Chapter 19.

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Journey POV.
its June 2023 I'm 33 weeks pregnant I got the pictures from the photo shoot we did.^. I love how they came out. I can't wait to meet our little boy or little girl. we are at the infamous Conjuring house in Harrisville Rhode Island. as we in the can Ryan said okay this looks like a very good entrance for a couple guys like us going to a very famous location. River said look at all the over growth why don't we just get out of the car right now and do an investigation in the woods look how thick that is. Ryan said you know what else is thick the weather the wind's been a little thick today rain yesterday it's been kind of bad oh my gosh. River said there was a leaf I'm sorry. oh my God I hate you I didn't want to hurt the leaf I'm sorry the anxiety is already High River we're gonna become the next generous I mean if you think about it where we're going is literally the epitome of some thing evil happening if what ever is there is really still inside we are headed to probably one of the most Sinister places left on this Earth it's literally so haunted that they made a musical about it is it not a musical you know who Ed and Lorraine Warren are right oh yeah yeah the Warren brothers they're the ones that made like oh dude Warner hold on oh boy oh that is so terrifying I'm so excited oh my God no no skeleton private property they said 6:30 right we can come in yeah excuse me do you know where we can find that demon by the way the guy that's right next to me he's scared of you if that's not scary I don't know what is on top of that he's let's move forward not back wards this is it boys we have finally made our way to The Conjuring house with all that being said I think it is time to learn the history in 1970 the parent family had bought the old Arnold estate in Harrisville Rhode Island what they didn't know is soon horrifying events would take place in that home and change their lives forever in fact one of the daughters from the parent family had remembered years later that the previous owners had warned them to keep the lights on through out the night sadly no one would know what they actually meant until it was too late this is the story of one of the most horrifying hauntings in recorded history The Conjuring one of the best known haunted houses is the infamous Conjuring house in Harrisville Rhode Island what really went on inside this portal disguised as a farm house. I read the report of what one of the Daughters saw I saw him completely solid saw him evaporate into thin there that was our initiation from becoming a normal family to a paranormal family over the years the family would experience every thing from bed shaking door slamming to apparitions walking by eventually almost all of them have been physically harmed by what ever Spirit was inside their house all of these events would eventually cause the mother Carolyn to dig deeper into the history about this house and what she would find was very disturbing witchcraft witchcraft witchcraft witchcraft is altogether more distinctive don't have to go over a hundred years ago a woman named Bathsheba Sherman had once lived on this land rumor has it that one day she was baby sitting a neighboring child when that child was eventually found dead from a needle wound in the back of its head now immediately she was accused to have done it because she was the last one to have seen the child but nothing was ever proven but this is where it gets weirder not long after that her husband would apparently witness her taking their own child's life before immediately pledging her allegiance to the devil and cursing all who would live on her land all I do I feel better after all that information was discovered the parent family had realized that this could be the entity that has been tormenting them ever since they moved into the house this is where Ed and Lorraine Warren come into play back in those days there weren't many people trying to help others experiencing Paranormal Activity so in desperate need the parent family had reached out to any one who would help and the warrants had showed up to their door the very next day story says that the first thing the Warrens did was conduct a seance to find out who exactly these Spirits were inside this house during this failed Seance the parents and warrants had actually found out that Carolyn was possessed by a demon who they thought was actually Bathsheba they had then witnessed Carolyn levitating and thrown from one room to the other right before the rise every night. in that moment Roger parent had kicked the warrants out of the house saying that whatever happened to Carolyn was all their fault the parent family then had taken all the matters into their own hands eventually having to leave the home but luckily the demon that was Haunting them had decided to stay behind with the house when you guys left the farm and you moved on with your lives where did the spirits go are they with you I mean are they there as my mother so aptly put we could leave the farm but the farm will never leave us it is known that there are multiple Spirits inside of this house that our goal here tonight is to head there for our selves to find out if they really are still around. then we sign the paper and they were reading Wyatt and I just sign it we are not liable for any death right away the first thing you read or that comes from this house that's what it says yep why it's just like I'm just gonna sign it time to die that makes me so happy okay guys we real real it's real it's real what's this this place is 100% real you know what I just got some bad news apparently that there's a bent neck Lady oh no she walks around like this and she likes to kiss people that was a real kiss I'm never gonna wash my face again you really what it's not that bad just Wyatt ouch you're right sorry I need another one no yep we're gonna die remember it's the last time you're ever gonna be able to kiss me I will take those odds River doesn't like me what nope he's really trying to get kiss out of me right now. I was just laughing how they are. I was behind Ryan who has the camera. River saw me laughing and kiss me. I smile as we heard Wyatt said"oh come on man." River and I smile then they went back joking around like always.
