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"I hate this" he says as I help him get out of the car and into the wheelchair "why, you don't want me to take care of you?" I say and smile "It's not that, but it's weird and I'm usually the one helping or getting you out of the car" he says. "You need it, and I don't mind doing this, it's only like this for two days and you can go back to being you" I say "I just feel like you're doing too much for me" he says "Elijah shut up" I say and shut the car door then we go inside the house.
I get up from the couch and pause The Walking Dead. I go to the room where Elijah was sleeping which is not that far of a walk because I was upstairs. I open the door and he was on his side, I walk to him slowly not wanting to wake him up then make him get flat on his back slowly.

He wakes up and winces and holds his wound. "I'm sorry Eli" I say "it's okay love, i'm alright" he says and adjusts his body. "What were you doing?" He asks me. "I was watching a show on the couch" I say "come lay down with me" he says and pats the bed "okay hold on let me get my stuff" I say and kiss him then walk out of the room.

I walk to the couch and grab my phone, charger, blanket, and my water. I then turn the TV off and walk back to the room.

"Hi" he says happily "hi" I smile at him and walk to my side of the bed. "I'm cold" I say and rub my arms then set everything but my phone down on a chair that we had in our room.

"Then hurry, it's warm over here" he says and smiles at me.

I get in the bed and put my leg on one of his and he immediately moves closer to me. "It's been a minute since we've slept together" he says "I know, wait that sounds so sad" I say and look at him. "It does" he says and scoffs. His arm goes under my head slowly and his other arm goes to my thigh.

"I want to be okay" he says "you are okay Eli" I say "I'm not, I have to take precautions, if I move a certain way it hurts, if I do anything I have to do it safely" he says "but you're okay, it's better than you being dead" I say trying to look at the positive"I don't know, I just want to not have to be careful about this anymore, it's fucking with me" he says and rubs his thumb against my thigh.

"Tell me what you need" I say "that's the problem Jane, the things I need I could do myself if I wasn't injured" he says "like what" I ask "taking a shower, eating, getting in and out of the car, daily functions are hard and I fucking hate it" he says "I understand Elijah, I'm sorry, but you'll be okay soon" I say.

"You don't understand Jane" he says and looks at me annoyed "really?" I ask and scoff now angry "yes, how could you understand what I'm going through" he asks and raises his voice at me a little. Oh fuck, flashbacks, no, no, no, please no.

"You don't fucking remember Elijah? The day you got pissed off at me and fucking broke my ankle? You don't fucking remember? When I couldn't do shit and I had to lie to everyone about what had happened so you wouldn't look like an ass? You don't remember?" I say and scoff then sit up angrily.

I stare at him and wait for a response, none. "I'll be back" I say and get out of bed. "Jane, wait, please" he says and sits up slowly. "No, I'll be back, don't call me because I won't be here, call...I don't fucking know, call someone though" I say and grab my phone and my charger.

"Jane I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry, please, please wait, Jane" he says and I could tell he was about to cry, I heard it in his voice "what Elijah?" I ask and turn to look at him "Jane I'm sorry" he says and makes himself stand up. He was wearing black boxers only.

"Okay thank you but I'm still leaving, I'll be back later, depends on where I'm going, and I haven't made my mind up yet so I'll probably go make a new friend" I say "Jane please" he says "I forgive you" I say "then act like it" he says "I can't right now Elijah, I just can't, but I do forgive you" I say and walk to him then kiss him.

"I'll be back, and if i'm not then I'll be back in the morning" I say "Okay, please be safe" he says "I will" I say and shut the door behind me.
"Elijah!" I say through the phone as I'm swaying "Jane, where are you Jane" he ask "I'm here, I'm fucking a-awesome!" I yell and laugh. There was a guy in front of me he was holding my body up.  "Sir!" He says to the phone "he-he called you sir" I laugh and give him the phone.

"She's blacked out, a-are you her dad!" He yells and holds my hips. I laugh at him because he calls Elijah my dad. "He's anything but my dad. This man has fucked me, he can't be my dad!" I yell and laugh "Oh shit, boyfriend" he says and put my phone on his shoulder and holds it there with his ear as he trying to keep me up. "I FEEL AWESOME!" I yell and everyone else starts to cheer with me.

I leave the man somehow and go dance with people. Trying to stay away from the guys but going to the girls. I see a group of girls but I have to get through some guys that were drinking together to get to them. I stumble and catch myself then I keep walking to where the girls were. Holy fuck.

"Hey baby" one of the guys say, I look at him and laugh. "No" I say and walk towards them. "What do you mean no girl" he says and the other guys start hyping him up. "I don't know, I'm fucked up! But hi!" I say and smile "hey ma, you 'bout fine as hell" he says "awee, thank you, you're nice but, no" I say and smile at him then start walking away but he gets close to me and pulls my hips into him. "C'mon ma, let's have some fun!" He says "I'm okay, I have a boyfriend!" I say to him.

"Well where is he, I don't see him" he says and smiles "he' home, he's sleeping probably!" I say "exactly, he's over there while you're over here, let's have some fun" he says and rubs himself all over me. Fuck.

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