6th Monday

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Jane's POV:
I woke up in a quiet morning. The quietest of all. Usually Elijah's snoring is always in my ears when I wake up, but not this time. It felt like I could hear a mice chewing. Not a single sound was happening, peace.

I get out of bed and get into the shower quickly.
I start putting on my shorts and my sweater then head to the bathroom so I can brush my hair out.
Me: Can you get Gabriel outside.

Elijah: Yes.
"Elijah can you come help me" I ask "coming" he says. He starts taking me down the stairs and grabs my wheelchair for me when he goes back up.

"Where are you going?" He asks "to town" I say "for?" He asks "I want friends" I say and open the door and grab my purse then head to the car where Gabriel was waiting.

"Ma'am" he says and opens the door for me then helps me in and gets my wheelchair in the car. "Thank you" I say "always" he says and closes the door then walks to the other side of the car and gets in the drivers seat and starts driving to town.

I'm sitting there on my phone when suddenly Gabriel gets a phone call.

"Yes sir" he says "yes sir, yes sir I know" he keeps saying. Fucking Elijah.

He gets off the phone and doesn't say anything. "Was that Elijah?" I ask and put my phone down "yes ma'am" he says "what did he say" I ask "nothing you need to worry about ma'am" he says "Gabriel tell me" I say "he just told me to not let you out of my sight and to take care of you, and do everything for you" he says.

"No" I say "ma'am?" He asks confused "I'm not his damn dog, I won't make you do anything for me and you don't have to, I don't want you to. Let me take care of myself, I got it." I say annoyed "I'm sorry ma'am but those-" he says but I interrupt him "I don't care what orders he gives you Gabriel, you're a chauffeur not a baby sitter. I'll be fine, you can hang around with me but you can't help me with whatever I get. It's my responsibility" I say.

"Yes ma'am" he says and looks and me through the mirror and I can tell he has a small smile. He's probably never been told anything like that because Elijah gets everything handed to him.
"So Gabriel, where are we going on this fine day" I say playfully "that'll be up to you ma'am" he says "are you hungry" I ask "I already ate breakfast ma'am" he says "snack?" I ask "I'm fine ma'am" he says "c'mon Gabriel, agree to something!" I say as we go through the mall. "I agreed to not help you with stuff you get" he says.

"Well yeah, but, c'mon let's get a snack" I say and go into and candy shop. He follows me and I start looking around. I grab two baggies and hand one to Gabriel and grab one for myself. "Here you go, go get your favorite candy" I say and start going through the store with him following me but he isn't grabbing anything.

"If you're not grabbing some grab some for me that you think I'd like" I say "yes ma'am" he says and starts grabbing candy.
I pay and we leave the store. I hand him his bag of candy and I keep mine. "You chose candy you like for me, hopefully, because it's yours" I say and smile "ma'am you didn't have to" he says "eat the candy!" I say louder "yes ma'am" he says and starts opening the bag and starts eating.
"Yes! What about you? Do you work?" I ask Valorie "I do, I'm working at this grocery store for now" she says "that's good, do you enjoy it?" I ask "girl, no, I hate it! The people there annoy me so much" she says "I don't doubt it, people are stupid" I say "Jane what's your number, I'd like to hang out more, you know when you aren't broken ankles anymore" she says and smiles "I know! But here you go!" I say and giggle then put my number in her phone.

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