okay we're here at the conjuring house guys and uh let me just show you my new crib okay I'm walking let me show you we're gonna start walking this is me filming the problem is here and I think it's like Monica who are we let's just be honest the three boys three best friends looking for some dark stuff ah because Wyatt hasn't whatever that was whoa what ninety percent of the time I don't even know what the I mean I'm talking about that was weird uh it almost sounded like some one shot at a Target right over there if I don't get a kiss in the house that had the most significant paranormal event of all time inside of it I'm gonna be sad you guys know what we do put your hands together oh my nose on three to River's broken nose one two three Conjuring House Fan neck lady and she's super cute that didn't that didn't rhyme at all but it doesn't matter because we're here and we're gonna die so it doesn't matter last one forever after this we're gonna be literally dead no more you're gonna say last one in the house all right you guys ready let's get for real so right now we are setting up devices upstairs we have a rempod that is in this window way that splits between two rooms brand new battery in it it started going off a bunch right in the window it's still alive dude it's still alive what we caught it on camera and just making sure the audio is going to be the same okay that's the blue one in the window step away please what is that did it just die I put a new battery in it lasted brand new this has never happened before this is weird it's time to start this investigation we are calling out to the entity that used to torment the families in this home right now we're in the reading room it used to be a bedroom if you can see us to come approach us please we have these devices all around the house right now a couple of them are upstairs in the bedroom if that's where you'd like us to go we'll make our way over there but as for right now we would like you to come into this room and have a conversation with us I have this device here in my hand that will give you the ability to use your words whether it's one word or a whole sentence we are here to gather information on where you came from and why you are here okay I have another new device that they can use their words as well I'm gonna go ahead and run what we usually do and then I'm also going to run this other one you didn't hear that I swear I heard a lady say who like I said I have a device here that you can use your words so I am going to go ahead and place them around this room and we would like to have a conversation with you so if you can please let us know that you are here what the as soon as I turned it on it said investigate oh use your words give us a sign please should I set a rem pod some where maybe in that main room now that's what I said when the device was going off upstairs that's exactly what I said what what said Ed Ed like the warrants no that's how you spell it whoa Ed investigate now Ed Warren whoa hold on oh my God hold on dude look at my arms bro that's trippy that is crazy of all places that we go to this is literally where they came this is where their whole experience started real quick it's been I had enough it had enough no the dad kicked the worms out oh my God so we kicked him out it's been a very long time since the Warrens were here I'm gonna introduce us real quick my name is Wyatt my name is River and my name is Ryan we have come here to investigate and to talk to you more specifically what ever this dark entity that's supposed to be here is that's why we're here any other Spirits though you're more than welcome please come and talk to us I'm going to continue to set this up if at any point in time you'd like to approach Us in this door way or this door way this device right here if you walk up to this metal antenna lights will start to flash and it'll start to buzz letting us know that you are walking by dude what are the odds of that that was really continue to talk to us please can you let us know who's in this house God that was instant what about that blue one upstairs the one that you already made go up can some body give us a sign that they're upstairs foreign we heard you we heard a knock this feels weird man does it not I'm on edge in here that is right upstairs man what can you give us a name what the right away gives us a name that is really weird who's Emma can you maybe explain Who You Are Smith Emma Smith what happened here okay let's just stay what the is going on out there dude it sounds like it's the Annabelle glass oh no it does is there some body right there that was like four leave me alone what the stay leave me alone that's two spirits who just said leave me alone are you the dark spirit that every one talks about correct correct whoa yeah just said leave me alone and I said is this the evil entity the one that wants us to leave do you think it was the evil entity who said Ed's name said investigate then Ed they realized what we are here for like a correlation yeah I mean the evil entity did not like the warrants yeah because of what they were demonologists right all they were trying to do here was perform a seance so that