Fish Out of Water (Part 2)

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I do now own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 54: Fish Out of Water (part 2)


[Rikki sat on the grassy beach with her knees brought to her chest, still feeling down about the fight from a few days ago. Her gaze stayed focused on the waves, deep in her thoughts, her face in her hands. Suddenly she feels a presence behind her. She turns around to find Zane crouched down next to her holding a red wrapped gift box.]

Terry couldn't help but feel guilty. He now realized that was during the exact same time she wouldn't talk to anyone for a few days, including him. It must've been right after their fight. She normally did that when something was really bothering her. He just didn't know what.

Zane: smiles at her. "Happy birthday."

"I might forget it sometimes but I'm pretty sure it wasn't her birthday," Terry said in confusion, but nonetheless he laughed as he was a little happy that it seemed to have distracted Rikki from her wandering thoughts. "Yeah, it wasn't. We would've known," Emma frowned as she waved to both her and Cleo. "I know, but I knew she was thinking about something so I figured it would cheer her up. And it worked," Zane grinned as he gestured to the screen.

Rikki: frowns in confusion as she looks at him and takes the gift. "It's not my birthday."

Zane: shakes his head and tries not to laugh. "Don't argue. It's a present."

"Agreed. Never question why someone gives you a gift. You just take it," Kim said eagerly, excited to see what he got her. "I think she gets that from you," Don snorted, forgetting about his anger at Bev for a moment.

[Zane sits down next to her and watches her open the gift box. Rikki looks at the now opened box in astonishment, gawking at her present. She reaches into the box and pulls out a dress, the exact same dress that they previously saw in the window of the store the other day.]

"No way. You got her the dress?" Bella gawked. "That's the same dress that she liked earlier!" Charlotte gasped in realization. "It's beautiful," Lisa admired.

"You remembered the dress she wanted and gave it to her? That is the sweetest thing ever," Bev gushed, wiping a stray tear from her eye.

"You really know how to treat a girl," Will joked, but was happy for the two.

"That's my boy," Harrison smiled in approval. He didn't really care how much money Zane had spent on that dress. If it made her happy, then he made the right decision.

"Okay, he's upped the approval rating some more. The boy has charm," Terry nodded with a small smile. He made Rikki so happy. That was what mattered the most.

Rikki: "You bought the dress." Gasp in delight and holds it against herself. "Are you crazy?"

"Crazy in love," Cleo joked around, earning an elbow from Rikki.

Zane: "Do you still want it?"

"No, she wanted to throw it away the moment she saw it. Did you not see her reaction?!" Kim sarcastically said, rolling her eyes. "Wouldn't be surprised if she did," Lewis tilted his head.

Rikki: still staring at the dress. "Of course I want it. I love it." Looks up at Zane and finally sets the dress back down. She smiles up at Zane and hugs him, never letting the smile slip away. Rikki lets go and continues to admire her new dress.

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