The Big Chill (Part 2)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 37: The Big Chill (part 2)


[A few minutes later, Cleo is deep down in the middle of the sea, on her way to Mako Island to find her friend. She speeds through the water as fast as she can to the underwater cave, since it depended on someone's life.]

"Ah, I know it's something we should be used to by now, but I still think it's pretty cool that you guys can do that. To be able to swim underwater like that and all. It's something we haven't seen in a while," Will said, practically starstruck.

"And you didn't listen to a single word Emma said," Zane chuckled. "Oh I did. I just chose to ignore it," Cleo smiled smugly as Emma rolled her eyes playfully.

[Cleo enters through the underwater cave and pops up into the moonpool. She turns her head and finds Rikki leaning against the edge of the pool playing with tiny rocks that were scattered around the rocky ledge. Rikki turns to her at the sound of her entrance.]

Cleo: paddles towards her. "I knew you'd be here. You always come here when you want to be alone."

"Don't you think she wants to be alone now?" Kim asked, stating the obvious. "Yes, but we needed her help, no matter what Emma says," Cleo admitted.

"You know me so well," Rikki joked.

Rikki: continues playing with the rocks again as Cleo grabs onto the ledge and pulls herself up, her elbows leaning over the side. "Right. So that would be why you're ruining the moment."

"I think that's a hint," Terry chuckled, knowing when his daughter felt like talking and when she doesn't. He did feel a little bad that Rikki had been upset, but Rikki was always tough. She hid her emotions well most of the time. But he could always read her like a book; unless she was hiding a huge secret like if she were a mermaid with powers or something. "And I chose to ignore that just like Emma's pleads," Cleo smiled.

Cleo: "Rikki, we really need your help."

Rikki: looking at the rocks, speaks quietly. "For what?"

Cleo: "Emma's in trouble."

Rikki: "Emma's a big girl. She can get herself out of trouble."

"But you didn't even know what it was about," Charlotte claimed. "Doesn't matter. One, I was mad. And two, Emma usually knows how to handle herself. She knows how to keep out of trouble, unless, you know, she gets moon-spelled. She's the responsible one," Rikki explained.

"You should help each other out, no matter the situation. Even if she could manage it herself, she would always need her friend's support," Mrs. Chatham added.

"But she really does need your help this time," Bella pointed out. "As much as I hate to say it, they're right," Emma reluctantly admitted. "Wow, that makes what, three now?" Rikki gently teased, earning a nudge to the arm.

Cleo: "Rikki, this is serious. Come on." Nods her head towards the exit.

Rikki: looks up and sighs. "What kind of trouble could Miss Organized Emma possibly have gotten herself into?" Cleo gives her a slanted look.

"Oh you have no idea," Elliot laughed. Lisa covers his mouth with her hand, shushing him.

"A whole loads of trouble," Emma muttered.

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