Catch of the Day (Part 1)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 8: Catch of the Day (part 1)


[It's nighttime at the Sertori household, where most of the family, besides Cleo, are watching sharks on the television. Don and Kim are sitting on the couch, the former with his feet propped on top of the table, while Bev scrubs a dish next to them.]

Don: points with the remote towards the television. "Nasty. You don't want to mess with one of those."

"Who would want to?" Neil questions, Lisa shuttering at the sight of them. Charlotte feels nervous, thinking that sharks are worse than the dolphins.

Kim: "Have you ever seen a great white, dad?"

Don: "Only once. Took half my catch for the day and shredded my net." He nods. "You don't mess with them. They'll rip you to bits. Tiny bits." Holding his hand out, he shows her how small of bits he is talking about. "Little, teeny weeny bits."

"Were you trying to scare her?" Bev asks, looking over to him with a stern look. Don looks her way and replies awkwardly, still not used to her being around them again. "No." "I wasn't scared!" Kim yells.

"Really?" Zane asks, a little impressed. "Yep. That was a long time ago though." He laughs as another thought pops into his head, forgetting about the previous interaction. "You know it's strange how one showed up at the coast the next day." The girls giggle softly to themselves, not soft enough, however, after Don hears them. "What's so funny?" This causes them to laugh even more, confusing the parent as he shrugs, ignoring their antics.

Cleo: walks in from the kitchen, standing beside the couch, rag in hand. "Kim. Kim." Kim looks at her. Cleo tilts her head toward the kitchen, signaling for them to talk. Kim gets up and follows Cleo, where she points the rag at the sink. "Uh, dishes."

Kim: "Ten dollars."

Cleo: puts her hand on her hip. "What? You only charged five to do them yesterday."

"That's a little pricey," Ash says, surprised by the amount. "Extra work, extra cash," Kim says, folding her arms over her chest, smiling at her negotiation skills.

Kim: "You want me to keep on doing your chores? Well, my price has gone up." Cleo crosses her arms. "Besides, I want to watch TV. Ten dollars." She smirks.

"Ok, good point," Ash shrugs. "Still high though," Cleo mutters.

Cleo: shakes head. "No way."

Kim: "What's up with you, anyway? I know you're scared of water, but this is ridiculous."

Cleo: feeling stressed, she gives in. "Fine. Ten. Pay you later." She shoves the rag into Kim's hand and walks back into the living room and stands next to Don.

"Sorry about that Cleo, I shouldn't have kept pushing," Kim says, wincing at her sister's reaction. Cleo doesn't respond, shocked by her apology, only nodding to let her know she is forgiven.

Don: "Cleo. Check this out." He smiles, still watching the television. "This is the best part. Feeding frenzy." TV shows a swarm of sharks tearing apart their food.

Cleo: disgusted by what she is seeing. "How can you even watch this stuff?" Looking at him, she walks away. Don and Bev watch her walk off, clueless by what just happened. Bev stops scrubbing and looks at him.

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