Chapter 16.

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Journey POV.
its December 2022. I'm at nine weeks pregnant and yes I'm going ghost hunting with the guys. we are at cabin in the woods. as Ryan was talking we heard a bang. k2 went off. as River was talking we heard creaking. then as Ryan and River was in the room the Creek happen in there was tapping on the window. then we saw a hand print on the window in the kitchen and beside the door. k2 went off. then Ryan set up Rempod. then there was a odd noise. I had feeling the camera in the room was going to lose all the footage. k2 went off. then going crazy. then stop and was loud tap. then there was slow creaking. then Ryan turn on the spirit talker. rempod and k2 went off then the spirit talker said various. there was a knock then thumping. Ryan set the music box in the room. then the spirit talker said safe. knocking. then the spirit talker said taken. k2 went off then music box and Rempod all going off then Spirit talker said home. k2 going crazy. then the spirit talker said scared. music box then there was tapping in the bedroom. then the spirit talker said hand. then said he. music box went off then the spirit talker said rage. music box went off then there was creaking in front. then we heard footsteps. then Ryan open the door to see if any thing was out there then the spirit talker said hell. then Ryan open the door more and ask if some one was out there then there was these running footsteps. Ryan jumped and slam the door close. then the spirit talker said 7. we are in number 7. then thumping. then the spirit talker said necessary. k2 going crazy again. then there was a tap. then the cat ball was on the bed in the front of the cabin. we heard movement. music box went off. there was a loud bang. music box went off. the spirit talker said noise. the spirit talker said you sat. they sit down at the table and the spirit talker said Hey. then there was knocking. then some thing moving. music box went off. then the spirit talker said face. then said idea. then there was knocking. then the spirit talker said Ella. then said south. then Rempod went off. then the spirit talker said hear. then we heard two knocks. music box went off. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said might do. then said underline. then there was creaking. then Ryan going out to check on the camera and he told Wyatt's camera. then he left and they were joking around. then Ryan came back rempod going off and the spirit talker said fire. then there was a jinging noise. then again. as River was showing us what he heard the spirit talker said 7. again. then knock. then the spirit talker said there. then said trouble. then they were at the table lights out. there was a knock. k2 went off twice. then the spirit talker said help. then we heard whistling. then the spirit talker said take him. we hear movement behind Wyatt. then the spirit talker said heard. then said why. we heard some thing sliding. then thump. k2 going off. then the spirit talker said yeah. then said only. then we heard two knocks. then Rivers shirt gets lifted. cat ball going off then Spirit talker said there. there was a knock. then the Rempod that is out side in front of the door was going off. then the spirit talker said foe. then a distant thumping. music box went off then the thumping continues. then Ryan open the door. there was running footsteps again. Ryan closed the door and the Rempod went off now its going off. then the spirit talker said you. then said language. then tapping. then the spirit talker said upon. k2 going off. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said bet. then said information. then Wyatt open the door. as they come back in the spirit talker said safe. rempod going off. then Ryan was going to cabin number 6. as River and Wyatt came back in the spirit talker said Hi. we hear thumping. they were talking and the device said yes. River ask do you know who is outside making the noise and the device said yes. its not a woman outside. Wyatt ask if it was a man and said yes then said no. Wyatt ask if it wasn't human and the spirit talker said one. then the device said yes. twice. Wyatt ask if it was the little boy and the device said yes. the spirit talker said darkness. then said kiss. we laugh a bit because when the two came in they joke about kissing. cat ball on then off. then the spirit talker said trouble. rempod going off. then I fell asleep on the bed in the bedroom. I didn't mean too I was just tired. but I did wake up when they were packing up to help even though I was just wanted to sleep but when I got in the car I fell right back to sleep.

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