Chapter 10.

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Journey POV.
its March 2022. and we are back at the Washoe club. I hope none of us get hurt this time. loud bang. rempod went off. two loud knocks. loud bang. tap on the railing. another loud bang then stepping in the ballroom. loud banging. rempod went off. music box in the ballroom. then we was back at the stairs and the music box going off so we are going back in. distant footsteps. we heard a voice say yes. music box going off. then there was footsteps approaching us. some thing was wrong with River's light on the camera then there was footsteps walking away. rempod went off. Wyatt hears scraping. heavy step towards music box. then music box going crazy. Ryan thought he saw some thing. music box went off then there was footsteps. then there was footsteps approaching. k2 went off. music box went off. then there was louder footsteps approaching us. music box went off then Rempod went off. then Ryan move the music box in the hall. k2 going crazy. Ryan cut off the music box. app said its not just me here. rempod went off. then the app said listen up stairs. then there was stepping above us up stairs. we are going upstairs and k2 going off. the app said I like to come here. as soon we made it upstairs Ryan hears a knock. then the app said keep going. then the app said victim. then the app said threat. then the app said killing. I don't like this it feels just like last time. God please be with us as we are here tonight and here on the second floor. rempod went off. the app said obvious. then we heard footsteps. rempod going off and k2 went off. then the app said Edith. we hear a soft voice. then the app said I'm with my family. k2 went crazy. rempod went off. then a knock. k2 still going crazy and then the app said because. rempod went off. then the app said I've been watching you. then the app said Demon. then the app said civil. rempod went off then there was a knock. then the app said it was me. then there was stepping in the back room. Ryan set up the flight light. then the app said am I really dead. rempod went off. then fast pace stepping in to the room. we heard a voice say I can't. then the app said are watching you. then the app said attractive. then the app said Mandy. then the app said tired. then the app said hall. Ryan set up the flight light on the ground in the hall way. then we heard screaning. flight light off them on. then the app said the ground. then we heard distant footsteps. k2 went crazy again. the app said its not me. then the app said I can use my voice. then a knock and distant footsteps. the app said ahead. then stepping continues. k2 went crazy again. clear footsteps in the hall way. as we was walking around and down a hall way there was footsteps around the corner. then we heard a high pitched scream. then the app said I use to live here. then the app said its not just me. then there was soft shuffling. then the app said don't move. knock. then we made our way down stairs. and the Rempod went off. then the app said over there. then there was a woman laughing. rempod went off. then we heard distant whispers. rempod went off. the app said suicide. then the app said blind. then the app said yes I'm here. then it said my home. Ryan moved a camera to a door way and the camera shut off. we thought we loss the footage but we were able to recover most of the footage as the video will have it. then the app said she screams. then the app said please move back. then we pick up and left. we get home and I fall asleep.

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