To Forgive or Forget

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 44: To Forgive or Forget


With everyone now out of the room, the girls were able to discuss some necessary things with Mrs. Chatham as Emma tells her everything to her about the night before with the jelly incident. "Mrs. Chatham, when you were a mermaid, have you ever had something happen to your powers that seem like yours, but it felt like it wasn't at the same time?" Emma tries her best to explain, deciding to ease it onto her slowly. Mrs. Chatham raises an eyebrow at her, unsure of what she meant. "I beg your pardon?"

"What Emma is trying to say is last night, while we were in our room, something strange happened. We were just hanging around-." Cleo ignores the noise Rikki made, looking back at the doors to make sure no one comes back into the theater room. "That's one way to put it."Cleo continued while slightly glaring at the blonde who was trying to hold in a laugh. "Anyway, while we were talking, my cup of water suddenly turned into some sort of jelly."

Mrs. Chatham raises her eyebrows in surprise, though bites back a smile as she knew the only place it could've come from. Bella. Rikki rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair while the other two girls were focused on Mrs. Chatham. She knew where the jelly came from, but she couldn't tell them that. She could tell Mrs. Chatham since she knows what Bella is, but telling her in front of them? Not gonna happen. Rikki tunes back into the conversation when she hears Mrs. Chatham beginning to chuckle.

"Well, I've had several problems with my powers before whilst trying to control it, but certainly nothing like that. As you know, I had the same power as Emma's. I might've not been mermaids as long as you girls have, but I do have the experience. And I can certainly say that jelly is not a part of it."

Emma sighed in relief, though it still doesn't answer the question of where it came from, at least she knows she was right all along. "But, what about the jelly? Could it have come from her new powers?" Cleo asked, egging on the subject. Now Mrs. Chatham was even more confused as to what she was talking about. "New powers?"

"Oh, right. We haven't caught up in a bit, have we?" Cleo grimaced as she glanced over at the other two.

So as the talking continued, Cleo tells Mrs. Chatham everything about what happened on the night of their last full moon (excluding the details of the attack on Lewis) and all about their new weather powers: wind, lightning, snow, storms.

"I think it could be a part of Emma's new power, since it's similar and we still don't know everything about them," Cleo finishes up. Emma rolls her eyes. "I'm telling you, it wasn't me." "We've heard," Rikki muttered. Cleo sighs and looks at the older lady. "What do you think, Mrs. Chatham?"

"I, I don't think it is Emma's power. To be honest, I'm not sure where it came from," Mrs. Chatham said, looking downcast. "I didn't even know about other powers out there until now. We lost our powers the night Gracie had – had –." Mrs. Chatham cuts herself short, unable to finish the sentence as she shook the thought away. "You girls know as much about them as I do."

Of course, it had to be Bella. Where else would it come from? But the girls didn't need to know that, not now. She hated lying to the girls, but she needed to protect Bella. Bella needed her. She knew that when the time was right Bella would be honest with them herself and reveal her secret. So, she needed to keep up the act, for the girl who had to do it all alone. For the girl who needs to learn to accept others' help.

Shouldn't be too hard though; they believed her when she told them to give up their powers the night of the full moon with Doctor Denman. What's so different about it now?

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