Chapter 5.

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(An,I don't think I have the order right with this one but oh well.)

Journey POV.
its October and we're at the old Washoe club. I was taken pictures when I was touched. I run to Wyatt he said"what wrong." I said"I just got touched." River said"where." I hide my face in Wyatt's chest. Nik said"Journey did some one slapped that ass." I nod. then I heard River go the way I came from. Nik too. Ryan said"its okay Journey calm down and we will get the show on." I nod. I went back taking pictures and then Nik said"need a rub down sweet thing." I giggle and said"no I'm good thanks Nik." then we start. we have been hearing thumps. we hear a yeah. we're going in the ballroom. the mirror in the ballroom moves. we hear a knock. Ryan saw some one in the hall way. then fully charged camera shuts off. then we heard footsteps. then we heard sound of chair sliding. Ryan has the SLS camera we heard floor creaking. he walk down the hall. we hear a knock. Ryan got some thing on the wall between Nik and Wyatt. then there was footstep creaking behind Ryan. then Ryan saw a mist. Ryan found an dime. on heads and its 2020. we heard a knock. its 12:34 am. then they did evp session. there was laughing and then Ryan replay the evp session. there was footsteps on stairs. then Ryan did another evp and some one said hurt me. then Ryan ask and some one said yeah, kid. then we heard running on the stairs. Ryan got some thing on the SLS camera its beside River. then we heard a cough. River hears a voice. then Nik and Wyatt hear a door open and footsteps after. then we are in the meeting room and some thing is on Ryan's face. Ryan saw a picture move. then Nik feel a slight lift on his bag. then footsteps. Ryan saw a reflection of a face in the window behind River. we are now at base camp just hang out talking. its 1:30 am. we went back in and heard footsteps. Ryan did another evp and some one said here. then some one said they raped me. Ryan got the spirit rods and the 3rd floor music box chimes. then footsteps. the rods are straight to Nik. its 2:30 am. we hear a thump. then knock. thump again. footsteps getting closer. camera shuts off. footsteps. then Ryan got the SLS camera out. got some thing beside River again. the footsteps continue. then footsteps walking away. Ryan got some thing on the SLS camera. and gone. then got two. then there was footsteps in front of Ryan. then we heard footsteps upstairs.  then we heard a loud knock. Nik thought he saw some thing on top of the stairs. we went back to the Base camp. then we went to the 3rd floor. Ryan put a red ball at the top of the stairs to see some one could kick it off. Ryan has the spirit rods and we heard footsteps. then we heard I am. we heard running footsteps. Ryan saw a shadow in the door way. Ryan saw some thing. then the camera falls then River got scratch on the side three of them. but he didn't do any thing wrong none of us did. we saw the camera then we continued. Ryan heard a voice. then footsteps. loud bang. then footsteps. we going in the red room. footsteps. Ryan has the SLS camera. there was a noise in the top corner of the room. Ryan got some thing on the SLS camera. gone then came back and gone again. then some thing else show up on SLS camera. then it was gone. then a door rattled. so we went down in the crypt where there were 73 bodies. the camera that was in the room just fall over. then we heard footsteps upstairs. then we pack up and left.

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