1. My Home

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Have you ever thought of life as a mysterious beginning?

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Have you ever thought of life as a mysterious beginning?



Well, I sure have and it is the fun outlook to have in life. Not sure it matters much to many people at all but if I am not with Sherry then it is just me, myself, and I. Okay, plus a good book to count also and it doesn't even matter the type of book most of the time. It is really whatever book I can get my hands on, but I do enjoy mysteries the most since romances leave me with odd feelings on what things could be like or if I would ever be so lucky. See all things I rather not feel because I never wanted to long for anything, other than to maybe travel one day.

To be in love or have much of any love is foregin to me. I can remember small pieces of how it felt with my parents but I can't remember much no matter how hard I try, but I do remember they never wanted me to be overly sad. So to stay happy I don't wish for love or the what if questions on that topic.

Now that is not to say I have not experienced the sexual parts to life. It would be a lie if I try to say, 'oh I am that sweet virgin' it is more like as if since I lost that a solid two years ago when I was sixteen.

I live in medium size town that is full of tourist through times of the year and I have worked at different small jobs that had me in the public with these tourist. So what better way to have some fun. while being safe with condoms, to pass the time too.

Now. Now. Don't get to calling me a whore just yet. I am not that wild, but I can honestly say I have had some fun a handful of times with guys and that is it. At least each little affair did last a week or two but never the love feeling. I have even tried dating but I can't ever get myself to the point of love like I have read in books. There is just something missing that I have yet to find but have also hoped it wasn't something wrong with me.


I jump and look to the side of me. "Geez, Sherry. Do you really have to yell so close to my ear." I rub my ear some.

Sherry gives me a pointed look and I have been busted for being in my own head far to long.

"I tried calling your name the last five minutes. Your coffee is probably way past cold." She crinkles her nose up in disgust.

"I happen to enjoy coffee both hot and cold." I can't help but tease but it is honest too.

Sherry is my only true friend I have had. She was with me at the very young age when I found out I lost my parents to an accident that involved a deer hitting them and crashing their car at the speed they were driving. One reason why I hate deer and proof they are evil creatures.

Sherry's parents had offered custody of me but I have this blood related Aunt in town. So I have lived with her every since the accident happened. My Aunt isn't to bad but she is a major workaholic so other than meal times I didn't see her growing up. Although she made sure I always had toys or anything I could want for but I never got affection still. Now that I am older my Aunt does try to interact with me but it seems awkward.

"So why were you calling me?" I shake out of the thoughts even more and put up the book I had in my large purse.

It is my day off and also my birthday today. I am officially eighteen years old. To which my Aunt left me a couple new books on the counter with some cash and a birthday card this morning that I found. Very sweet and I do enjoy it.

"Have you got the call yet?" Sherry looks at me with a smile.

My face splits into a wide grin. "Yes I did right before I came here and been waiting for you to get off work."

"Well?" Sherry waves her hand at me.

"I got the medical apprenticeship a couple states over. I leave for it tomorrow night."

Sherry squeals the same energy I felt getting the call. It is one thing I applied for early before graduation but wasn't sure if I would get it.

"I am so happy for you, even if it means you will be leaving me." Sherry then pouts.

Sherry will be staying here in town working at her families business, which makes me happy for her it is something she wants and she will take over one day.

"You know I will be moving back to this town just as soon as I can. If I do well and they hire me after this time of learning under the the lady then I will try to get a spot here within the company. You know the one in town is the exact same medical company so I will just request a tranfser here because this is home."

Okay so I long to travel to a point but I will always want to come home. This is is my home and where I was born it is the only place I have left to have of my parents that isn't just some pictures and items. It is like I can still feel my moms touch when I put my face up to the sun when I used to look to her being so little and feel my dad chasing me around in the grass of our home that my Aunt lives in since I want her to keep it until I move back here one day.

"You know what this means?" Sherry pulls my attention again and I am glad for it.

"What's that?" I smile.

"We are partying tonight girlfriend! We have two things to celebrate tonight. So let's get to your place and find us some clothes and get all pampered up." Sherry pulls my hand as I stand and get my coffee.

I want and need this before leaving out for a while.

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