrote but I know she wouldn't write anything disrespect or inappropriate.

You're quite a romantic, you have my attention now.
I'm sure your eyes light up New York City, your voice is soft and gentle towards me.
But yes, you'll see me tomorrow, don't get too excited either, I'm not coming for you but for myself.
Now, if I must have a secret admirer, shall we get to know each other?

Love, the one you're admiring

My breath stopped, I looked at Dani and smiled before placing the letter into the envelope.
I hugged her tightly and thanked her, giving her the rest of my fries.

It was already sunset and I was exhausted, I took a warm show and went off to bed.
Dreading for the sun to rise.

𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora