Chapter 36: Hungover

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When you woke up the next morning you were pleasantly surprised to find that you are not hungover! You had a feeling you had Stella to thank for that!

You got yourself a glass of juice from the mini fridge in your room, getting some fluids in you before taking a cold shower to really wake up. It was nice and refreshing.

When you went out to get dressed your eyes paused on the suit S.H.I.E.L.D had given you and decided to give it a try.

So after making sure your hair was fully dry, you put the suit on. It was surprisingly easy to put on, felt comfortable, and was the right size. You had a feeling Nat and Loki had both helped with the design.

The inside was smooth, not in a way that made it slide around, but in a way that still felt really pleasant. The outside felt a little like sandpaper, the surface was covered in a very thin layer of crystals. When you stepped into the light they gave the whole suit a rainbow-like shimmer, not in a way that was super eye-catching, but still very pretty.

You had to admit, it looked pretty good on you, and gave you a confidence boost, making you feel like a real superhero!

You took the suit off again, putting it back in its box. You wanted to show it off at the next mission and not a moment sooner. You put on a more normal outfit and made your way down to breakfast.

The common area was a mess. Its layout was a lot like the one in the tower, but even bigger as this one was built with a big team in mind. And there were a lot of people hungover.

Tony was laying like a cat on the backrest of one of the couches. You recognized the bottle in his hand and figured he swiped the Asgardian drink bottle when no one was looking and that was why he looked black-out drunk still. But he was breathing and laying with his face sideways, so it should be fine.

Sam and Bucky were both cuddling on the loveseat, and you 100% took a picture of that to use for teasing later. It was also kind of adorable.

Peter somehow was sleeping on a chandelier. He didn't look messed up, he even had a pillow and blanket up there and looked pretty comfortable.

Nat was in the kitchen drinking some weird kind of smoothie that you guessed was to help her hangover, she didn't look too bad, but from your knowledge, Nat could hold her liquor pretty well, so her just having a hangover was rare.

Since you seemed to be the soberest one right now, you decided to make breakfast for the team! "So where is everyone else," you asked in a whisper to Nat as you started gathering the things you needed.

"Wanda and Vision are both in her room." She started out, sipping her smoothie. "I sent a jet to get Pietro, apparently he didn't want the party to stop and went bar hopping." She chuckled at that, and you wondered just how far Pietro had gotten if they needed the jet to go get him. Given his speed, you could guess pretty far.

"The gods are in their rooms, luckily Thor didn't drink too much," she told you with a headshake, and you could imagine if Thor wanted to party, like really party, it would be bad. He could probably throw a party big enough to destroy a small planet if he was left unchecked, or at least a big meteor.

"And I shudder to think what would happen if Loki drank too much," Nat said, shuddering for real and downing the rest of her drink. "Doctor Strange went back home," she said rubbing her forehead, "and Steve is in his room too"

That just left one person. "And Clint?" You asked as you had gathered all you needed for the mega breakfast you were about to make.

Nat gave you a cheeky grin and pointed toward a wall, motioning for you to go over there.

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