they could talk to this dark energy and try to find out why it's here and why it was taking over that girl's body do you not want to talk with us we're not trying to get rid of you or any thing like that we just want you to show us what you showed the family no she started levitating bro right there she started levitating if the evil entity still here the same one that possessed what manipulate manipulate door way maybe the other door way or right here what the woman got tossed through oh it was into there are you that same evil entity that manipulated that woman made her float and threw her into this other room here don't worry historian whoa what yeah it's super weird that I just read in that book what that evil entity supposedly is a woman from the 16th 1700s that was accused of being a witch right yeah they've never been able to find any proof but how the woman found out about it is she went to the town historian she was obsessed with it so she became like a historian about this place herself it's got to be the same evil entity yeah yes you chose us it's the same evil entity we just want to be face to face with you so we can have a proper conversation that's all we're looking for this is odd man I can't believe what oh boy did you just touch that nope I did not move that thing's got me I'm starting to get a little freaked out boys starting to get a little freaked out by any chance are you standing in this door way next to Wyatt what is the evil entity's name does any body know that information we might have to go up stairs give us a sign if you want us to go up stairs we need energy all of the devices that we brought you can take the energy from those and if you want we'll allow you to use our energy as well you can have permission to do that just don't possess us that's all we don't want to be possessed can you say some thing through that device right in front of Wyatt there's apparently a spirit with a bent neck are you around us contract are you near us right now can you make that device go off again please just give us that sign just so we know thank you possession contract I was gonna say that sounds like a demon turn you know you you sign a contract oh you said that they can take our energy out of our box oh I did that wasn't smart buddy you said it though not me did we just get they just told you that was the contract you just signed permission is that true is that what you want you want to use one of our bodies uh did you hear that floor Creak yeah yeah I felt that directly behind me that's so weird when you were standing in the doorway they said doorway what if they got their eyes on you oh man they said that you look like a tasty snack a little demon treat a little tasty demon do you have your eyes on Wyatt what you just moved I felt the floor was bouncing yes oh no way Wyatt you're oh no that said yes why is that is it because he just gave you permission dude he's standing exactly where that woman pushed through the door oh my God dude my arms are starting to chill can you maybe say his name through this device right here that I'm pointing at I'm gonna if that happens I will die his name is Wyatt where is that happening you that's footsteps one Spirit one spirit only one's watching me is that the evil one some say that it could be the woman they'd call a witch her name was Beth Sheba and supposedly she has a grave down the road that's on consecrated ground but it's also not confirmed whether she was actually buried there or not no rumor has it she's buried some where here on property which is weird because they found Graves with the radar dude what yeah yeah so is that you then Bathsheba how oh some thing's just walking around  how do you feel about them calling you a witch was it true we're not trying to make assumptions here either that's why we're asking dude yeah they're starting to ramp up like crazy oh yes it's me whoa no way the number eight what is that what does that mean the number eight so since it's you what is it that you want with Wyatt and why are you still here what do you have to do with this place is that a joke no no that's not what the it's like some body's trying to get our attention to go some where you ever heard the term knock on wood yeah you know why people say it why back in those times is believed and they saythis energy this evil spirit or whatever comes from the land the term knock on wood comes from people what the we've never had a device say some thing like that that just said dude what the hold on just called that I don't know so that term comes from back when people were pagans they would knock on trees to ask demonic spirits for a favor okay here's my thought it just said the number eight did that not sound like eight knots that's also how when the family was here this is weird man they like she guys did any body just make a noise listen you guys heard that huh yeah yeah no you didn't make any noise don't with me this is weird man they like she guys did any body just make a noise was that the doll whoa I lied to you I lied to you what the happened I think it was the doll dude it came literally from right here I heard it with the left side of my ear like some body had said some thing in my ear it's starting to get really weird are you okay I keep hearing weird from this side I just heard some thing in my ear too can you move location what's going on drink it drink what my camera was literally just passing out did you not just I have it all on camera my literally spazzing out yeah I just filmed you doing it I'm starting to get scared dude just listen I want to know what the voice was I'm serious it sounded like it was the doll yes I'm sure if it came from right here I'm almost positive I have it on audio what the right now did you just talk