Sink or Swim (Part 2)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 27: Sink or Swim (part 2)


[Byron stood waiting by the pool when Rikki walks up to him. He turns to her and smiles.]

Byron: "Hey Rikki! Where's Emma?"

"He still expected you to train him after he just insulted you? Unbelievable!" Bella scoffed, crossing her arms. "What an idiot," Zane said, shaking his head.

"Does he have memory loss or something or is he just that dumb," Kim commented, causing Rikki to smirk. "Lay off him guys," Emma said, chuckling to herself, though she was surprised that Rikki was there. What did she want?

Rikki: "I don't appreciate you calling my friend names. Emma may seem tough but she's easily hurt."

"You confronted him?" Emma asked in surprise, a blush rising into her cheeks. "You didn't tell me that part!" "Whoops, must've slipped," Rikki said, rubbing her neck while laughing lightly.

"And once again you used her own words too," Lewis pointed out. "Shut up," Rikki said, rolling her eyes.

Byron: tilts his head in confusion, glancing down. "I was just telling her –."

"That she was being too hard on you? That you were too lazy to accomplish your goal? That she was a 'heavy training dragon?'" Kim mocked, using air quotes on the last sentence. Everyone nods in agreement, except for Emma who just sighed. He's still a good friend. They shouldn't worry about it. he already apologized! Several times!

Rikki: "Don't you realize she cares about you?"

Byron: a small smile forms. "Really? Sh-she cares?" Rikki's eyes widen as she realizes her mistake.

"Oooh, letting secrets slip, aren't ya Rikki?" Lewis teased as Emma's face pales. "You're about as bad as Byron," Kim joked.

"You told him that?!" Emma yelled, slapping her hands on the top of her head in shock. "Sorry?" Rikki sheepishly replied. "You just basically told him that I liked him!" Emma said, waving to the screen. "Well think of it like this! You needed the push anyways," Rikki shrugged, running out of excuses. "Ugh!" Emma groaned, hiding her face in her knees as she brought them up closer to her.

Byron: "How much?"

Rikki: "I didn't say really likes you, she just cares about you."

"No, but you definitely meant it that way," Cleo smiled, making Emma groan in frustration even more. "Sorry, Em. But it needed to be done," Rikki said, patting Emma's back in moral support.

Byron: "I care about Emma too. I really care. And I would never do anything to hurt her on purpose."

The room goes quiet as they process what Byron just said. He likes her too. Maybe they shouldn't be too harsh on him. Maybe they judged too quickly. Okay so he wasn't much on the bright side, but he was still a good person.

A squeal erupts from Cleo as she jumps up and down in her seat with excitement and hugs Emma tightly, who was still in her cocoon form. Fortunately, she heard his statement and slowly got up from her little shell and looks at the screen with a hopeful smile, which slowly began to form. Which remains mutual as she reminds herself that they were still just friends.

Lisa looks at the screen happily, when she hears Neil scowl next to her and hits him on the arm to get him to stop. "Hush. This might be good for her," Lisa whispered to him. He just sat there silently, thinking it over as he stayed slouched over, leaning against his hand.

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