Chapter 12.

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Journey POV.
its May 2022 we're going to the Devi's toy box. but before I was taken a nap when Ryan came and jump on me. I said"why" then here come the other two jumped on Ryan. I said"why me." Wyatt said"because we can. its time to get up." I said"okay and y'all just had to jump on me." River said"yea Ryan and Wyatt wanted to drop you in the pool but I stop them for you." I said"good thing you did I can't swim." Wyatt said"oh that's right sorry Journey." I nod and said"well get off me." they do but then as I was getting up Wyatt pushed me back as he and Ryan ran out of the the room. I said"just wait I'll get them." I look up to see River was there help me up and then I went to get ready for the night. ^.
we get there and its a full moon and I don't know what will happen god keep us safe tonight. branches breaking in the distance. then we get to where we was going and there is more rustling of branches. as we was going in the room we heard footsteps approaching us. Ryan set one of the Rempod in the middle of the pentagram. rempod went off. then we heard more distant footsteps. rempod going off. then Ryan took the Rempod out and put another in the pentagram to see if it would sound the same. rempod going off and River feels some one next to him. rempod went off. then Ryan set up spirit talker then Wyatt hears another voice. then we heard crunching sound. rempod went off. then the spirit talker said come here. rempod went off. then the spirit talker said human. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said drain camera. then we heard sound of rock being thrown. rempod going off. the spirit talker said call. the Rempod in the door way went off. the spirit talker said you see me. then said hiding. then said over. Wyatt went in the pentagram with the k2. the spirit talker said I was sick. then said Amanda. the app said one. then we heard stepping. then the spirit talker said Ill. rempod went off and the spirit talker said badly. then said here. Wyatt heard a hiss outside and the spirit talker said among. then said us. then said burn. they went red light and the spirit talker said leave. rempod going off. spirit talker said some. Ryan lit the Candies. then the Rempod going crazy. then the spirit talker said my head. then said some times. Ryan just heard a voice. then Wyatt was talking about the book he bought with him and the spirit talker said your. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said device. then we heard tapping on the wall. Wyatt was going to read some thing from the book. I think its a bad idea but any way. he did as he did Rempod going off and then the spirit talker said goodbye. then the app said I'm angry. rempod went off. then the spirit talker said tired. then said curse. then said approach. rempod went off in the door way. then we heard footsteps on concrete. Ryan set up the music box. then the spirit talker said cursed. rempod went off in the door way. then the spirit talker said good. music went off then the spirit talker said haunted. k2 going off. then the spirit talker said secret. then said killer. k2 going off. then the app said Blanch. then we heard footsteps breaking branches. music box went off. then the spirit talker said it was me. then it said Kevin. then said Walker. then said Joe. music box went off the spirit talker said your family. then we heard distant screaming. then we went deeper in the woods. then the spirit talker said thanks. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said Hi. then we heard rustling in a Bush. then Rempod going off. then the spirit talker said this was my home. then it said don't tell people. Rempod going off. then there was movement behind River. then the spirit talker said drain camera. then the app said terrifying. Rempod going off. then the spirit talker said the battery. and Wyatt was just saying he only has one bar left. Rempod going off. we hear crunching. Wyatt said later he thinks it was a Bird. Rempod went off. then we pack up and left.

its August 2022. Raelynn is six years old I can't believe it and for her birthday she got to pick the wedding date and of course its Halloween. but its the right date for us. but any way we're at the terrifying devil's hotel. in the middle of the woods again. we are in one of the three rooms that we got number 6. Ryan turn on the Jack in box music box. then we heard soft footsteps. the new music box went off until the Jack pop up. k2 went off. Ryan said some thing about some one was just in the door way and we heard distant tapping. then after Ryan sat a cat ball on both beds he turned on the spirit talker. the cat ball in the main room came on. we heard loud bang then the spirit talker said unlikely. the Jack music box went off. then the spirit talker said choking. then it said mirrors. then said 6. then said argument. Ryan had reset the Jack in box music box and it just pop out again and scared all of us again. then he reset it again. then we heard soft tapping again. then Ryan turn on a music box then the spirit talker said yes I'm here. music box went off. then the spirit talker said don't be fearful. k2 went off. then the spirit talker said I respect you. then it said potentially. then said her. then said Ethel. then the spirit talker said she's here. then the Jack in box music box pop up. then the spirit talker said among. then there was a loud bang. then the spirit talker said 7. then we went in the room and it's the one with the blood on the floor. the spirit talker said see me. then we heard the Jack in box went off. then the spirit talker said cut. then said mine. then said love. then we heard noises coming from the kitchen. then the spirit talker said yes over here. so Ryan set up the flight light in room 7. flight light came on. then off then on and off again. the spirit talker said correct. then said let me rest. then said after. then said threat. music box went off. then there was a loud bang. then the spirit talker said I'm a woman. Ryan was going to reset the Jack in box music box and the cat ball in room 7 just came on. then the spirit talker said camera. music box going off then the spirit talker said can't breath. then said cold. loud bang. then we heard footsteps. then the spirit talker said left. then the guys got on the bed in a circle with the red light on. rempod went crazy. then Ryan was talking about its Wyatt's birthday tomorrow. he be 25. then Rempod going crazy again. then the spirit talker said quiet. then said were here. Rempod went off. then the spirit talker said beside. music box went off then the spirit talker said church. k2 went off. Jack in box music box went off. then River's camera shuts off. then the spirit talker said your respectful. then Jack in box music box pop up. Rempod going off then the spirit talker said flash. River said he felt like a kid jumped over him and Wyatt across the bed to get to the Rempod. then the spirit talker said argument. then we heard footsteps some where. then the spirit talker said I died. then the spirit talker said play. then the app said daughter. then said boy. then Ryan try to move who every wanted to move on. then that was the end of the investigation.