in my ear did you say some thing it doesn't make any sense man aren't you supposed to see spirits through these yeah it did say scream huh I think you have to use the board got ya you see that though that level of trust I thought I was gonna die I thought that was it that was the end I just accepted it right there give us a sign please so far thank you I don't know if many people think the spirit's here but I want to let you know that we come here with respect like I said we're not here to get rid of this dark energy we just want to have a conversation find out what is going on here did you take a liking to Wyatt here throw him through the doors there's knocking over there okay that kill did you hear that wow we want to make our way upstairs but we're looking for a sign run from what from who it won't leave what the whoa the dark entity you think it was the woman warning us because she was possessed they're going on right now dude some body's walking are you talking to Wyatt You warning him there's an EMF right there right around the corner if you were near Wyatt give us a sign show us that you're near him that device in his hand it'll pick up how energy you have show us please oh did you just what did you just see that oh I heard it how high did it go it went all the way two can we make our way upstairs please would you still be interested in talking to us permission permission she's here no way we gotta make our way up stairs then we just got permission bro from her from the bent neck you think bent neck's a woman bentnet could be the evil spirit and the evil spirit could be Bathsheba we should go completely lights out go upstairs and see what happens I'm only saying this because the devices started going dark dark lights out I need to we need to do this dude all I'm saying is the reason why is because the devices started going off up there first what if there's some thing else up there let's go lights out and go upstairs okay we're making our way upstairs here you had given us permission all we really want is to talk to whoever's up here and if you were with us you know who I'm talking to we just want to know some more answers if you can use your energy show us that you're here please this device right here it's a motion device it detects your movements so all you need to do is walk in front of it like this it'll start to play music we just want to know who was up here nobody's in front of it at all wait move again that whistle what whistle you just step what are you doing here what the the number three the number six what the is going on three six three sixes oh my God what the just happened the number three the number six three sixes I don't know dude that is so crazy what do you mean by that chaser what the is that I don't know I'm going to set this device above these stairs oh good yeah where are you are there any other Spirits here with us right now basement whoa but we just came upstairs no way we plan on making our way down there but right now we are here and we want to talk to whoever is up here whoever set that device off right there in that window the blue one are you still here I want to know why they want us in the basement what they're just two Annabelle dolls shown behind you yeah they're my homies oh guys that's what it did Brave did you hear that huh you're stepping on your side yeah probably angry they're talking about the same thing when you asked if it was still interested in me and why it's in the basement said probably an angry probably as in it's still freaking us and two maybe that's why it went down there who is up here then who's with us right now River what did you hear that no what what the is going on what I heard that woman again no you didn't next to you that was so loud I still can't believe that I Heard a Voice right in my ear it was either a voice or the box that the Annabelle doll is sitting in squeaking can some body let us know who's down in the basement oh what the that was just a tap no way that happens whoa other wise blue eyes me and River do I was just gonna say you guys do I wonder if the family had what color their eyes demon demon what was the last thing I said who is down in the basement he said who's up here then who was up here then a demon is it the one that's been interested in Wyatt why won't you leave this house it's just a question we're not trying to get you to leave both what let go that was a bursts of energy what is it that you want with this house or was some body just trying to warn us that when this demonic entity this energy takes over some body's body they'll never leave do you remember the Warrens they came in here just to try and see if they can get any information from you now we're not trying to upset you in any way we just flew hours to get here just to  meet you three again one of the oldest kids wrote a book right like I was talking about earlier with the knocking it was always three the number three but three knocks is the knock the Trinity right the number three three sixes a secret why won't you leave do you like this place because there's a lot of energy here for you is it easy for you because a lot of people make their way here lots of energy you can feed off of what was that creaking I don't know it's like the door one two three who's the one knocking try to speak bang that's what we heard what was that maybe I should stick that device over there that would just kind of like because that we heard what sounded like a door squeaking oh yeah that came from over there right where I was talking about right now Wyatt is going to stick the other red pod over down that hall way into the other room because we keep hearing what sounds like distant footsteps and we just heard what sounded like a Creek in the door it's just