Elijah Clay

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Ever since I was born I was mistreated by my father. I've always been pushed past my limits and he's never stopped. When I was younger he would make me kill animals that I loved because "one day I would kill humans and theses were the next best thing."

I have two brothers, well, kind of. Justin and me were inseparable when Kade was still around, when he was gone we no longer spoke.

Kade died to a fight against cancer. He wasn't strong enough at his age which caused him to lose his battle.

I think he was the one that kept this family functional because once he was gone father started being harder on us, Justin and I grew apart. Mom started partying like crazy when she hated partying when Kade was still around and I, I developed some bad habits.

It started with drinking, and when that wasn't enough I started smoking and drinking, and when those two just weren't enough for me I started doing other drugs, I started fighting, stealing, abuse on people that would piss me off anywhere at anytime even if I was sober.

I've stopped my physical abuse on people and I've tried to maintain my anger issues against people but people are just so fucking annoying. I hate people, all people, every last human on earth, except my soon to be girlfriend, Jane, I can stand her, just for a little while though.

She's pretty and yet so aggressive. There's something about her that I instantly liked when I saw her walk into class. She's the girl you'd see as a side character in a movie but ends up being to most important person at the end when everything goes to hell. She's the girl every person needs in the movie but doesn't want because of their reputation.

Do I think I'll fall in love with her? Yes. Should I? Absolutely not. Will I? Maybe. Should she? No, I'd make her life hell.
"Father, I met her and I told her about the arrangement." I said and I walked inside the house "finally Elijah, took you fucking long enough. Now get out of my damn face and I don't want to see you until tomorrow." He said "yes sir" I said and walked to my room.

I wonder if she's okay?
Jane's POV:
She slapped me. "Don't you dare yell at me young lady!" My mom said and stared deeply into my eyes. "H-h-honey p-please" my dad said and stood up from the couch. "CHARLES SHUT UP!" My mom yelled and turned around to face him.

He backed away and looked at me with saddened eyes. "It's okay dad" I mouthed to him and slightly smiled with my cheek stinging. "What were you doing with this boy Jane, did you drink, do drugs, have sex!" She yelled thinking of all the worst things to say. "No mom, I'm telling you that we just cruised around the city and talked for hours and hours, he helped me" I said.

"He helped you? With what? What did you need help with Jane?" She said "I bled through my pants at school and he offered me his shorts." I said and wiped my tears since I was angry that she was getting mad for no reason.

"So you leave school?" She said "yes! I was too embarrassed to go back to class and to be at school at all. I asked him if we could leave and he agreed" I said and lied. "Okay Jane, you are not to see the boy again, do you understand?" She said. WHAT! NO!

"Yes" I said and walked up to my room. I opened the door to my room and found Elijah in my bed. FUCK! "What the hell, are, you, doing!" I whispered in surprise and walked inside my room quickly shutting the door behind me. "Are you actually not going to see me ever again?" He said and looked at me.

"Elijah, I can't, you know I can't" I said and put my backpack on the floor next to my door then walked to my bed. "You have a choice Jane, if you decide not to marry me I'd just kill some other family and make it look like I killed yours." He said "are you serious right now!" I said in disbelief.

"Yes" he said "no! You're crazy! Stop trying to kill people Elijah" I whispered a little louder. "I'd do it for you Jane" he said. "No, I'll marry you" I said and gave him a hesitant smile. "Good, I didn't want to kill an innocent family. Honestly thank you." He whispered.

"Where did the rude guy go?" I said and slightly giggled "he's gone for now" he said. "Jane, I know this is extremely fast but I don't care, be my girlfriend, today, right now, we'll get to know each other tomorrow and the next day, please" he said "right now?" I said caught off by surprise "yes right now" he said.

"I said I didn't want to be your girlfriend so fast Elijah" I say "Jane please" he begged. "Fine. Whatever" I said and gave him a slight smile. If I was a different person I'd think this guy was psycho and going through hard shit. "Okay" he said "here are your keys by the way" he said and handed me my car keys. "Why do you have my car keys?" I asked since my car was left at the school "I brought you your car" he said and smiled "how?" I asked "my feet, and you left your car keys in my car" he said "oh. Thank you" I said and took my keys then put them on my night stand.

"Jane, how are we going to work. Your so, perfect, I'm a whole wreck" he said and looked at me serious "problems can be fixed Eli" I said and gave him a smile. "Say that again" he said in awe and looked at my lips then back at my eyes "problems can be fixed?" I said confused.

"No the last thing" he said "Eli?" I said confused "I like the way you say it!" He said excitedly. "Elijah shhh!" I said quieting him down "no, no, not Elijah. Eli" He said. I then laid down and he followed me. He decided to rest his head on my chest. A little weird but, he is my one day boyfriend now.

"Eli" I said softly and ran my fingers through his hair. Boyfriend. I needed to shower but I wouldn't dare to move, he looked so comfortable in this position. "Jane, I'm, I'm going to change" he said and sniffled "do it for you, not for me" I said and smiled "if I tried to change for myself I wouldn't change, it's why I'm going to change for you" he said and looked up at me.

He smiled and I did also. "Then change" I said and continued running my fingers through his hair.

It's day one of knowing this guy and here we are cuddling in my bed, he's my boyfriend, he broke into my house, he walked to the school and brought me my car, he's on my chest, my fingers are running through his hair, I gave him a nickname, we argued, he put his hand on my thigh, and we have to get married. I bled through my pants and he gave me his jacket and shorts. Best and worst day ever? What the actual fuck.
Before 4th period I was thinking about Mr. Grey and right now I was also thinking about him. If we were to  somehow talking again, how was I going to tell him that I kind of moved on? What would he do? Would he be okay? I'm not sure but whatever happens, happens.
Elijah's POV:
In this moment I felt safe and I knew she was forever mine. She was going to get to know the worst sides of me and the best sides of me.

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