5th Tuesday, continued...

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Elijah's POV:
"Jane, Jane!" I yelled worried. She was crying and saying things as she was sleeping. "I need you to help me" she mumbled "Jane, WAKE UP!" I yelled scared and shook her body. She woke up scared, panicked, and shocked. "Oh god" she said weakly and relived when she saw me and hugged me.

"You're okay" I said and hugged her, not letting her go. She was crying in my arms and I felt helpless. I didn't know what had happened besides that she had, had a nightmare. "I'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay" she repeated to herself "you're okay" I said reassuring her that she was safe.

She let me go slowly and looked at me. "thank you" she whispered and gave me a small smile as she wiped her tears. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked as I ran my fingers through her hair. "Later" she said and laid back down. "Okay" I said and kissed her head.

"How long was I out for?" She asked "i'm not sure, I fell asleep, but it is getting dark soon so we probably slept for a long time" I said and chuckled "yeah probably" she said.

A few minutes later Janes doctor walked in. "Oh good you're up! You slept for a while there, had me thinking I was going to have to call the morgue" she said and laughed as if her joke was funny. I didn't wanna be rude so I chuckled and so did Jane probably thinking the same.

"No i'm joking with you, anyway i'll have you in here until Thursday just to make sure everything is okay and nothing goes wrong, we just want to be sure that you heal correctly" she said "okay" Jane said and nodded.

"Thank you!" I said and gave her a small smile. "I'm going to go now" she said and left the room. I looked at Jane as soon as she had left and she looked at me. "Good joke" I said and smiled, Jane laughed and I started laughing with her a few seconds later.

I don't know how she managed to take everything in all at once and still be...fine. I'm genuinely so proud of her and how far she's come. I appreciate every second and every moment I spend with her. If I was her i'd start going insane but she somehow hasn't, I don't know how she does it but i'm so proud of her.

"You can go home and rest if you'd like" she said and smiled "i'm okay, I can sleep right here" I said not wanting to leave her side. "Elijah i'll be okay here" she stated and held my hand "I know, I want to be here" I replied and kissed her. "Okay" she said and hugged me. "Are you sure you're okay" I asked again wanting to make sure she didn't need or want anything.

"I am okay" she said and looked up at me. "Okay, please let me know if you need anything" I said and played with her hair "I will thank you" she replied.

She then laid back down and shut her eyes again. I laid down on my side and put my arm over her waist. "What if it happens again!" She said worriedly "It won't, and if it does i'll be right here, next to you, get some rest please" I said trying to calm her down a bit. "Okay, you promise" she asked. I never promised, not even to my family, not to anyone not even to myself.

I always knew I was going to end up breaking that promise no matter how hard I tried not to.

"I promise" I said and kissed her. "Thank you" she replied "I'll be right here, right next to you" I said and hugged her tighter. "I love you" she said "I love you" I said and dug my head in the crevice of her neck. I did it so I'd be sure that her heart was still beating without letting her know that, that's why I did it. It was also comforting.

I didn't mind staying with her here at all times but the fact that I promised that and I could go to the bathroom or something and she wakes up with me not there, made me feel guilty.

Soon, she was asleep and I stayed awake not letting myself go to sleep incase I needed to wake her if she had another nightmare. I slightly moved to make myself more comfortable and she quickly held me, startling me. "I'm right here" I said and she loosened her grip on me.

I got comfortable and played with her hair because that's one way she would fall asleep. I was falling asleep slowly but forced myself to stay awake until she woke up. I'd get on my phone, play pattern games with the sounds the machines were making, i'd fiddle with my rings, stare up at the ceiling, talk to myself. Anything to keep me awake.

I suddenly got a call.

"SIR WE NEED YOU AT THE HOUSE, THEY'VE COME BACK" Jorden yelled, afraid. "What? What's going on Jorden?" I asked worried "SIR! THEY HAVE CO-" I heard a gunshot. "What the hell!" I said startled and sat up quickly but carefully so I wouldn't wake her. Jane stayed asleep and I didn't know what to do.

"Jane, wake up" I shook her softly but quickly "wake up!" I said a little louder. She woke up and looked at me "yeah?"  She asked confused "something happened at the house" I said "what?" She said confused "the people that were there earlier came back, can I leave you here by yourself for a while?" I asked and got off of the bed.

"There was people at the house?" She asked confused "yes, i'll tell you about it later, can I go?" I asked and kissed her incase this was the last time I did kiss her "Yeah go, go, Elijah please be careful and I love you" she said worriedly and kissed me again. "I will, I love you" I said and ran out of the room taking the stairs so I could get down faster.

"Shit, shit, shit" I mumbled to myself and hurried.

I had gotten to the parking lot and ran to my car. I started it and pulled out of the parking lot, heading straight home. Don't do anything that's going to get you killed, I thought to myself while thinking about Jane.
Jane's POV:
I was worried about what the urgency was with Elijah having to leave. Concerned. Please be okay, I thought to myself. I didn't want to think about him getting hurt or anything of that sort it just made me more anxious.

I tried to lay back down and go to sleep but my thoughts kept me from that. I stayed awake, on my phone, waiting for a message or a call from him to let me know he was okay. None of that happened until two hours later.
————————————————————Eli: I'm okay.

Me: thank you!

Eli: I'm heading back now

Me: I'll see you soon, now get off your phone.

Eli: I will.
I was relieved to know that he was okay and not injured or dead. He didn't seem too happy and I could tell he was upset, even if it was just through text messages. I was going to find out everything about today eventually but for now I just wanted to see Elijah.

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