testing we're trying to figure out what is going on this is insane so far lots of people talk about how creepy this place is 100 there's some thing dark as in here man yes yes it's me yes it's me and house I just said this is very creepy so far a lot of the stories like told about this place it's true there's some thing evil in this house this device said yes it's me that device says house foreign way this is weird man this is this is actually weird if you're telling us that there is a demon down in the basement guys is some one shaking the floor no you feel that I do if you're saying that there's a demon down in the basement then what's up here what are you are there multiple demons here multiple evil spirits because there's some body who's really interested in why it seemed like you followed us but then again we don't know the family that used to live here are you still here too any of the family members the kids do you remember this room it just said come play that said come play I was just talking about the children you want me to set out a toy that we can play with here's a toy car where are you that is wild so far man this is the conversation or who ever's speaking to us this is pretty accurate here If there really are any children please don't be afraid of us we'd love to talk to you also who gave us permission to come up here is there a reason why you wanted us twins whoa that device just said twins dude what ironically we're in a room with two beds bro so you see what we are yes we are twins can you maybe say one of our names you heard our names down stairs didn't you what you just pulled my shirt what some thing just did this no I swear on every thing I thought since you were moving you like bumped into me marked Jesus we know you're up here thank you don't be afraid of us though we're not here to scare you if you are a child here we're looking to gather any information you have can you speak into that device right there that's sitting on the two dolls maybe you can tell us about this woman that scares you blonde hair blonde hair maybe you can tell us some thing about this woman she had blonde hair what else guys that was like scraping what yeah right over there I have this device that allows us to hear what your voice actually sounds like what I'd like to do is go set this device in that bedroom that I'm pointing at we want to ask you a couple of questions and in between those questions if you can speak loud and clear into the device so that we can hear what you sound like let's do some EVPs like I said I'm gonna go ahead and set this device down we're going to start asking our questions right now here we go who is up here in this room with us the bent neck Spirit where did you come from are the rumors true about Bathsheba and what really happened here we go EVP number one me but Sheba listen uh where did he come from and what really happened here that was very hard but it was me Bathsheba that that was so clear I could hear all this  way from over here it's like Bathsheba we need you to talk to us we want to know why you are interested in Wyatt also other information so please we're gonna try again why are you interested in Wyatt where did this dark entity come from yeah were you really such a bad person and a witch like every body thought and why won't you leave yep what was that come from where he's really such a bad person in a windy like everybody thought and why won't you leave what the to me it almost sounds like they're saying Bathsheba over and over and over again they said some thing they answered when I asked what do you want with Wyatt but it was like oh it seemed like it was just one word and the time after your question rip was super long I wonder why I don't know some thing had to be talking that was a footstep thank you for letting us hear your voice I'm turning these devices back on we'd like to make our way down to the basement because you told us something about the basement he told us that there's something down there but then again there's some thing you up here we're just trying to make our way around this house just to see if there are any Spirits interested in having a conversation with us that's all we're looking for in that room over there that I'm pointing to there's a device on the ground it detects your motion you set it off once while we are sitting on this bed can you maybe walk in front of that just set it off to where it starts to play a little bit two spirits up here one of you too can you make that music go off please are you trying to figure out that device detecting multiple multiple spirits coincides with the two up here does any of the spirits have enough energy to set that device off in that room good one did I keep hearing a lady some body Set It Off some body already did it but I want to know if you understand what we're saying hmm that was odd man they set that device off it made it go off once like some body passed by real quick and came and talked to us maybe they went down the stairs too true you guys want to make our way then yeah we're gonna make our way down to the basement then it seems like you don't want to talk to us any more okay I guess let's go down to the basement where we were told that there's some thing evil there's got to be so like there's so much evil here dude let's go down the basement one of the spirits told us to come down here is there some body down here what was concrete green what you didn't hear that no is the demon down here the evil entity I don't know that just said I don't no that was slow why are you down here why are you in the basement use your words these two devices on the table is this the same entity we were talking to upstairs is that the ripoff is that no is it the Rempod I don't know I just