Chapter 54: It's Finished

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You got to see the others after the dampening spell was put on you. Clint assured you he was okay and the others told you to go home and get some rest.

When you went to the jet to go home Thor and Loki were waiting there. It surprised you a little when it was Loki pulling you into a hug and holding you tight, that was usually a Thor move, but you did not mind as you hugged him again.

You went back with them, not in the mood to chat as you were exhausted from today's event and the dampening spell. You felt yourself falling asleep in the jet, only waking up slightly when you felt Loki's cold arms lift you.

"Sleep my darling," he told you softly, "everything is gonna be okay."

You trusted him and let yourself drift off to sleep.


When you wake up the next morning you are still feeling tired, and you started to wonder if this was how you were supposed to feel without your powers. But it also felt familiar, like you were back in your own world before you found out about superpowers and artifacts and magic.

You heard someone knock on your door and call your name, and you moved over slowly to open the door. "Oh, hey Nat," you said with a warm smile, "what's up?"

Nat looked at you seriously, her face guarded. "I need you to come with me," she said as she started walking right away.

"Oh?" You said surprised, trying to keep up. "Sounds serious, what is going on?" You asked as you walked beside her. "You'll find out when we are there," she simply said.

You frowned confused but just followed her, a bit surprised when she took you to the jet. "Do I need my suit?" You said, looking back over your shoulder. She didn't give you time to grab anything. "No you won't be needing it," she simply said as she guided you into the jet and started taking off right away.

Something was wrong. She had not smiled once, her tone was cold and her gaze guarded. "Is Clint okay?" You whispered, worried that maybe he had been hurt more than he had led on. "Barton is fine," she said, but the fact that she used his last name just made you more worried.

You flew in silence, almost biting your nails from how tense the atmosphere was. Something was wrong, but you didn't know what.

You landed outside a warehouse-looking building and Nat quickly led you inside. "This way," she said seriously, still having you almost run to keep up with her. "Nat what is going on?!" You asked as you looked around. You saw a Stark logo on the building and were just more confused.

She didn't answer, and you just followed her until you got into what looked like a changing room. She handed you some clothing. "Change into that," she said seriously.

You looked at the clothing confused and then recognized them. It was the set that you wore when you got here. You looked up at her shocked. "What is going on?!"

"We are sending you home," she said seriously, gesturing for you to go into the changing room already. But you feel paralyzed. "What?! Why?" You asked, shocked, staring at her in disbelief.

She shakes her head. "Leave your belongings in the box by the door and change into your old clothing, now," she demanded. You hesitated, resulting in her pushing you into the changing room and closing the door behind you.

You were starting to freak out but quickly changed as instructed, and put your phone, keys, bracelet, and everything else on you in the box... Except for the necklace Loki had given you, you hid that one under your shirt.

When you came out of the changing room you noticed Steve was there too, he had a serious expression too, and looked at you with guarded eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked, looking between them with hurt eyes. But Nat just grabbed the box and was checking if your phone and keys were in them, giving Steve a nod.

"Nat please!" You say, looking at her shocked as she puts the box away. "Just talk to me! I thought we were friends!"

Nat looks at you with an empty face, saying your name without emotions. "I am a spy, it is my job to make people trust me... But-" She looks you straight in the eyes- "We are not friends."

You feel your eyes widen as you look at her in disbelief. "We've never been... Now go," she said, looking at you seriously.

You can't make your legs move, and Steve has to grab your arm and give you a pull before you start walking. You feel like you can't feel your legs and have to keep your eyes on your feet to not fall as Steve leads you along the halls.

He stops in front of a door, opening it for you as he looks at you. "Sorry," he said slowly, making a pause and looking away before he continued. "That I led you on." He nodded his head and walked away, leaving you to enter the room yourself.

You see a massive platform inscribed with magical runes and attached to a lot of machines, Tony and Bruce working on them and Peter standing to the side. You walk over looking shocked, before turning to Tony. "You are really sending me away?!" You asked shocked.

Tony nods, pressing some buttons before walking over to another project on a table nearby, it does not seem to be related to the platform at all and you recognize it as the project he has been working on for the past few weeks. "Yes, we are sending you back to your own world."

You shake your head, feeling like someone pulled the carpet from under your feet. "I-I don't understand," you say, looking at Tony with big eyes, "I thought we-"

"There is no we," he said seriously, looking at you like you were damaged goods. "I don't need you anymore," he said, turning back to his project, "I never did, you were a backup in case we could not get the artifact to work, but guess what, we did, so we don't need you as a stand-in anymore."

You look at him as tears form in your eyes. "... What?" You shake your head. "But you said... You said it didn't matter if I had power! That I could stay! You said-"

"No, Dr. Strange said that. I just agreed to host you," he said irritated, not even looking up from his project, "but he is not an official part of our team, he was just here until we got the artifact figured out, meaning he is going back home and so are you."

You staggered back as if he had just slapped you, your eyes stinging like he just had, but it's just from the tears pouring down your cheeks. You turn to look at Peter beside him.

"Peter..." You try, tears still streaming down your cheeks. But he looks at you, tears in his own eyes as he said: "No... Go away!" He turns away from you, hands and voice shaking. "You are just slowing us down," he said, looking like he is hating himself for saying it.

You are feeling completely drained as you just turn to the platform, and walk up to the stairs that will lead you up to them, putting your hand on the railing for support. You turn to look at Bruce still by one of the computers, tears streaming down your cheeks.

He looks up at you, the emotions on his face strong, but you can't read them. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it again as he turns around and just leaves.

You look down, seeing your tears hit your shoes as you ascend the steps and just step onto the platform. "... What about Loki," you ask seriously, looking at Tony again, "and the others!" Your friends! What about them, do they want you gone too?!

Tony walks over to take Bruce's old place and starts up the machine, making the runes on the platform glow. "They all agree with the plan," he said, not even bothering to look at you as he walks back to his project. "Just pretend you never meet us, it will be like waking up from a bad dream."

You wanted to protest more, but you have no energy left. You just watch Tony's back as you get surrounded by light and feel yourself teleport away.

You don't know where you land, and you don't care, you break down and just start crying. You don't care if you got sent back to your old apartment, the orphanage, or even your birth parents' house! You just lost your home.

You barely register when someone puts a hand on your shoulder. Don't see the faces around you as the world suddenly turns black as you lose consciousness. 

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