its September 5 2022. we're at the hotel Leger. we was there last week and we're here again. so Ryan is going to be alone in room 7 and River Wyatt and I will be in room 11. we are going to split up for 30 minutes. as Wyatt was putting the Rempod out in the hall way we heard a loud bang in the hall way. we have the spirit talker on and Wyatt has the SLS camera on. spirit talker said we hear you. Wyatt said there some one on The SLS camera. between them. the spirit talker said we hear you. again. then the app said she killed. the SLS camera turn off as Wyatt was telling River how the person was doing. then SLS camera was working again and the person was gone. then the spirit talker said Sarah. then said two ladies here. then said run. then we heard disembodied voice. then the spirit talker said leave. then the Rempod out in the hall went off. then the spirit talker said towards. Wyatt got some one in a chair in the hall way on the SLS camera. then the spirit talker said yes its me. its gone. then they back. then gone. rempod going off the spirit talker said dominant. then we were back in the room with the door close. Wyatt got someone at the bottom of the bed River is on and the spirit talker said mental. then said collapse. then said let's be friends. then the spirit talker said what are the lights. then said go over there. we heard movement. rempod going off. then we heard distant movement. then the spirit talker said her. then we made our way down to the basement. we hear knocking inside the Cellar. Ryan set up two cat balls. then he turned on the music box. then he turned on the spirit talker. we hear distant thump. the spirit talker said sound. we heard metal dink. then the spirit talker said flames. then the spirit talker said we have power. then Ryan lit the Candies. rempod went off then the spirit talker said down. then said dark. then the spirit talker said she scares people. then the app said she coming. rempod going off and k2 went off. then the spirit talker said you hear us. then Ryan set up the evp session and we decided to dig a bit deeper. as they were doing a evp session we heard a metal door opening. we got some one said here. then the spirit talker said she's here. then said sister. then another evp session and it said zozo then the spirit talker said my life was taken. Ryan did another evp session as he was the spirit talker said tell. then the evp said depends. know some thing. then the Rempod went off. then we heard metal door creak. cat ball on then the spirit talker said 5. then Ryan was sitting and the spirit talker said nice to meet you. cat ball went on. then the spirit talker said we were executed. then said I'm listening to you. River left but Ryan went ahead with another evp session. then we heard the Rempod going off. then the spirit talker said understand. music box going off. then the spirit talker said absolutely. music box still going until it stop then Rempod going off. then there was a crunch right next to Ryan. then we went red light as Ryan was going to do the Estes method. the spirit talker said there's 5 of us. so Ryan start. he said dead here. then the spirit talker said see my shadow. Ryan said evil. soon. harm. shes coming. shes here.  then the Rempod went off. Ryan said shiny. lights. shiny. standing here. revenge. killed here. then we saw the thing that is hanging beside Ryan was moving. but we had no choice but to put Ryan back in so he could finish what we started. he said I did that. then the spirit talker said some one coming. then Ryan said the man. then the Rempod went off. Ryan said you know. fear. weakness. can't help. zozo sumon. don't. go. then the spirit talker said a man here. then Rempod going off. cat ball went on. then the spirit talker said hes dangerous. we need power. then we pack after finish the investigation. then we went home and I fell asleep in the car River had to carry me in which he didn't mind I don't think. I mean he loves me I know. I hope things don't change when we're married I don't think I could take it if we did. but any way I hope the next investigation isn't about demon's.

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