hear tinging I think that's the Rempod are you here is it the Rempod that's not the ramp up hello hello right now I'm trying to see if my voice is causing that it's a weird the beeping noise it sounded to me like it was the REM pod we came down here some body told us to come down here why did they want us to come down into the basement thank you stop what should we not try and find this entity that we're looking for red hair Wyatt how come none of you have said our names yet if some body's so interested in Wyatt can you just say his name use your energy please talk to us apparently the people that used to live here would have to come down here and quite often the man would have some body touching him are you still here that just said my name dude why haven't you said one of our names yet that is insane oh that's too weird man that is awesome I don't have red hair thank you for saying my name what was that we settled here the family you were just talking about the family that man used to walk down that way he used to feel like there was some body tugging on his arm people say that they think it's one the bent neck to just a woman that just tugs on their arm for some reason and like it's physical only with men only with men well it's a good thing we're only boys touch us seriously though if you want to touch some body feel free maybe River what tell people tell people my story what's your story that's what we've been trying to gather if this is Bathsheba and you're telling us to tell your story you got to give us a sign that you're around us or it might be some body else we don't know so far what we for spirits this is weird it's like they're telling us every time there's a spirit around us and we're in different spots yeah that's weird where are all four of them then so far what I'm trying to gather or so far what I feel like we've gathered bent neck Bathsheba and or I don't know if it's a male presence that's a replied yeah yeah where's the male presence then are they down here because we were told that what was that we were told that there's a woman presence down here and this woman is fascinated with men Bathsheba or here yes yes I'm here it's just it's hard to figure out why you're here though some body told us that what the was that that was like a wall are you near that device fit sit every body sit down okay we're sitting he's trying to be romantic me I don't know where if some body just brings us some spaghetti and meatballs yeah that neck lady she's happy then I would finally get my kiss why are you looking at me what if that started it like when we were talking out front they were right away like I'm gonna kiss that man never know right incorrect dude that sounded weirdest incorrect because I was I was obviously joking by the way we already know you have some weird fascination with Wyatt maybe because he looks like David Spade this is true I got you guys I see your comments that's a different device that's actually weird dude what why what the that's a different device intelligent they are just they're hardcore with us too it's almost like they're teasing us this whole time with doing some thing crazy or spilling the beans and they're just not doing it they're giving us information about you and us they said blue eyes upstairs and they also said twins so obviously you can see us and you know what we're doing why don't you want to give us any answers slides we're not trying to get rid of any body or any thing like that we just want to know the truth fire fire lights fire oh that's cool what are the odds I'm just saying they're like just descriptive you know what I mean like they're just chilling there watching has it dawned on any body else that we're literally in the basement of The Conjuring house talking to some evil entity who wants to take over some body why what dude what we didn't even notice we've gotten two names of two of the daughters from the original family that lived here and experienced all that crazy fancy and Christine oh Nancy and Christine it said Nancy earlier just said Christine Christine clicked in my head I was like wait a minute I've read that that's two of the daughters that were raised here that's crazy dude oh my God can you maybe let us know if the bodies that are buried back there are they just soldiers that fought in the War years ago I'm just curious whoa no oh wait I asked if they could give us information about who's buried back there is it any of you guys or was it just like one of the soldiers during the war crazy that is crazy can you come in here you're on the other side of the wall please come over here thank you for giving us that information I didn't think you knew I don't know if you can answer this one when you pass away and you become a spirit one are you still conscious to where you understand what we're saying and two are you able to have a conversation with another spirit is that possible couch dude imagine that'd be crazy light going on right now that's the only couch in the house too that's where we're gonna do an Estus method after this I was just gonna say that what happened to the dark entity the one that we were talking to earlier before they're waiting for one of us to make a wish and that's all they're looking for a vessel damn dude who do You Want To Be Your Vessel oh this is when it says Wyatt no no no I wish three Spirits dude two Spirits now three spirits oh my God I wish to see this dark entity why are you so interested in taking over some body's body what would you be able to do with that buried over there you did just say you want to see the dark Spirit remember housing she might be buried here why is it that demons possess people that's one of the questions we all want answered some people think that it's just because