Chapter 15.

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Journey POV.
its November and we are going to the terrifying Devi's tree. its Wyatt River Ryan panda and myself. its been a long day River got in to an ant hill and they went up his leg. but any way. let's get the investigation started. so River was talking about when you bring a woman here things get pretty heavy. great that's just great. as Ryan was talking we heard distant running. panda has k2 meter. as the k2 went off a bit we heard distant running again. k2 went off when Ryan said the killer name and then we hear crunching. then the crunching continued. then k2 went off. as Ryan was talking about useing the words on the spirit talker he hears a voice. then the spirit talker said choice. then said device. then we heard distant footsteps. the footsteps continue as Ryan talking about how we feel who ever is watching us. then the spirit talker said any one. then we heard a distant voice. then the spirit talker said insist. k2 went off. then the spirit talker said the forest. then said watch out. as panda talking to hopefully one of the victims we heard distant movement and then it continues. then the spirit talker said emotional. panda said she could cry and as Ryan was telling her we can chill out if she wanted to but she said she was fine then we heard a Branch snapping. then we heard a distant voice. Ryan set a Rempod at the tree. then the spirit talker said anniversary. Rempod going off then the spirit talker said hate. Rempod went off. then the spirit talker said I was conjured. then Rempod went off. the spirit talker said unlikely. then said Holly. then Ryan touch the tree and thats a big no no. Rempod went off. as Ryan got the cat balls out the spirit talker said memories here. then we heard a loud snap. then the spirit talker said were friends. then Wyatt was saying the killer was talking to panda like he did his victims. as Ryan set the cat balls down the spirit talker said passage. then said the grave. then we heard distant slow footsteps. then we heard running towards us and the spirit talker said run now. then the Rempod went off. panda jumped I did too. I was beginning to not want to be here. then the spirit talker said innocent. then said break. cat ball went off. then the spirit talker said hes here. Rempod went off. then the spirit talker said demand. then said Hannah. then said beside. k2 went off tben Rempod going off. then the spirit talker said need time. then we heard distant footsteps. then the footsteps continue. then a loud snap. then the spirit talker said shot. then distant running again. as Ryan was asking the spirit to speak clearly we heard brushes rusting. then the spirit talker said sush. then said evidence. then we listened to the evp and I heard Gerard. afraid. yes. Gerard will get you. is it all over.  then we heard movement. then we did another evp session. as we did we heard footsteps. then the movement continued and the spirit talker said are you frightened. rempod going off. then there was movement behind River. as panda was telling us how she has a chill that won't go away the spirit talker said Satan.
then we listened and I heard Evil. don't you dare. she won't live long. then the spirit talker said obviously. then we heard distant crunching. then Ryan told us to back up. then it was an armadillo. then the spirit talker said Ryan. then we heard movement. then the Rempod going off. then Ryan was joking about panda being bait and the spirit talker said no. then said Ill. then we heard some kind of object being thrown. then the spirit talker said 18. then there was another object thrown. then there was movement. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said else where. as Wyatt was telling us stuff he read there was movement next to us. then we heard distant screaming. Ryan set up the music box. flight light came on then the Rempod went off. flight light off. then on as the spirit talker said lungs panda's chest was hurting. then flight light off. on as the spirit talker said my stomach. then flight light off. as the spirit talker said visitor the flight light on. then off. rempod and flight light on. then the spirit talker said now. flight light off. on. then we heard distant movement. off. on as the spirit talker said killing. then said Wendy. then we was getting our stuff and leaving. as we was almost out panda was talking there was violent movement. then we left.
couple days later I was asleep when I woke up and I had to run to the ballroom. I was sick. I made Wyatt take me to the doctor River was at work I was in the room after the check up Wyatt came in and said"what wrong." I said"I don't know they took my blood and stuff then left." then the doctor came in and said"well Mrs Rees I'm happy to say you are just fine." I said"what then why did I get sick this morning and been tired all the suddenly. its not like I'm pregnant." the doctor smile and said"yes your pregnant." we went home and I took a nap.

River POV.
I just walked in and I was met with a mad Wyatt. I said"what happen now. did Journey kick your ass or some thing." I was in the kitchen when all the suddenly I felt some thing hit the back of my head. I turn around and saw Wyatt I said"what the hell man. what did I do." Wyatt said"I took Journey to the doctor today." I said"what happen is she okay." Wyatt said"other then being pregnant yes Journey is good." I smile and said"wait Journey is pregnant." Wyatt said"why couldn't you keep it in your pants hmm." I laugh and said"Hey man I don't know if you know but your sister is hot." maybe I shouldn't have said that Wyatt thrown the other slmyselfr at me. I was laughing as Wyatt was cussing at me. then I heard"what is going on in here." I look to see Journey. I smile as I went to hug her I said"your brother is trying to hurt your husband." Journey said"well keep it down I'm trying to sleep I didn't get any sleep last night." I follow her to our room and we lay down and I pulled her close and said"every thing will be okay sweetheart. I'm not going any where." I heard Journey said"I love you River." I kiss her forehead and said"I love you Journey." I made sure she was asleep before falling asleep myself.

The Sweet one and The Quiet one.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin