Surprise! (Part 1)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 34: Surprise! (part 1)


[Early one morning, Cleo wakes up and turns over in bed, facing the ceiling when she heard someone knock on her door. She glances at it, her arms crossed over the blankets.]

Mrs. Sertori: knocking on the other side of the door. "Cleo, you're late for school. Up you get."

"You didn't set your alarm?" Emma asked. "I guess I forgot that time," she shrugged.

[Cleo gets up and sits on the edge of the bed, still a little tired. She looks over to where her calendar is on the wall and stands up, begrudgingly walking over to it. She grabs her marker and marks out the day. Next to the big x she marked, was a black colored-in box for tomorrow. She huffs and walks into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.]

"Uh-oh," Don murmured.

"Oh yeah, that day," Lewis winced. "What day is that?" Sam asked. "It's my birthday," Cleo answered, looking down. "Oh, well happy late birthday then!" Ash smiled. "Thanks," Cleo smiled half-heartedly, still looking at the floor. "You don't look happy for someone who has a birthday soon," Harrison remarked. "I, uh, didn't see it as something to be excited about," Cleo muttered a reply. She does love her birthday's now, but the past ones still weren't her favorites; they were the ones she wishes she could forget, the embarrassment from it was awful.


[Down below, in the kitchen, the rest of the Sertori family gets breakfast ready. Don pours a glass of orange juice while quietly talking to Kim, who was next to him, about the plans for Cleo's birthday. Bev was behind them listening in.]

Don: "I was thinking strawberry."

"Oh, are you talking about a strawberry cake? Those are my favorite," Annette commented, perking up at hearing the delicious fruit. Getting over her little funk about her mother. Charlotte was still moping next to her. "Yeah, they were. It's my favorite too," Cleo said, a little bit better.

Kim: "In the shape of a butterfly?"

"How old are you?" Max asked. "Sixteen."

"Isn't a butterfly-shaped cake a little too, immature for a sixteen-year-old?" Zane frowned. "The butterfly shape isn't too bad. It's quite normal," Emma answered. "As long as it tastes good," Rikki said. "I think it's sweet," Sam smiled. Yeah, a little too sweet, Cleo sighed.

Don: walks away from the bar and back towards the fridge. "Nice call. I'll give them a call and find out-" He sees Cleo enter into the kitchen in her robe and speaks normally again. "What time at high tide is."

"Smooth," Ash chuckled.

[Cleo walks past him. Don puts the orange juice up and looks at her, closing the door. Cleo stops and turns to him.]

Don: "Is that the sun coming up for a second time? Huh, no it's my darling daughter."

Cleo: frowns. "What's going on?"

"You should know. He does this every year," Kim told her. And every year I ask him not to, Cleo thought. With that and the parties, it's just so embarrassing.

Don: "What, a father can't admire his daughter?"

"On some days yes. But when it's close to her birthday, it makes it even more suspicious," Neil stated.

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