Kim's Wish (Part 1)

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Hey, what's up guys! Just letting you know that this is the same story and profile from fanfiction and am now uploading it on here. Finally on Wattpad, yay! So, hope you all enjoy! :) Will try to get the others uploaded as soon as possible.

I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Takes place after Hocus Pocus episode.

Chapter 1: Kim's Wish (part 1)


The full moon was shining bright tonight with its powerful, magical glow. It seemed to feel stronger than ever, although it does not seem to be affecting a few certain mermaids; not tonight at least. They do not even seem to be bothered by it at all, as they were carrying on with their normal daily lives. Well, as normal as a life for a mermaid can be that is. They were all at their own homes being careful not to look at the moon's beauty. Rikki was most likely locked up in her room jamming out to music and Emma doing school assignments as usual.

But for Cleo, she was soaking in the bath in her mermaid form, flicking her tail up and down, holding a very familiar item in her hand. An item that could change their magical lives forever. This item almost exposed themselves to the world, and almost destroyed the Juicenet Café, but she still decided to keep some of it hidden. This item is a potion. The potion that can give mermaids the power to grant wishes.

She could not help but keep this magical object. She has been granting wishes to everyone she loves dear to her: dad, Kim, Lewis, but she has been unable to make one for herself. The one thing that she wishes for the most is for her mother back, for her family to be whole again. So, after she got the call from Lewis to save the rest of the potion for their 'little situation,' she decided to hide some for later. That is where she lays now, in the bath, holding the potion, deciding on whether she should use the potion already. Her heart says one thing, but her mind tells her otherwise.

After staring at it for so long, she evidently decides to open the lid up to the jar that holds her dreams inside. Cleo places the lid down on the edge of the tub and sticks her hand inside the jar, sweeping the last of the potion into her hands. She puts the jar down, rubbing the tiny amount of the leftover potion onto her cheek. She did it. There is no going back now. No longer will she second guess her choice, no longer will she hesitate.

Finally, after taking a long, deep breath, she begins her wish. "I wish -" but is unable to finish her sentence due to the loud banging noise coming from an extremely annoying sister on the other side of the door. "Cleo!" Kim yelled, "What's taking you so long?" Kim never understood, she never knew why it always takes her sister forever in their shared bathroom, because she does not know her sister's secret. She does not know why Cleo must hide her second life; she would never understand. After all, she did almost expose her once before because she thought she was a 'freak' who was not human. Although Cleo is not exactly human anymore, does not mean she should not be treated like one.

"Go away, Kim! It's none of your concern," comes the echoing reply through the door. "But you always take so long! You are not the only one who uses the bath and I never take as long as you do. What's going on?" Cleo was getting sick and tired of Kim always trying to get into her business. Even though she might be her little sister, it does not mean that she needs to know every little detail of her life. "Just leave me alone Kim! It won't matter for long anyways, I'll be out soon" Cleo argues back, trying to make her sister go away so she could finish her wish. But Kim was not going to back down that easily. She was getting so fed up with her sister, always hiding either in her room or bathroom for long periods, or always hanging out with her friends, leaving her behind to do all the chores such as the dishes or the laundry. She is never around anymore.

Just as Kim was about to march down the stairs to complain to her dad, she decides to take matters into her own hand and finally confess her thoughts to the person inside the bathroom. "I am so sick of this! I am sick of you always hiding or sharing secrets with your friends. I am tired of having to do all your chores. You never try to do anything around here anymore, you are always either out with friends or locking yourself away. And your fear of water has gotten even worse!", on the verge of tears she continues "What happened to you? I...I just want my sister back. I don't have anyone else to talk to ever since mom left. So please, Cleo, tell me, what is going on?" The words hurt Cleo to hear and her anger disappeared. Never in her life has she heard her sister speak so caring and sadly to her. Kim must have been building up those emotions for a while now, probably after her mother left. She was so lost in thought of the strong emotions she just heard that she did not think about how her sister would feel from not hearing a reply.

After no words were returned to her, the tears began to flow, no longer able to hold them back. She was fed up with the secrets and lies, she was fed up with not being close to her anymore. Sure, they always argued, but it has increased greatly these past few months. No longer caring anymore, she releases all her anger out, throwing her fist into the air and onto the door with one final bang. "Nothing? Is that it? You refuse to say anything? You're just going to continue with the secrets?!" Cleo tries to give her an explanation. "No, Kim, that's not it, I -" but she could not reply fast enough as she was interrupted by an angry Kim with one final thought. Closing her eyes and leaning her head against the door, she releases what she has been trying to say for such a long time. "I WISH WE KNEW THE TRUTH!"

Those words. Those final words. It is all it took for Cleo to realize the situation she just got stuck in, of what she caused. Because she never got to say her wish, the potion was on her cheek. Or it used to be. Time seemed to feel like it was slowing down now. The potion on her cheek soon vanished, sparkling away. She knew that sensation all too well as she flung her hand onto her cheek. It was gone. She knew what was about to happen next. Her secret was going to be exposed. She did not know how it was going to happen, but either way, it was not going to be a happy moment. She tried to stop it, but there was nothing she could do, so in that final moment all she could do was to lunge forward in the bath, her hand reaching for the door and scream "KIM NO!" But it was too late. As soon as the words left her mouth, a bright blue light shines in from the window of the bathroom, their home, the hallway that Kim was angrily standing in. Cleo looks at the mirror shocked, as she could see the reflection of the window where the blue light was coming from. Although the blue light is not what shocks her, it was where the light was coming from. This glowing blue light was coming from the full moon. She could not react or scream or anything. Because time seems to have sped up then as the blue light overtook the entire bathroom, engulfing everyone within the household, flooding their vision.

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