Kim's Wish (Part 2)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 2: Kim's Wish (part 2)


There was so much noise going on after the blue light faded. So many voices, that she knew should not be there right now. Some of them she has not heard for an awfully long time.

She should have been at home right now, in the bath, with Kim bugging her as always, while her dad watches tv downstairs. But that was not the case for Cleo. As soon as her eyes opened, she knew immediately that she was going to have a lot of explaining to do to a few friends of hers, who were currently staring down at her.

"Cleo, why are you on the floor?" Emma asks questioningly. "I – I was in the bath," Cleo stammered out, "when Kim, made a –" but stopped explaining quickly after realizing how many people were around the group of friends. Her family was there, including her mom; but Emma's family, Lewis, and Rikki's dad were here too, wherever here is. There were also some people she has not seen or spoken to in a long time: Mrs. Chatham, Zane, and his father, and Dr. Denman. It was terrifying to see her there, so close to her family, but also close to her friends, thinking that she might be up to some of her devious plans again. Cleo looks around a little more, only to discover Charlotte with her mother, along with a few new faces as well that she has never seen before.

Slowly, Cleo gets up from her place on the ground and takes in her surroundings. Everyone was in a humungous theater room, with chairs taking up most of the middle area to her left. To her right was a giant screen on the wall. Behind her were two doors: one labeled 'DORMS' and the other labeled 'BUFFET'.

She was standing next to the first row of seats with Emma and Rikki looking at her with worried looks in their eyes. Everyone in the room begins chatting fearfully about what was going on in their own little groups, while the group of mermaids huddles closer together.

"What happened? Why are we here?" Emma crosses her arms, narrowing her eyes at Rikki, and starts berating her. "Rikki, what did you do?" "I didn't do anything! Why do you think it was me?" Rikki spats out angrily. "You're always getting into trouble!" Emma retorts. Rikki whips her head back and sighs "It could've been you. Maybe you were moon-spelled! I'm not the only one who makes mis –"

"Calm down. It wasn't Rikki, and it wasn't Emma" Cleo explains to them. "It was," She looks at the floor nervously, before she whispers the last part so quietly, they could barely hear what she says. "me." Tears form in her eyes, on the verge of being released. Cupping a hand over her mouth, she slowly explains to them what happened. "It was my fault. I tried to make a wish, but before I could, Kim interrupted me, and I accidentally granted it."

Shocked, the two girls try to ask more questions, but Lewis joins the group in a hurry. "Guys! What is going on?! People are freaking out, thinking they've been kidnapped or something!" "Well, technically they have," Rikki sarcastically replies. Rolling his eyes, he argues back. "Now is not the time Rikki! We need to figure out how this happened and hope we can get out of here somehow."

"Actually Lewis, Cleo was just explaining to us how this happened. Apparently, this has something to do with a wish Kim made." Eyes wide with shock, Lewis lowers his voice angrily. "What?! Cleo! How is that possible? You said that was the last of the potion at the Juicenet! I told you not to use any more of it!" Cleo chokes back on her own words, throwing her hands down to her sides, as the tears begin to flow down her face. "I know, and I am so sorry Lewis. I shouldn't have lied to you. But you, dad, and Kim got to make a wish, so why couldn't I make one too? I just wanted a little bit to myself, so I could make a wish of my own. I was so selfish." She wipes away the tears in her eyes and continues. "I was going to wish for mom back. For my family to be whole again like it used to be."

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