Chapter 30: Boosted

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The next day they decide to test your ability on the people who did not have as obvious powers. Wanda and Bruce had both refused to be part of any of the testing and would instead be observing.

You started with Clint who was the most normal guy here. No superpowers, no machine parts, or stuff like that. Just skills, which honestly you found to be pretty impressive.

"WOW!" He said as you put your hand on his back, just giving a simple wish of enhancing him without focusing on anything specific. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. "Okay hold on!" He rushed over to his bow and talked with Nat.

You were all outside again in training clothing, you rubbed your arm, still feeling weird about apparently having the ability to boost others.

Nat nodded to Clint, walked over to Pietro, and talked with him, pointing around them. The speedster quickly ran over and grabbed one of the targets and ran off with it.

Clint came over to you again, facing where Pietro had run off with the target. You could not even see him anymore from how far away he was. "Okay, again."

You understand now, putting your hand on Clint's back you imagine a hawk in the air, seeing its target from at least 1 mile away, diving for it, the hawk turning into an arrow, hitting its target with no problem.

Clint took a shuddering breath, his eyes getting bigger as he focused on the target, pulling back his bowstring and firing.

It takes a moment while the arrow flies through the air and then for Pietro to return with the target to show the others. "BULLSEYES!"

You blinked surprised... Oh my.

It was harder when you had to try and help Nat. You tried again not to focus on anything and let her feel for whatever you enhanced yourself instead, but as her body shivered once you noticed her frown.

"It's hard to explain, but I feel more..." She rolls her shoulder, "... Limber? Like I have gotten a high dexterity boost"

That would be kind of hard to test since she could not go flipping around while you kept a hand on her. Might have to practice for that.

So you moved on to Sam, who seemed to get a full body boost, nothing specific getting super boosted, just overall getting a general boost. He was rather salty about that.

When you went to try with Steve something unexpected happened.

You laid your hand on Steve's chest, doing as you are done with the other when suddenly he screamed in pain and toppled over.

You gasped in shock, quickly jumping back and covering your mouth in horror as Steve was on all fours groaning in pain. "WHAT DID I DO?!" You asked in horror, you didn't want to hurt anyone!

The others rushed over too, half on Steve checking if he was alright, the other half trying to calm you down and saying it was not your fault.

"No no! I'm fine!" Steve tried to say as he got up, still slightly shaking and looking rather sweaty. "I think I know what happened," he says as Thor catches him when he is about to fall again.

"Steve, I'm so sorry!" You cry, still scared you somehow hurt him, "I didn't do anything differently! I was just-"

Steve gets up again with Thor's help and puts a hand on your cheek, saying your name and trying to calm you down. "It's okay! It's okay, look at me!"

Your eyes focused on him, and you stopped freaking out. Too shocked about what you were seeing..... How had he become even MORE buff?!

Bucky was the first to realize what happened. "She enhanced the super soldier serum?" He asked in shock, looking over at you.

Steve nodded, taking deep breaths. "Yeah, for a moment I was back in the machine, same burning feeling." He shook his head in amazement, straightening up and flexing his arms, "I feel like when I got out of it too, stronger somehow."

Nat poked his muscles with an interested look. "It does not seem to be disappearing"

"You should probably not boost him too much then," Bruce said, looking Steve over. "If it does not fade like with the others it might not be fully safe."

That made you panic again. What if your powers were gonna hurt people?!

Wanda and Pietro both tried to soothe you, saying it was not your fault, you just had to learn more about your powers, and it was not something to fear.

You looked at the twins with tears in your eyes, realizing from what you had been told that they too had probably gone through something similar, but without friends to support them.

"We should stop again for today," Bruce said, "get Steve checked up and give the kid some time to calm down." He looked at you with worry like he too understood how having power could freak one out.

You nodded and let Wanda and Pietro take you back to get changed, Wanda not even leaving your side as you both changed into comfy clothing. She really had become like a sister to you and you all went to the couch to watch sitcoms together, Wanda letting you choose which one.


You hear someone call your full name and look up to see a man you don't recognize.

He looks very official, and he got into the compound with no problem, so either he is working with the Avengers, or he is very good at sneaking into places he should not be.

Maybe both.

"I'm Fury," he said seriously, his hands behind his back. "And I heard reports that you seem to have gained some powers'.'

"Well if it isn't the sky pirate," Tony says as he walks into the room too, holding a drink "I was wondering when you show up." You are guessing the nickname has to do with the eyepatch and judging from the sky part Fury probably owned an airship or something like that.

"I would have gotten here sooner if someone had reported to me as they were supposed to," he said, turning toward one of the couches where Nat and Clint were sitting. Both of them just shrugged.

"Oh, are Miss Triple Imposter and Robin Hood suddenly not following orders? Shocker!" Tony says as he walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. "They probably just like the kid more than you, I know I do," he said as he sipped his drink.

Fury just rolls his eye, and walks over to you, holding out a hand for you to shake. "Leader of S.H.I.E.L.D." He introduced himself.

You shake his hand and can't help but tease. "Illegal alien from another world kidnapped against their will," you said with a grin. He laughs at that and gives your hand a pat with his other hand. "You would not be the first," he tells you honestly.

But then his gaze turns serious, as he looks at you with a surprising amount of respect. "So, you accidentally absorbed some power from a very powerful object and now have superpowers," he said in a way that made you think that something like that had happened before.

You nod slowly. "Looks like it," you said seriously, looking at him.

He gives you a grin. "Then I am very happy you are on our side," he says, letting go of your hands, "and I have someone you might wanna meet in the future, for now, see if you can get those powers under control."

You grin and give him a mocking salute. "Ay ay, captain!"

Clint looked up with a sly grin, "I can't hear you!"

Everyone then jumped up, doing a salute. "AY AY, CAPTAIN!"

As the Spongebob theme starts playing over the speakers, Fury gives Tony a death glare. You, Peter, and some of the others just sing along.

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