you want to have fun torment people make their lives horrible is that what it is that a yes and why haven't you done that any more ever since that family was here you haven't done that to any body else yet we even gave you permission you could do it to us why'd you say that what why do you see us tomorrow good morrow what are the soldiers good morrow that's how they talk back then yes good morrow sir bad entity is here Whoa We Know were you a soldier did a soldier just come here did you hear that right before that went off there was one like oh sliding I control this place don't be afraid whoa is this the dark entity it's right above us how did you come about controlling this place how does that work we're even a part of this house forgive me if I'm wrong but Bathsheba I don't think you did live here to our understanding you live nearby but not in this house unless if this is some body else talking to us again give us a sign please the reason why we keep asking you to give us a sign and use these devices and show us that you're here so that we know that you're around us because we can't see you with our own eyes you hear that I do who ever asked us down here told us to go down here we're not sure if you're still around like Ryan was saying we have one more idea that we want to do though one more way hopefully that we might be able to get some answers out of you guys but for that we have to go back upstairs right above us I think the main living room would you like to try that it's a different method where I use a device that Tunes me out away from these two I listen to White Noise and I will give you the ability to use me as your voice enough dude I'm telling you it's like they're just lurking what ever this thing is doesn't want us to figure it out they're like either wait and see what enough wait and see wait and see what we just wanted to try one last thing with you that might give us what we are looking for wait do you see be fearful we keep hanging out here boys that's gonna happen you guys want to try this I just I feel like they're here they're definitely around us I feel like we got great responses when we were upstairs but also I feel like when we say that we're gonna do some thing new they're like all right this is gonna happen just went see man but we came down here got some good stuff it's been a while since we've done an Estus method so I think we should go into the main room I'll sit on the couch blindfold myself and we will do the Estus method let's dig deeper stop me what let me just turn yourself off interest stop me the river wait whoa guys what is going on stop me River this is leave this is dangerous dude we are just talking about digging deeper doing the Estus method dude what is going on we're trying to go upstairs like I said I said we we start talking about like some thing else that we're gonna do and that starts ramping up again why were they so quiet when we were down here I don't know that's odd that's insane probably because we weren't trying like you will die no no free what though bro they really don't want us to do this Estus method no crazy we need to do this Estus method now we can't not do it wait you're all right to die right me I mean it said your name twice tonight out of different devices how did it just turn into me like what the did I do maybe they realized why it's just not the the sniff any more disagree I think a man here horrific okay I got this comparison are they like choosing which one they want oh Roger what the Roger Roger is actually one of the names to this place what yes Roger is a name it is a man's name that's three names from the three that lived here in God tormented yeah that's three we've never gotten anything like that leave me alone true what the are we getting why is this going crazy right now you're saying that's true oh dude if you think about it too they were getting with and thought it was like a normal ghost or what ever right and then they did that Seance called it out and pissed it off move forward my home my home and then she started getting thrown around the room get ready to start swinging boys maybe that's whoa dude maybe that's why I keep saying leave me alone blue eyes again what the f dude what that was three no one two three four we're just trying to do an Estus method in this thing's like no no no don't don't do that why as soon as we got up though like we're heading out it starts to say a bunch we're gonna do it we're gonna go ahead and continue with what we planned we're gonna make our way upstairs and we're gonna try this method whether you like it or not this so if you need to get it out get it out choose whether you want either River or Wyatt let's go do this Estus method now right now we are doing the Estus method I'm blindfolding myself I'm going to be listening to white noise through a Spirit box that's going to give. the spirits the ability to speak through the Spirit Box I'm only going to be able to hear it as the guys are asking questions and I won't be able to hear them at all so this is the Estus method that's Shiva let me take over you what let me take over you I said stop oh literally said stop Bathsheba or that evil entity did you just say let me take over you was that you you here with us huh is there anybody else here with us will you talk to us what did you want with me and River vessel no is that what you can't decide between both warning the device just said warning it was warning us as we were coming up here go get out is there some thing behind you why I just heard a lady laugh no neck okay what happened why is your neck like that hung what is there some thing you know no that just makes sense is that what happened witch I had a bad life I had a bad life oh true which true hold on I had