11. I Am Sorry

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My eyes widen to an impossible width as my son stood like any other child but now is on all fours looking more like a wolf cub would look instead of my son

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My eyes widen to an impossible width as my son stood like any other child but now is on all fours looking more like a wolf cub would look instead of my son. A high pitch scream comes from my mouth as I stare at my son.

I have to be hallucinating! This can't be true reality could it?

I am brought out of my shock when I see wolf cub Seth run for Frank before hearing Frank yell out of loud in pain as the razor sharp teeth sink into his leg. The wolf cub shakes his head hard and the sound of Frank's flesh ripping makes me want to vomit but at the same time he deserves it.

Frank falls to the ground and passes out within a second.

Wolf Seth lets go of Frank's leg and then he takes the two steps over to where I had fall to the ground after I screamed. He moves a paw out to me with a whine escaping his muzzle.

This just doesn't seem right this stuff is all for the books only. Or so I thought.

There is no denying this wolf cub is my son. I seen it with my own eyes the transformation.

My hand reaches out to the cub and he moves to where my fingers slip through his fur. Another whine escapes the cub before his tongue gently licks my wrist.

A groan makes me jerk my head towards Frank's unconicsous body.

Finally something triggers in my body, I move so quick the cub yelps backing up as I shoot up off the ground. I run to Seth's room grabbing our bags and my purse I sling everything over my shoulders. Running back out to the kitchen area, I see the wolf cub growling at Frank as he stirs from passing out. Something screams inside my head to grab all the shredded clothes that happened when Seth shifted and with no evidence I can hope that Frank thinks a wild animal got in and attacked him when he was drunk.

I run and scope up wolf Seth into my arms and run to the front door, leaving Frank on the ground where he belongs. There is not even a care in the world for me as I don't bother closing his front door, as I race to my car and move holding Seth in wolf form to one arm to open the door and put him in the back seat, not like I can tell him to buckle up. I place our bags on the floor part and then close the door, running to the driver side I get in and start the car getting us the hell out of this house of horrors that I should have made happen sooner.

My mind is on one track to get us away from those doors. My mind races in to many directions and I am forever greatful that the time of night it is not much traffic is out currently. At least it is also dark to where no one else would see my son that is a wolf cub in the back of my car.

What do I do?

My hands turn the steering wheel as I come to a stop when we reach a forest that has a hiking section. We have already drove across the city by time we make it here. The trip was silent other than small whimpers and whines coming from Seth as his tongue would lick my arm, since he stuck his head up in between the seats to rest on the top of my arm.

I turn on the interior lights to the car once I turn off the car. My eyes look down to Seth and my mind no longer fights that this wolf cub is my son.

"I am so sorry Seth." I whisper when I look at him and he moves his small body up into the passanger seat, tears filling my eyes.

My left eye has been burning due to the blood that has got in from the corner of my eye.

Seth moves his head over to me and I see that his eyes are a burning blue just like earlier in the night that I thought I caught sight of. He lays his head on my shoulder.

After a few minutes of my stroking his soft fur, he moves and then nudges to the door handle.

I am not sure what he is wanting because let's face it this is all new grounds for me. Once I get out and open his door, he jumps out and then trots over to a grass area. Within a second of watching him, I hear the awful popping sound of bones breaking again as some whimpers come from him before a my son lays naked on the ground. I grab the blanet I keep in the back window out and run to him, placing the blanket on him then moving to where I can see he is breathing hard with sweat on his face.

"I am sorry Mama." Seth whispers after catching his breath.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry for baby. I am the one that is so sorry." I can't hold my tears back. "I am sorry you had to hear and then see all of that. I am so sorry I don't understand what is going on with you either sweetheart. The only thing I can promise is to be a better mother to you and never fail you again."

I feel when Seth's arms wrap around me and I hold him tight to me with the blanket around him still.

"You didn't fail me Mama. It was Fido. He said we had to to protect our Mama and I didn't fight him once I seen him hit you and I knew Fido was right after he has been telling me to let him out the last nights passed. Fido is happy he got to meet you since you're his Mama too." Seth pulls back and smiles at me.

"It is nice to meet him too." I let out a choking sob and happy mixed. It makes my side ache just a little from the hard movements of the emotion, it is hard to take in that my son is what they call werewolves in books.

The one thing I know right now is that I can't tell anyone because they would take my son from me. They would want to do tests on him and throw me in some loony bin, so I be damned if I ever let that happen. I will forever be the best mother I can be and go back to how I was and I will never let another man surprise me like that again to where I am not able to do something for two weeks and it get that bad again.

"What are we going to do tonight?" Seth looks up at me and I can see he looks beyond tired.

"I will get us a hotel." I smile softly.

I help Seth up and to the car again, helping him pull out some clothes. Once he is in the car and buckled in, I get in and then grab the firs aid kit to at least clean the blood from the gash I now see on my temple, forehead area.

After I get my cut cleaned and I look decent to not raise questions when getting us a room, I drive us to the closest hotel. The lady at the front desk gave me a look of pity. I get Seth in our room for the night and he passes out on the bed in no time. I sit on the side of the bed and just try to think of how our life may be now moving forward.

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