Chapter 59: The Avengers

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"We need to find her!" Loki said seriously, looking at Tony and Vision. "There has to be some way to track her. Didn't she have the bracelet with the tracker on?"

Nat shook her head. "We made her take it off, thinking she was going to another world and didn't want it interfering with the machine."

Tony looked to Vision. "We can scan every satellite image and social media, but that is still a gamble," he said seriously and turned to Bruce, "we could also scan for the frequency of her powers right?"

Bruce nodded seriously, feeling rage that surprised him because he had not turned into the Hulk yet. "Yes, we can, but they might be cloaking it like when we were searching for the scepter," he said seriously, looking at Loki and Thor. "What about Heimdale?" Could he not find her?

Thor shook his head. "No, Heimdale had a problem finding the scepter too, if they are cloaking her in the same way, then he won't be able to help."

"There might be another way," Stephen said seriously, opening a portal back to the compound. "Everyone grab what you need, we are expecting a fight, Loki come with me," he said seriously, getting everyone through the portal by simply swiping it over the group.

Everyone ran to get their weapons while Loki followed Stephen through another portal. "What plans do you have, Sorcerer?" He asked, still furious, but decided that stabbing the guy with the rescue plan was not the best idea.

"The hair in your lovelock is hers, yes?" He asked, pulling out some books from his library while gesturing to Loki.

Loki blinked surprised, touching the lock of hair that was braided with yours. "Yes?"

Stephen nodded and pulled out a book, opening a portal back to the compound and the others. "I can use that to make a portal to her location," he said seriously.

Loki understood right away, running with Stephen through the portal and quickly unbraided his hair to get your lock of hair free.

The group was ready, waiting for Stephen to tell them the plan.

Stephen got your hair and started working on the spell. "Okay, as soon as I open the portal everyone needs to be ready for a fight, she will be on the other side," he said seriously, "and she will most likely be surrounded by Hydra agents."

"Those sons of bitches," Clint said as he pulled his bow out, giving it a yank to make it fold out. "They will pay for this."

Nat checked her guns and nodded to herself. She was ready.

Thor summoned Mjølnir to his hand and grinned, ready to beat up whoever was holding you. "Let's go."

Stephen nodded when everyone was ready and used your lock of hair to open the portal to your location.

Loki is the first one through the portal, instantly killing the two nearest agents with precise knife throws as he looks for you. According to the sorcerer you have to be close by.

He can't see you, but after a moment he hears you. The sound sends an icy shiver running through his veins, he has never felt anything give him a shiver and for a moment he is paralyzed. Because your agonizing cries and screams do not even sound human at this point.

The group was ready for a fight, and they all quickly sprang into action, but for just a moment they all froze with horror as they understood what was happening.

You are being electrocuted, forcing you to charge the energy hitting and send it back out.

They are using you as a generator.

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