a bad life when you're considered to be a witch you're hung and set on fire are we getting close it's just speculated that you were a witch there's no actual truth to it can you prove it to us I will haunt whoa I wonder if that means like attachment like your buddy I'm coming home with you maybe that's why she's still here too possession she's like pissed off never wants to leave why did you do what you did to that family when they lived here Revenge Revenge what did they do to you will you tell us why you stick around here why do you stay here why haven't you just left home that's home again yeah I have a feeling that's why she's still here she doesn't want to leave correct are you mad that we're in here talking to you do you not want to talk to us supposedly you lifted some one up right in that same spot threw him into that room I want you which one you gotta decide right now that just said any you said which one and it said any I said decide right now that's trippy what the invite me whoa what invite me well you have to get in you'll see wait wait and see oh it said that downstairs trust me non-human it just said non-human demon whoa what the people that this is nuts Bathsheba this is you right this isn't some other evil entity pretending to be that person like it would make a difference you're like oh if it's Bathsheba it's totally okay you know maybe Maybe you're in danger not safe you're in danger not safe is this you right here are you touching Ryan right now and speaking to him choose leave this place bro what on what's gonna happen if we don't leave Voice using him first horse hello yes can you hear us did some body touch the couch no are you serious please don't lie no no we didn't touch couch it moved the couch moved are you serious we didn't touch it we didn't touch it the couch moved you okay I am scared if you didn't touch the couch yeah we didn't we've been standing right here this whole time that's crazy I just asked if some one was around you because I'm getting a hive reading on you and I said are you touching Ryan using your voice through him or what ever this device says voice after it said leave this place but it answered the question that I just asked him that's crazy are you guys swearing do you promise you didn't touch the couch it just said blue hair bro it's just that blue hair bro it just said blue hair it said dark hair blue hair your hair is blue and black holy when did it say dark hair while you were in the Estes we asked which one of us like you gotta choose right now who do you want and it said any yeah it said I can't I don't know if I can do the Estus method any more I'm dead serious I don't like being vulnerable like I really don't like it man I'm not gonna lie that's okay I think we got every thing look at my arms man they're they're I cannot calm them down right now on the Reel we did not touch the couch won't make it dude what is going on bro you just said I think we got any thing we could leave manipulate some thing's going on bro show yourself where the are you I'm sorry I didn't mean to like cut it short all right I had a bad life that's white said that while you're in the Estes too really legit like basically talking uh we asked questions about the witch but right after that said I had a bad life but I mean once you're called a witch back then it was like satanic satanic dude I had a bad life satanic we're talking about her being a witch in the s that she basically confirmed that that was true rumor has it that's why she did that through that device or me both wait what I was saying is confused so what ever you said correlated with this and with our questions so as we spoke we asked the questions you answered some thing this answered some thing and it basically went exactly with the questions that we were asking it was like back and forth also there's a high reading over you whoa wait never mind it's gone there was a high reading this thing has a high reading a meter and you can't see it but every time I put it over him it just said Ouija Ryan whoa should we call it I'm feeling weird man I don't know if the Estus method was a good idea it literally kept saying it was a bad idea you know it's trippy too right when you first started the Estus method down stairs it was like stop me don't it basically said don't do that dude first two things that came out some one said stop and then the device said he left and then the evil thing started talking to us you think a guy was trying to warn us yeah maybe a soldier could be Ed Warren or oh I wonder if the dad from the family is still alive because it said his name too right because he was totally against this he was so upset on what was he kicked him out we might have to make a return that was wild bro like all of our stuff is dying everything is dying right now I'm pretty sure that one might be close upstairs might be dead guys we might have to make a return we've been here for so long and gotten such good evidence which is amazing I just want to 0say to any of the spirits here thank you thank you for talking to us thank you for giving us the information that you have given us and I want to let the evil entity know you cannot follow any of us you cannot attach yourself to any of us we did not give you any permission to. then they cut off the camera and we get our stuff and left. we went to taco bell because why not. Wyatt said"Journey are you okay." I nod as I continue eating my nacho fries with nacho cheese and Baja. River said"how baby doing." I smile and said"baby doing good kicking me again." River smile as he lay his hand on my stomach and the baby stops kicking. we chat until we get done with our food then we went home. I fell asleep in the car.

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